The official Mei fanclub

Don’t be nervous, he’s just adjusting his sniper rifle before he kills us both.

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He’s from australia, they don’t really have guns. They have terrible things, but at least they don’t have ar 15s.

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Boomerangs… kangaroos… Foster’s beer…

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Funnel web spiders, I don’t know if I’d rather have a gun or funnel web spider pointed at me. Google those spiders, if you have never seen them.

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I severely dislike spiders, so I’ll take your word for it.

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Toridadog, like this post if you have been silenced on the forums.

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Bummer dude, I didn’t know being a mei main can get you silenced. Hope you are un-silenced soon.

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Tori’s never seemed like much of a troublemaker. He probably went down fighting for Mei’s honor. She owes him a smooch.

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Live with honor, get silenced with glory, old friend.

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The vigilant mod knows of all your sins.

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The Master Meiif? It’s got potential?


That looks awfully familiar…


Meister meiiff


I mean her having a skin like this would fit her. Some of the community call her the devil. The chief was called a demon/heretic. Both fit each other very well.


So, when you guys describe China’s seekrit plan to take over the world… hyou’re actually talking about poor Mei, the sweetie who has been turned into soemthing worse than nuclear war.

She’s going to be in her pajamas, eating ice cream and watching soap operas with Snowball, because of how mean you guys were to her, sheesh.

nobody but Snowball understands…


Notice how toridadog has liked every post so far, except for the one that says mei isn’t evil. :laughing::laughing:
Edit: He just gave it a like :frowning_face:

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Yeah, he and I will never see eye to eye on the sweetness and girl-next-door charm of Mei. It’s as hopeless as attempts at compromise in the current US Congress.

If ‘pro’ is the opposite of ‘con’, then what is the opposite of ‘congress’?

No, bro, “con” as in “convict.” The opposite of Congress is “non-scumbags.”

Look up “Collins scandal” on Google for the latest. Dude is already richer than avarice, and he did so much insider trading that he’s facing 150 years in the slammer. I honestly don’t know what goes through these people’s heads.

Other than Mei’s icicles, of course. She will fight evil and corruption in pajamas and yeti slippers. Evil cannot hope to prevail.

Yeah, I listen to a lot of a.m radio, so I heard about this guy. Unfortunately he will get to go to a ‘country club’ prison.