The official Mei fanclub

Aren’t they going to be mad at you though? X_x

This is after they’re mad at me for playing mei

Mei’s Revenge 3: Overwatch’s Demise.

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That’s not a bug, my friend. It’s a Snowball. :slight_smile:

Reaper can still get to a lot of places outside the map with shadow step. There are some other places you can get to with tracer if you make a custom mode with infinite blinks too

Yes, but these methods of escaping OW physics do not involve a trusty sidekick that makes your tormentors believe they are in the 1930s Siberian Gulag during February.

I have no idea what that means, but it sounds fun!

It’s a very grim place, and the history is exceedingly depressing, but the relevant part here is that Siberia is COLD. REALLY REALLY COLD. Apparently, right now Russia has the equivalent of Silicon Valley there. Leave it to the Russians to build our version of California in one of the coldest places on earth.

Snowball sends the Enemies of Mei to the Gulag to be frosty, chillin’, cool, and basically butt-kicked. :smiley:

Any chance I could hit you up for a bump in the Mercy fanclub? I can’t bump up my own thread due to too many posts.


Thanks! We can keep talking here too. I am pretty sure I can keep my Mei and Mercy separated. xDDDD Also pretty sure folks will join in.

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Would be nice if there was a priest or minister that attacked with sermons or something. Like Lucio attacks with sound. xDDDDDD

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He would be mei’s worst enemy

Why do you think he’d be Mei’s worst enemy and not Doomfist’s or something?

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Because Mei is Satan and he is a preist. They’re hardly gonna get together and read the bible

OMG Mei is too huggable to be Satan. Poor Mei.


I love Mei.

Mei is bae.

I just wish the community would allow her to be powerful. But she is a former defense hero and had CC. For some reason, everyone hates this even though it makes the game more than some boring pure FPS. So the community wont allow her to be meta (along with Badtion, Skillrat, and Handsoap).

So she also makes me sad…


Would be cool if the ice wall lifted Doomfist to the ceiling, smashed his head in the ceiling in so doing, then lowered, then raised again to smash his head again, then lowered then…

Imagine the possibilities.


You could do that in a custom game with no cooldowns. My favourite thing to do as Mei is send corpses flying into the air with my wall

At this rate, I am afraid she won’t have a horde of suitors begging them to marry her like Moira and Sombra does. I mean, I can totally understand wanting to marry a warped insane unethical scientist or an e-predator puppet master, but elevator-smashing the head, that’s where a guy’s gotta draw the line. Except for Doomfist. Because his head is so hard that he’ll find it pleasant and therapeutic.


Moira has people that want to marry her?