The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I miss it :persevere::disappointed_relieved:

US citizen grown up next to a border town I know spanish because I have heard alot of spanish I went to lots of parties with pinatas I was invited to lots of quinceanera and one where I was the main guy and got to dance with the main girl. I am more excited to see buche than hamburgers or steak. My culture is what I know and what I grew up with. Social media is disgusting, corrupt gov is everywhere, and taxes are a unavoidable part of all our lives.

I never said all BBQ tastes the same I said I wouldn’t be crazy to try BBQ because I know I like BBQ.

Not chilly over chilly.


1 Like

True that. Fire fighters, cops, and military people deserve the money they earn. 200 years ago in this country, if you didn’t have ‘fire insurance’ (I’m not sure what it was actually called.) for your house, if it caught on fire there was no fire department to help. I wouldn’t want to live in a society like that.

ask akaras to do it to you?

i mean he sits on likes w/o any1 to give em to.

[concerned zelda pic here]

sirloin is better than any pig meat

not a pun. its a homonym.
there be the difference.

cops and fire fighters do as they are frequently risking their lives.

Military not so much (as the ones actually at risk are paid the cheap whiel those who are safe w/o any risk are paid big bucks)
but then again i am anti military (as imma pacifist)

actually normal home insurance covers fire dmg, but you can also get fire insurance on top of that (incase normal doesnt cover cost of everything)

incase ppl dont know: Homeowners insurance has a limit to what it can cover (so if u lose tons of costly stuff and it is over the rate your insurance covers you SOL)

and another fun fact is home owners insurance doesnt actually cover flood damage nor earthquake dmg. (gotta get a specific policy for them)

they dont tell you this so its always good to get it if your in a place that is frequently having either of them.

I’m extremely anti-war, I think the last war that we legitimately belonged fighting in was ww2. But if a person believes they are doing what is right, and they are willing to risk their life for that belief, who am I to not respect that? They deserve that money and some.

I suppose you are correct. This has been one of my favorite vids.

It’s my culture there is nothing to be concerned about.

I look around in the forums for things to like some times. Last thing I liked was a thread Jellyandjam started about PvE

except if they are only told half truths for “why they should fight” then its the person doing it based off of ignorance and that is not right.

being tricked to do soemthign is an awful thing.

can’t deny the facts :D!

so are you denying you are sitting on un-used likes that could be funneled to widowmei to make him happy?

I agree, but they actually believe it, and are still risking their lives. You can hate the war, but support the warrior.

Really, natives don’t let things concern them much? What tribe are you from again? You told me once, I forgot sorry.

if you think a person should be happy being ignorant (as in not being aware of the truth) that is a sad thing :confused:

i would 100% crush a persons happiness if it made them aware of the truth (not mean but a happy lie is a still a lie and ppl shouldnt be lied to)

hes from the mercy tribe ^_~

i have 2 native tribes blood in me~
but its not a high % (like 4 or 5 generations ago i think)

That homonym on 30 rock gets me every time.

They are being used.

The third largest population in our state.

Maybe you two should go easy on this topic, they have shut down threads for less.

so if u were to try and give widowmei a like you would not be able to at this time?
or are you saying…widowmei isnt worth your likes?
quick google and this was top answer.

If you think about it, in the grand scheme of things, we are all very ignorant. What happens after you die? How many other planets harbor life? Are there multiple universes? Are we living in a simulation? No one really knows. Being ignorant isn’t inherently bad.
And it’s doesn’t make them bad people because they are ignorant on the matters, but they are risking their lives (this is the main point im trying to make). They deserve to get paid.

Were all friends here. I’ll stop talking about it now. But I think threads that get shut down are usually flagged by a lot of people.

this is why ppl learn and try to know more.


also when you die your corpse rots in ground and becomes nutrients for soil or you are burned to ash. (thisis what we know from physical viewpoint and is true across all beliefs)

tons of planets harbor life. just not what we expect.

the theory of multiple universes is impossible to prove so until their is a means the answer is no.

you are not living a simulation…you are living a nightmare fueled by a giant glowing crystal snake.

p.s. study quantum physics as stuff is extremely interesting

I’ll like you both like crazy!

Nice! I like the second one but the green chilly one is for real.

only widowmei needs em to survive and function. he is a like fueled robot.

Hotaru made the best post of the day, good job hotaru.

Akaras you can stop, I like to deserve the likes.

didnt need to link it v_v
you 2 are only oens who would understand it msot likely v-v

It was still one of the best memes you have ever linked, it deserved to be shown.