The official Mercy fanclub

aerith did deserve her fate v-v

also raising taxes for those who can afford it is a good thing.
rest is false accusations v_v

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Are you seriously telling me you’ve never once clubbed a baby seal?


And while I know this is a Mercy fanclub I just have to share this Reaper concept I came across


Mercy is kinda dead right now. I respect people who play her a lot.

The only thing that hurt Outbreak was the internet at the time was holding it back but it was a fun game.

Wasn’t that bad but once you unlock the knight armor for Ashley it’s hilarious seeing them try to pick her up.

PSH! It’s all about our lord and savior… TOFU!

never even seen a real baby seal outside of videos or pictures.

it was 1 or other choice. not open to others :o

Thank you for the lovely pictures, Nightblood!!!

They’re very adorable. And I was joking, I know the Hotaru would never hit a cute baby animal.

Mercy never dies because heroes never die. It’s true.

I just pictured a hilarious/groan worthy exchange between you and Hotaru.
Hotaru’s standing on a beach with some seals around club in hand. When you show up and Hotaru says “i’m ready to club some seals.” And you’re like “I said clubbing with SEALs”. Standing behind you are some Navy SEALs.

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I don’t remember where, but I’ve seen that joke somewhere before.

It IS a good one. xD

i dislike the military v_v (not the ppl themselves)

For Zen i use Cultist and for Ana i use the owl skin. Imo those are their best skins.

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I’m personally liking the new Bastet skin for Ana, will agree that Cultist Zen is best Zen.

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I live in New Mexico and I have seen one!

She doesn’t know the truth. Aerith is more friendly than Mei.

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Best skin in the game imo. And I am a Mei/Mercy main who is putting in some work on Orisa

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It’s been a few days, how is everyone?


I am a little bummed that I have to leave so soon, I like hanging out with the step sisters.
How about yourself?

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Mercy main here! ^.^ Love playing the beauty angel :angel:, supporting and rezing teammates; flying around has always been a dream, Angela Ziegler is the best <3


I’ve been starting to get into Diamond games which is pretty hype.


Awesome! I am no better than mid to low plat. Is Mercy your main gal?

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Yeah but i’ve had to flex a lot this season.

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