The official Mei fanclub

Oh, take it from someone who knows, those rumours are true. To save yourself from mei’s wrath you must get 50 hours on her in one week!

But that is tantamount to virtual slavery! O.O Do you think if I flee to a non-extradition country and spend my life praying in a monastery that she will forget that I exist? Or will she track me down, smelling my fear from a continent away?

Mei never forgets. Or maybe that’s elephants. Not sure. You’d better get 50 hours on her just to be safe

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Is it ok if I talk to you more tomorrow? I am exhausted, want to crash.

Honestly it took me probably like between 50-75 hours before I felt I was good with her.

Ok, see ya.

Take care, and have a great rest of the evening. :smiley:

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Sometimes I feel like I’m really contributing, and sometimes I feel like I’m a hindrance to my team and I should be playing someone else

I don’t play her when there is a pharmercy, a good tracer, or reaper.
If you take a break from her and main lucio it might make you appreciate how fun she is.

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Lucio is pretty fun, especially on maps with a lot of environmental hazards. I love the feeling of wallriding over cliffs to behind the enemy team, then booping one of them off a cliff

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I’ve been trying to pick up hog a bit lately. You are right environmental kills feel really nice.

I love playing hog but whenever I play him I feel like all I’m doing is soaking up damage, healing, getting a few kills but barely any final blows all game.


Every nice or cute character should get an evil skin. And every evil character should get a cute skin

Who remembers the wall bug that allowed Mei to reach zones out of the map?

Hi guys!

Would be nice to have an angel on the shoulder (Mercy)/ devil on the other shoulder (Hog) for Mei. They’re arguing with each other on which side she should join and she just keeps looking back and forth, totally confused.

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You can still get your teammates stuck in the roof with ice wall. I did it in the defenders spawn on hanamura.

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And there also used to be a bug where you could get out of the first attackers spawn in junkertown before the match began with mei’s ice wall

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Wouldn’t you want your ENEMIES stuck in the ceiling instead of allies?

It’s more fun with allies because you can hear their cries of pain in voice chat