The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I’ve noticed there’s a lot of tragedy in Genshin.

Poor Playful Sheng. :frowning:

There’s also apparently tragedy about Jean and her kid sister Barbara, but I don’t have Jean.

i looked it up.

not really tragedy.

her parents split up and she isnt close with her sister.
and she apaprently likes romance novels and seeks to find romance lie kthey do in the novels.
but she puts her duty as a knight ahead of that.

even barbs isnt bad.
she feels inferior to jean but thats about it.

Qiqi’s is just straight tragedy :frowning:

wrong place at the wrong time and caught up in fight between gods and demons. (and then the sad bit after that!)

I heard Jean might be romanceable with the main character, which would be great. She isn’t the most “useful” character in Genshin, (she can’t outheal Qiqi) but she’s easily the prettiest pretty-girl.

Stop spoiling! I just got the Qiqi. :frowning:

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I’m pretty sure that I am the reason he left here, so it would be weird calling him.

Doing pretty good. I did a leg exercise that I’m not used to the otherday, so ive been walking around funny lately.
How are you?


what ya think caused it ;)?

was it telling him he was a mercy main?

btw no more trump.

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No, I think it was the “does traveling to Canada count as leaving the usa” debate we had.
I don’t know why he was so willing to die on that hill.

I’ll believe it on January 20th. Considering how people close to trump have said he will not deliver a concession speech, and tweeting that the votes he received were legal votes and the votes biden got were not (again, this is not a normal thing. Hillary Clinton, Mit Romney, john mc cain, John Kerry, al gore all conceded when they lost. They didn’t claim fraud. Even tho a few of those guys and gal won the popular vote by millions.)
I don’t think this is over quite yet. Plus there will be a couple of recounts.

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I kind of want to beat the final boss in hollow knight. But I really wanted the 1800 dream essence (or whatever it’s called) to completely upgrade my dream nail. Its getting so hard to find the essence tho.
I’m not sure its worth it at this point.

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i mean i even gave him the definition of it.

and i thought it was leaving the state was traveling not canada?

corona got him.
not by his choice.


worth is individuals value.

Remember, we were talking about places we have traveled, and you mentioned that you have been to Canada?
He implied that that didn’t count as leaving the country, because it is a border country. I then used the example, that if he traveled to Texas he was no longer in new mexico. He seemed to disagree which is when I mentioned how even tho he lives near the United States mexico border, he would still need a passport to travel (legally) into mexico.
I honestly believe he was kind of trolling us and didn’t really believe his own argument.

I like that, it is true. Did you read that from a fortune cookie? Jk

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i rarely pay attention to fortune cookies.
Not huge on chinese food in general.

also seren

The next Promo banner seems to be Childe, who is a Fatui villain. I don’t really want to waste 180ish rolls to get a bad guy. I will either be rolling on the weapons banner or not at all.

Xiao is coming in February and I heard he is one badexpletive mofo.

Peking Duck is incredible if you go to a good restaurant. It has to be made fresh on site, and it’s really really yummy.

I am glad you’re liking this game!

I am liking Genshin Impact, but that’s mostly cause I have all the characters I want.

Considering the sort of people on these forums, that would be wise.

I did 40 minutes walking on the treadmill. My doctor recommended that number because one can actually commit to doing it each day.

How is your weekend going?

You never know till you try. Unless you guys really aren’t friends anymore. :frowning:

he is unique in he can use ranged and melee attacks iirc.

Yeah, but he’s a villain. It IS a role-playing game, so having a slimy backstabbing liar/killer on the team is not palatable to everybody.

I hope the Weapons banner offers swords and bows again. That’s my only hope of getting anything useful this coming month.

you don’t know his possible reasons D:!

he does have a sister and she said “He cooks, he cleans… He’s the bestest big brother ever!”

there was a presumed datamined keqing sword (it was electro colored and she doesnt have a sword that works with her electro build yet) for future.

I know that it’s a possible thing but I dont think any discussions here get into the realm of pissing someone off to that extent.

I am massively and continuously pissed off by a certain other forum member here, but that doesnt stop me from reading and responding here…also, in a fairly long chat I had with him some time ago on the BNet app, he seemed pretty thick skinned and easy going to me

Maybe just text his cel phone with a “Hi, hows it going” and leave it at that as a start, see if that seeds further chatting

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S: there is a manga for the game you keep chatting about, seems very confusing tho. Main character seems to be a woman named Amber

htt ps: //w11

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I might.


Alex trabek passed away. :sob:.
He was always such a gentleman and so kind, witty, and articulate it was easy to take it for granted.
I hope his family will be able to heal from this.

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Like I said, I’d rather wait for Xiao. He’s the best DPS and isn’t a bad guy. From what I understand, he’ll be offered in February.

If the upcoming Weapons banner offers swords and bows, I’ll spend my month’s wishes rolling on the Weapons banner.

Amber is, unfortunately, the worst character in Genshin Impact. Her personality is great, her sprite is drawn very well, but the only reason to use Amber in the actual game is if you’re one of those people who need a challenge/handicap of succeeding with the worst possible roster.


Well, that sucks. :frowning:

I remember in Happy Gilmore he beat the stuffing out of Adam Sandler, yelling, “the price is WRONG, expletive!”

Was a good guy. :frowning: