The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

Mei will be… un-BEAR-able!

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only reason i even have a tiny bit on lucio/zen is due to mystery heroes ages ago. (not played in yrs)

i have only ever used mercy :3

…let me spell it out for you.

that is the games strongest skill.

blocking 100% of healing is lethal.
it also does dmg, boosts allies healing done, heals allies.

its only missing kitchen sink.

and (idk about console) but her “aim” is heavily assisted unlike widow’s.

moira has to have em pretty much in sight. Bap has to look in direction to hit near them.

brig has to look at em to use her pack on em. zen has look at em to atatched heal to em.

even mercy has to look at em to heal em (just not for entire time)

so that point is debatable.


a predictable telegraphed mobility that REQUIRES an ally in sight?
Moira has super speed while invis w/o any restriction…


denial is 1st part of acceptance.

Bear mei
bear zarya :smiley:

its gonna be ice bears (zarya x mei ship)

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I’ll let you think about this one for abit before I reply.

Range and walls

Take off the “Im a big Mercy fan glasses” for a sec anti heal is no where near as touched up as rez has been.

All of that is for nothing if the enemy team has a barrier.

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Did you see our governor closed all public Schools?
My dad and two brothers don’t have to work as hard now


My god, this thread had been going since the middle of 2019! I’m honestly impressed!

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few and far between if she is using it else she’d merely LoS them.

and those are limitations. not restrictions.

rez is a restricted skill (requires a dead ally), GA is a restrictive ability (requires ally), zarya’s 2nd bubble is restrictive as requries another ally.

moira has literally nothing restrictive.
she can use her entire kit at any time.
(excluding ofc if she is hacked.)

its been that way since day1 of ana.

rez has a big caveat…a ded ally.

a cast time where she can be killed.

and a 30sec cd.

Bionade has insta cast (and travel time)

can be used to heal ally or dmg/block healing of enemies. (only thign that blocks it is barriers which are easy to get around/break)

and a freakign 10sec cd.

blocking all of healing is effectively removing 2 of that persons team to a bionaded person. excluding zarya bubble and mei iceblock NOTHING can be done to counter it.

and it isnt only my view. its actually been a forum topic for awhile (just has a long between topics about it)

then why is ana is #1 healer across all tiers…except bronze where mercy and moira beats her (bronze ppl lack aim/awareness for snipers) and silver where moira beats her.

and funny thing is…rein is #1 picked hero at same time :thinking:

so don’t “nothing if enemy team has barriers”.

and again. this is PC. (as again idk how console is)

many places are actually doing htis.

some are even doing online classes.

Doubt my town will as their public school rarely ever cancel stuff.

and 1 before it was started in july of 2018

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Oh my holy God, look at Brig’s new kitty-cat!!!

That’s jet pack cat, currently sans jetpack

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Looks like a Norwegian Forest Cat by the size, but it’s a bit too big for that. Perhaps it’s just very, very fuzzy (very possible for that breed), or genetically engineered to be bigger.

Either way, makes me miss my old Maine Co-n Cat. (The middle word is against the rules, even though it’s a legitimate part of the name and had nothing to do with racism in the context of the naming of the breed. Go figure.)

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Check it out, this is V2.0 we moved our original one over.

Have you ever used her?
Biotic Grasp’s primary fire sprays a cone of energy that heals all teammates within range, draining biotic energy while active, which will replenish slowly over time.
Sounds pretty restrictive to me. One can’t just stand out of a fight and heal

It took a LONG time to get there. I’m not crazy about it but I understand it.

Do you know about discord orb? All the CC? A Widowmaker Ult? A Hanzo Recon arrow?

No knows how to heal with Ana and Moira from my experience.

I only recently found out because my old man and brother were talking about it.


a 4ft+ cat is a health concern.

thats a mechanical limitation.

as she generates fuel constantly when not healing.

ends if u LoS for a bit.

have range requirement and even the strongest cc in game (grav) can be countered with, genji, orisa, reaper.

short duration and only lets them see u. and u have the choice to avoid any opening until its over.

…just dont go in range…

console issue then as pc she is #1 healer even with barriers. (which is where she shouldnt be good given ur past comment)

happy or sad?

hows it effect their income?

p.s. did my 9wins.

tried molten core and ppl fail it casue they dont stay by the paylaod e_e…

luckily i odnt want any of the sprays from it so i dont have to do it.

also no mercy stuff at all :|…awful event.

Hush and give Kitty some catnip.

There’s a certain rather common type of mushroom widely used in eateries that can’t be spelled out completely either. Ah well

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Mushrooms make you think you’re Super Mario. O_O

The mushrooms I am referring to are not the magical variety




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Because Mario is a fun-guy! :sunglasses:

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I am too busy to watch the Cat emote to even think of mushrooms.

You must have gotten into the stolichnaya again

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Alright play with the words. Hows this than. She can not precisely heal a target that is not on the same elevation.

Sounds like you’re saying “walk it off” which is what I do when I get hit with a bionade.

Well I don’t have to tell you the same can be done with bionade do I?

same can be done with bionade

same can be done with bionade

I never said that, I said bionade can’t go through barriers for anti heal which according to you is the most powerful ability in the game.

They both don’t directly work with kids so they are okay because nothing changes for them. As far as their income goes it’s staying the same. My older brother I have no idea, he actually works with kids so mei-be he doesn’t get paid? He probably doesn’t have to go in but I don’t know.

Wow, that’s new. Was it all in archives?

Same, I only had time for one game and we failed right when the payload was about to leave.


How can you njot absolutely LOVE kitty?