The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

No it is not. When it comes to food I take stuff seriously. I will fight Widowmeiker over this.
I have tried both burgers and know Sparkys is way better.

But she is evil, Anji, one of the most nice VAs in the game shouted “Don’t trust her!”. Mei and her VA are not “sweet” and that is why I like them!

Only when Mei is not around.

What do you use as it’s pronoun???

Like Snowball cut the throats of Meis colleagues in Antarctica under her orders?

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Green chile is also better than red or Christmas. Fight me :boxing_glove:

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We can agree on this, you will not get a argument out of me.


Snowball is too adorable to do that, and you know it.

I should have known Diablo was responsible for that… They wanted Diablo 4, and now we have… ACTIVISM.

She really needs a hug.


I can appreciate a good burger too. Too bad they’re terrible for you…

Don’t fight, guys, be friends and eat Mei :ice_cream: .

OMG a miracle!

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Snowball had to kill them, it was Meis cover for her innocence.

I see what you did there.

She is truly terrifying.

Sparkys in Hatch New Mexico is the best burger in NM.

Green chilly is delicious. Why would I argue about that.


You know you love her. You’re her Mei-n fan.



I wish I wasn’t addicted to burgers…

Bro, can you maybe Like the thread? You’re one of the three Mein-s that frequent it, it’s essentially your thread. xD

I like Mei because she is evil. If I were to accept a “nice” Mei my world would be shattered.

Sparkys is no joke, freaking good burger only three hours away from where Widowmeiker lives and he is afraid to try it out. I guess he just doesn’t want it to be a part of his life.

I thought I did…

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Now I want a burger… what have you done! T_T

I told you I was addicted… it’s like bringing a vodka bottle to the AA meeting.

She’ll snugglify you before the end. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just to tell you that don’t forget about the #MeiCNY redraw challenge:

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Guys, where are you? :frowning: Has Hotaru Mei-napped you both?

Why settle for just a burger when a Sparkys is a experience.

More like freeze me and preform a lobotomy.

Had to clean my vehicle, I am meticulous about how I clean it.

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More like a big hug and :ice_cream: . Maybe you think girls are evil? :stuck_out_tongue: Hotaru will never forgive you!

I’ve found that incineration and explosions clean vehicles quite thoroughly. They don’t call it the “cleansing flame” for naught.

Artery clogging goodness… stop talking about delicious food T_T

You can’t revamp the club and type “maybe” it is mei-be. A penance is in order, I say two hours on Doomfist!

Why would I think that? My step sisters are all nice with me, they have know me for two of three years and they gave me a great gift on my last visit.

I still want to drive it!

Speaking of food I had the Luico cereal this morning it wasn’t bad. Plesent change from my regular Honey Bunches.

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Maybe is perfectly ok.

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Mei-be maybe is okay, but Mei-be is still better.

I am going to go do penitence at the Altar of Ice.


Maybe it’s Maybelline.


I still think mei are her freinds


I think Widowmaker is the one obsessed about Maybelline. She has to look gorgeous while murdering people.

Mei eats :ice_cream: , not her friends.

Call me a bigot, but I’ve never been attracted to purplish/blue girls.

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Mei mains, question of the day:
What was the initial reason you first picked mei?
What made you decide to main her?

I first picked Mei because she is the ice hero. I’ve always liked ice characters. Sub zero from mortal kombat is my favorite character in that game and Articuno is my favorite Pokemon.
I main her cause she is so fun (her ice wall is my favorite ability in the game), she is super survivable, and she has a very high skill ceiling.