The Official Mei fanclub (v 3.0)

Ouuuu those are great ones! I have to agree with you on the EcoPoint. It just fits Mei so well in terms of the OW-Lore. :open_book:

Sentai. I really like those too. :ok_hand:

Akaras, very classic! :sunglasses:

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I remember now, I think I even had it I only used classic tho. One must remember how i used to see Mei

She used to be truly evil and her classic out fit demonstrated it clearly

You know it! :cold_face:

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She was never evil the thing from that movie was mimicking her and Mei killed it.

I know nothing about a movie.
I can agree that now she isn’t evil, she used to freeze her prey before eating now she won’t freeze without the help from snowball

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Okay this is suppose to be top secret… But before getting her role in Overwatch she was a monster hunter, Yes THAT Monster Hunter, she mains the hammer.

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The way she uses snow ball and icy spears you would think incect glaive

:grinning:!! That’s PERFECT! You hear that Blizzard? Get Capcom on the phone you have their first Monster Hunter Wild collab!

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Seems pretty obvious. My PC hasn’t lagged from looking at the forums before. But it did trying to look at that sea of posts lol.
Rip some phones (probably)

They’re too busy doing wacky colabs for ranbow CoD they don’t care about Overwatch.
Arrowhead is our new bastion for the way live service should be done Blizzard had their chance.

My phone is fine

There’s rumors of Mei joining the Justice League.

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That outta take care of Aqua man and Flash and probably Bats unfortunate that sup is still an issue

No no she’s on their team, but she’s studying Mr. Freeze and Captain Cold’s tech and seeing they can be used for good, and she’s even looking into making a cure for Nora.

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I suppose Overwatch2 Mei is on the good team.

Random thought:
I was watching a GM Streamer and it just amazing how her kit is 100% one of a tank. I could see a big Finland/Norway tank doing exactly what she does.

NOT giving her a brand new kit and NOT moving her kit to a new tank/hero in 2016/2017 was one the biggest hero design mistakes from T4.

Now it’s too late.

Ive never thought of the D.C. connection. Wild! Thank you :smiley::cold_face:

I noticed the JL is lacking in the ice hero department, Mei also has access to some Wayne tech and she has a snowmobile that generate snow so she can use it on regular roads she even made so Snowball that can turn into a mech like D.VA’s.
PS: Why does my phone make so many typos??

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Ice nukes would have been even funner.

Frozen meat keeps it fresh prior to cooking.

Mei’s ult should be an ice cream truck with built-in rocket launchers.

If it is evil, you can find it in Washington, DC. This is because humanity’s worst enemy is RED TAPE. You’ll need to spend 30 hours on proper procedure to spell your first and middle name. Last name takes an additional 6.

Ice cream truck. She needs an ice cream truck. With rocket laundhers.

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