The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0)

i am up when i am up.

i take naps throguhout day.

soi can be up at any time of day/night.

I just saw a show with lots of adorable kittens and puppies.

However, not ONE had a jetpack.

Foiled again.

the original.

edit: also

Naruto would like you. O_O That looks like delicious ramen.

only expert one looks yummy to me, but it has fish e_e…i cant do fish cause texture makes me wanna puke :frowning:

I told y’all I was gonna be gone for a few days.

I think we all are.


Did you read what you put?
I felt the pain of the debate moderator at the end of Billy Madison

You come off really aggressive about it there is a better way to address ones opinion

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idk if that is relevant to topic of enjoying the debate.

prolly since i dont listen to all genres.

totes did!

saying microwaves are disgusting is aggressive :thinking: ?

got any rain in NM?
had it past 2 days and more tomorrow~

You said it like I left because I wasn’t enjoying it.

You know now that I think about it, music is where we get the least amount of push back from ya

I said come off aggressive about it not came off. Come off was more of a broad statement as you are aggressive in most of your opinion stuff.

Kinda raining right now.

New Overwatch hero!


I haven’t read any of the multitude of posts in this thread, other than the first one.
I’d just like to stop past and express how much I abhor Mei. From her chirpy gerbil faced optimism, to her stupid slowdown mechanic.
If there’s a ‘We hate Mei’ club, I’d be happy to join that one.

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no no.
was responding to widow who was enjoying our debate.

not why u were away.

“omg you like screamo? disgusting~”


again dont know how as i just make it a statement :thinking:

she was confirmed support iirc.

you could always make one.

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Guess you’re new to video games, there is CC in just about every game these days.

Well you could have said something like “so was I” but instead you say it like if I left because I was offended

Out of the regulars I am probably the music snob.

Most times by putting down the opposing partys opinion.

Well the last Hero was tank so of course it’s support.


That is decidedly more time & effort than I am prepared to put into any Mei related activity.

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But you have all the time to post in the Mei Fan club.
Clearly a troll tactic to run in a place, that couldnt be more clearly defined as not for you, you scream fire and run. If you need help dealing with Mei here are some tips

Getting froze as:

1 Ana - if you miss your sleep dart you’re gonna catch a few but you should never be far away from your team as a healer

Ash - shotgun Mei away or your self out of danger

Baptiste - use immortality field, just in case, charge your jump and get out of there

2 Bastion - you’re Bastion just shoot

Brigitte - shield bash I have found to be good enough to get out of a ult unless you’re dead center. She also has the mace and a sheild to protect you from a chasing Mei

D.Va - just fly away

Doomfist - you have three movement abilities that can all get you out of range of a Mei freeze

Genji - wall climb, double jump, and swift strike can save you from a freeze

Hanzo - he has wall climb and a jump lunge that can save you

Junkrat - can bump himself away with his mines

Lúcio - it is kinda tricky but you can bump Mei away or wall ride to a safe place away from Mei

McCree - very deadly to a Mei with his flash bang hammer combo, if you get caught in a Mei ult see how far combat roll will get you

Mercy - guardian angel will save you as long as you’re near a team mate, remember to hit jump in the middle of a guardian angel for a extra boost to safety

Mei - place a wall in front of a enemy Mei. Stuck in a ult? Wall under your feet(make things abit more hard for the enemy) or use Ice block

Moira - her phase ability is good enough to escape a Mei freeze

Orisa - best tank imo for fighting a Mei Fortify strengthens her armor and makes her immune to any movement impairing ability. Halt can pull a Mei away from your self. Mei cant freeze through a sheild so you sould have one down somewhere near

Pharah - her concussive blast will push a Mei away but her rocket boost will save her from a freeze

Reaper - he is also deadly vs Mei his wraith form will reset her freeze giving him more shots(shouldn’t take more than one reaload) vs Mei or he can use wraith form to run away

Reinhardt - he has a sheild to block her freeze attack from the front( since your team should be near) and team mates to get your back. His charge could save him from a freeze

Roadhog - has a large health pool so Mei can not take him out easily it’s recommended that if she tries to solo you, you must engage this fight usually ends in a stalemate or who ever has teammates help first wins.

3 Sigma - like Ana if you miss your ability hope your team is near

Soldier 76 - most times he can sprint away from a freeze

Sombra - one should never engage in a fight as Sombra without a translocater somewhere to save yourself

4 Symmetra - Im not too sure but I think she can place a telporter down quickly enough to escape(this is Symm 3.0 so I don’t really know)

Torbjörn - if I recall correctly his molten core ability gives him abit of a sprint

Tracer - she can zip away from a freeze quite easily

Widowmaker - grappling hook can get you out of danger

Winston - his jump ability can escape a freeze

5 Wrecking Ball - hope there is a wall you can hook on near by so you can escape and change your hero. Mei is a hard counter to Wrecking Ball.

Zarya - Mei can not freeze a bubble Zarya, the bubble also resets freeze

6 Zenyatta - the most vulnerable hero to Mei imo he has no escape ability the discord orb might scare a Mei away

I count 6 out of 31 heroes that Mei will annoy leaving 25 that can cause Mei some trouble.


BOTW had enjoyable CC…deep snow.

not true.

a good mei will wall her off of LoS so she cant.

A good Mercy will find a different target for a GA.

You don’t get to decide that.
1:55-2:03 explained better than I can

I should have said most games. Ace Combat doesn’t have CC unless you count you stalling your own plane as CC.

Yeah… I started the video and immediately stopped it when I heard the auto tuned voice.
Akaras = music snob
Check this out though!
You might remember it from the Chinese new year event theme on Overwatch.

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but i dontput it down.
if you take it as that then that isnt my fault.

your loss. song is great.

you assume i remember much of OW xD

Wow, I just saw echo’s ult.
It seems extremely strong/broken.

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I got you fam:

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And if we say you did you don’t get to tell us you didn’t.

Song is auto tuned and I’m telling you Im a music snob. I know some people like that sound, I dont.

It’s the song they play on the menu screen during the event I thought you’d at least remember the music.

This would have helped 6 days ago!

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“Stunned” doesnt quite fully express how I feel that Echo is a dps, not a support

but its close

how could they add another dps when this game desperately needs more tanks and supports?

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