The official Mei fanclub

Bro I have to leave for about an hour and a half. I have to do some cleaning and feed a snake. #HerpOwnerProblems.


Kk bro, good talking to you. Take care.


really what thread was it in xD?

as i siad i doubt anythign will happen as i think most i have said is a person was stupid for some reason.

also told u that was sunk instantly. it now rests with titanic.

so she said maybe you should get a junkrat x mei tattoo?

and you were annoyed she didnt say mei-be you should get a tattoo of junk x mei.

eventually you settled by getting the tattoo and she promsied ot always say mei-be instead of maybe.

yes. for people not use to her before her original buff to 60 more so.

nearly impossible to solo heal with her (she is borderline no logner a main healer) but she can still do her job…but tank healing is awful.

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It was your first post in the ‘this is why they won’t respond, a forum snap-shot’ thread. I doubt you will get silenced. And if my girl suggested that I get a mei x junk tat, I would have to leave her.
I have to go do some things tho, I’ll back in an hour or so.

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that post?


all i did was state the OW devs werent doign their job, mercy got unfairly treated past year, and other stuff.

thoguh i guess if a dev sees it and doesnt liek how i said they werent doign their job they might ban me out of spite. xD

Soo toxic. I may have flagged it myself. I have flagged 16 of your posts, one for each of the mei junkrat pictures.
Just kidding, I actually gave your post a like.

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So, I guess we can come to the conclusion that toridadog was eaten by a crocodile.
Rip toridadog, you will be missed. I’m pourin out some liquor for you bro. :frowning_face:


so…why did you start locking your basement?

tryign to hide tori inside it? making em draw mei fanart untill finger bleeds?

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You are mixing him up with akaras. Akaras is playing overwatch till his fingers bleed. C’mon I shipped you guys, you should know this about him. And new mexicans don’t need basements, we never have tornadoes.

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nuclear fallout. basements could svae your life!

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The single largest concentration of nuclear weapons in the world is located at Kirtland air force base. It is about 10-15 miles from my house.
You are right, I think I do need a basement.

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andn ow it is forever immortalized.

you saying I am correct.


well atleast w/o one your clsoe enoguh to them going off that it’ll be instant vaporization and you wont feel a thing.

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Officially have a follower; came into a match yesterday against a guy with a similar name to mine, but lower level. I knew I shoulda stayed off forums for a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you suggesting that Mei’s handgun fires not just ice but VANILLA ice?

Eminem is going to make a diss track very shortly, I am just warning you.

Look at the bright side, at least you won’t need a night light once the whole planet is glowing in the dark. There’s ALWAYS a silver lining.

I would imagine that a person who was vaporized would leave more of a gray or black lining (on the ground). Let’s hope it never happens.

I once tricked someone into thinking Mountain Dew glows in the dark. This person’s like: you can’;t be serious, and I said, “i AM serious,” and then she turned off the lights in the room, and I was like: “successful troll is successful.”

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Good news!! Toridadog was not eaten by a crocodile. He liked one of my posts yesterday.

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Well, that’s a relief! Mei told me she hasn’t been called satanic in almost 48 hours, I’d best relay the good news to her by Associated Press telegraph IMMEDIATELY.

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Toridad, you can’t hide… We know you’re in here.

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