The official Mercy fanclub

I bought this game for mercy and I love her and I sometimes feel like her because I relate too much. She inspires me to somewhat try and become a medic myself but I’m too afraid of blood and needles. Although I have sky rocketed as Mercy and am known as a vigilante Mercy for my weapon accuracy and amount of kills as mercy. I still am passive at heart. No matter a nerf or buff I will not switch to what the META wants because Mercy is my main and will always be my main. So “the doctor is in” and in for good.


That’s the spirit! Considering all the nerfs, we can probably only expect buffs in the future.


Yeah I mastered her pretty quickly since I have played many FPS games in my life and have always loved healing characters from the start. Mercy is the usual healing player I’m used to, so I mastered her pretty quickly :slight_smile: Idk if this is normal but I get at least 3 eliminations with her in every game I play and most of my teammates say I’m very good with her so that encourages me to keep using her as a main support haha


I mastered LiLi pretty fast in HOTS, but the environment of FPS is new to me. Also, I don’t know the maps yet, so avoiding “the usual” spots for sniping and getting to my group is hard. Have you tried HOTS? A lot of OW characters are there already.

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Can I just be a fan of Mercy’s personality and her Guardian Angel ability. I am not really a fan of the rest of her anymore…

Heck, I’d love if Mercy had guardian angel but was a DPS hero instead of a healer. The fact that she’s a healer means a ton of people automatically hate you if you choose to play her.


Yeah I have tried playing HOTS before but I’m not really a fan of the game since I really only play FPS games. I’m not saying it’s a bad game though, it seems very good it’s just not the style I like.


Gotta play what you like. I don’t know if she makes sense as an attacker, though. As Lt. Morales said in HOTS, “healing is the same as inflicting harm, just in reverse.”

But sure, stay and hang out with us. :smiley:

@KrisUniwolf: For me, HOTS seems a lot easier than OW because of the layout, but same as you that’s because I am used to it. I guess it’s not just the game itself, it’s all the games before it that you’re used to/not used to, right?

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I hate how they gave junk 2 mines and then nerfs mercy TWICE


True that, True that. :slightly_smiling_face:


We gotta stay to backup our girl mercy
We gotta support the support and hope she gets buffed


I’m suprised xavvypls hasn’t replied yet (When I wrote this post).


oh no, I wont tell them that, I encourage people to play support and more people playing her the better.

but it wont deter me to harshly judging them during the entire time they play her.

for example by silently muttering this to myself during the game :
“why are you rez-ing there! you poop! junkrat is going to get you!”


Hi there :wink:
I’m a big Mercy fan myself! I saw her first on tumblr and fell in love with her at first sight.
I love everything about her: the design, her skins, the voicelines, emotes , her voice and of course to play her :heart_eyes:
I don’t care about reworks, buffs or nerfs, I will always play her. I have over 150 hours on Mercy and I never get bored playing her. She even got me to diamond!
Mercy forever :heart:

And don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll be learning quickly all you need to know. I hope you will enjoy her a long time!


Former Mercy player here. As much as I’d love to join your club, Mercy’s rework put her as one of my least favorite heroes in the game now and you probably won’t want me in your club. If she gets reverted to mass rez Mercy, I’d love to join the fanclub.


150 hours is a lot more than me! I am currently sitting on 7. And under once minute on Lucio, when I got put in a game that was 30 seconds from over and everybody was swearing at each other.

@Protassium : Yup! Your behavior towards Mercy during the tough times will make her fly higher during the good times after she gets de-nerfed. Probably should hope she doesn’t fly out of the stratosphere like a space shuttle tho!

@Illumielle : Well, if they want to see what a Guardian Angel should NOT do, they should play Diablo III and wait till they see Imperius. Guy is the opposite of pretty Mercy.

@lolster292: News probably haven’t reached them yet!

@Nebula : well, it’s the difference between loving a character concept and loving solely utility. Blizzard has been doing tweaks since Starcraft I way back in the day. I doubt they’ll leave things unbalanced, but just as it takes breaking a few eggs to make an omelette, so does it take time to actually cook the thing.

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Awesome thread. Keep it up! Don’t let up on them!


Mercy’s fans never die! OR give up! :smiley:


I miss seeing Mercys in game. I would send them a box of swiss chocolates… but I am a Reaper main and they probably would not trust the gift. Get well soon Mercy!


I think she would take the chocolates as a sign of good faith since they’re bad for you but in a sweet way, and that’s the most softiness you can expect from Reaper. :smiley:


I play most heroes now, but I used to main Mercy and Junkrat, they were my two most played. Mercy’s changes drove me away from playing her nearly every game like I used to, so I mainly just play junk now, but I had so many hours with her that she still has the most play time! I hope they’ll revert or improbe her changes… Mercy is my fave!