The only counter for Doomfist, is a full team against him

Except he does have individual counters.

Doomfist is fine, the nerf is enough and also Tracer Roadhog just got a buff.

That’s see how meta goes first

If he has two supports and Zarya it’s a 4 person fight at that point though.

Doomfist can’t get a kill with Roadhog Hooking him. Trust me, if you Hook a Doom even if he did manage to land an ability before you grab him your shot on some random spam from a random person is more then enough.

Also, Doom cant get away fast enough against a Hog who can aim.

I had a fellow smurf on DF last night who would not let me play Torb in peace. So I had to go DF and shut DF down :frowning:. Left the enemy team asking everyone to report him for “throwing”


I’m assuming you really have not played doom. Doom has a multitude of counters in the game, it’s crazy. The amount of stuns and CC, such as flashbang, shield bash, hack, hook, sleep, coach gun, boop, Mei freeze, trap, Orisa pull, rock, and some I am probably forgetting about.

Doom also puts himself in an extremely vulnerable position. If you can CC him and your team can jump on him, he is useless. Also stopping his dives like grappling away (Widow) or bubbling your teammates is easily viable because of his huge hitbox and loud character. Saying he has no counters is solely built off the fact you personally do not like him. If you just play defensively with heroes with heavy CC abilities, it’s GG for Doom

actually all it takes is a patient Sombra, but NOOO… “muh Overbuff” and “Sombra is USELESS memes”.

seriously Sombra has so much utility and the fact that she counters Doomfist so freaking fast is making me question the brain functionality of some of the forum members here.

What about Bastion? Bastion is pretty good into da fist

You literally play McCree or Sombra and react defensively. If Doomfist isn’t jumping you then he’s a free target to shoot when you’re McCree. If you’re playing McCree then you should be paying attention to where Doomfist is and where he’s not, anyway.

You spelled Widowmaker* wrong

You’re under the impression that when Doom is played into his counters, they’re all staring at their feet when he comes to get a kill.

There really is no point in telling you Doom haters that he has counters because you’ll perform mental gymnastics to make it seem like he doesn’t.

These might work in silver but in any rating where the Doom has half a brain cell he can easily demolish any of those “counters”. Phara is a blanket “counter” to any non-hit scan hero. Sombra is just awful right now. The rest he just CCs to death. Your best bet there is playing hog and praying your team targets him when you hook.

Whole team lol.

God forbid people actually play as a team in a team game and focus fire the biggest hitbox in the dps slot.

Brigitte is a counter to Doomfist. Just whipshot him mid-slam or while he’s charging rocket punch & his attack is ruined. Armor pack also makes Brigs allies not 1shottable by RP & Brig herself isn’t 1 shottable by it. She can also stun him if he gets close which should lead to a kill.

Over the last day I asked some top streamers on Twitch if they felt Doom was OP and the majority said no, and enabled only by the double shield meta. Most feel it’s Orisa and Sigma that need the nerfs. Compiled it all into a video. Is Doomfist OP? High ranked Overwatch streamers and pro Sleepy give their take and talk game balance - YouTube

You are assuming they have brains…
Or any brain activities…

Reaper is the closest thing to solo counter Doom.
Sombra is also effective but needs follow up help to kill him.
Doom is very reliant on his cooldowns.

sorry add Hog to the list also. Very effective against Doom.

I kept watching 2 or 3 of my team members having to gang one Doomfist, it took almost half of my team to make sure he dies.

Here you go