The only counter for Doomfist, is a full team against him

Do not go high ground if it means not being with your team. Its easy for doom to basically fly to highground if he knows his roll outs.

I find this funny coming from someone with a Tracer profile pic.

I’m a Tracer main btw.

I just had to comment on the irony.

Not a counter. Shield regeneration prevents hook combo from killing and he can evade back to his team easily after an upper cut (which gives him more health).

So basically play completely in the backline with a weak little gun, hide, and do nothing to farm ult charge off of the enemy team?

It’s not my job to deal with him, I gotta be able to secure support kills so my team has the bigger chance

Doomfist also beat the sun in a staring contest.

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Doomfist can destroy a Roadhog as Roadhog’s hook combo does not kill Doomfist with his shield on, which he get a lot of by just using his abilities.
Doomfist can destroy Mei with his Rocket Punch in one hit, if Mei uses Cryo-Freeze Doomfist can then destroy her with upper cut + hand cannon. Mei’s primary does not freeze Doomfist fast enough.
Doomfist can destroy McCree with his Rocket Punch in one hit, his Rocket Punch also got a longer range than than his flash can hit, and you’d have to be very lucky the server is on your time if you’re expecting to land a flash while he’s rocket punching.
Doomfist can defeat Sombra in a 1v1 using his hand cannon, so hacking him doesn’t really do much. If Sombra is unable to kill Doomfist while Doomfist is hacked, she’s dead anyways once he’s out of the hack.
Doomfist can easily with his mobility avoid or pass Torbjörn’s turret, and Torbjörn got very limited mobility except for a very little bit of speed.

Sure, give me a list of his soft “counters”.

Doomfist can easily rocket punch Reaper…

-“wraith form b@#$#!”

Here is some shotguns to your face now.

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He can

But he usually doesnt.

Roadhog usually KOs doomfist with his combo.

He can

But he usually doesnt.

Meis freeze freezes doomfist at the same rate as any other hero. 1 second and change, and youve got a doomfistsicle.

And mccree can destroy doomfist with 1 flash and a spam the hammer. IF doomfist has any shields- Tap his head then spam the hammer.

He can

But usually doesnt.

Sombra should not be “dueling” doomfist. She should be catching him off guard and crippling him.

Other than remove all his abilities and make him an ez target? Sure.

If doomfist is consistently obliterating sombra with nothing but his knuckleduster- ive got some bad news for the sombra.

Or she teleports away and doesnt die?

if doomfist is “Easily” avoiding torbs turret- Torbs turret is in a bad spot to protect his team. That thing should be firing on doomfist the moment doomfist himself has LoS on anyone important, and pelting into him.

Btw- Did you know Doomfist can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves?

What I am saying is that Doomfist can defeat his counters just as easily as he can defeat pretty much any Hero. But no Hero can defeat Doomfist as he can defeat others. I’ve had so many games where the enemy team is losing, but as soon as they switch to Doomfist, they win. It just screams overpowered.

I get what you’re saying.

You’re just wrong.

Only time I ever struggle with Doomfist is when people on my team, like main tanks who have no business engaging Doom, go after him, obstruct my view and feed him enough shields so he can escape.

I honestly can’t tell you how many hundreds of times my own teammates have prevented me from killing Doom like this.

Said it once I’ll say it again, Brigitte is a good counter to Doomfist. Though, if the rest of Dooms team is good against Brigitte I wouldn’t say that hero swap is warranted.

But he punching me!!!



With Widow you can put a shield up. With Doomfist… :joy:

I’m not though. These counters that people speak of, if they fail for whatever reason, they’re dead. But if Doomfist miss any of his abilities, he’s not as screwed over as they are. And his CD are very short compared to any of the other CC.

Doomfist players army coming in no time here claiming that he have counters and he’s fine.