The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Red chile+other food=delicious
Red chile+cowpie=probably wont like it but willing to try

It was a joke.

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I was in a match on Overwatch!

Fourteen miles up hill is insane!

To be fair Moira and the new guy only recently came out Mercy was day one main healer.

We have that in NM and I have only rarely seen sand there is alot of dirt where I live.

My cousin sent me a pic from China of green chilly that said Hatch NM on it so it’s kinda good.

NM took the atom and Nuke so…

I don’t know what any of that means.

I didnt even know Tennessee had its own BBQ. I know it has its own unique whiskey because of all the adds.

I like red but I have always felt green was more accepting of other flavors. When Ozzy came down he said he enjoyed the green chilly shake.

This is factual.

[insert shocked pikachu pic here]

and you claim to be a man?
how do you not know of Memphis style bbq?
its 1 of the main 4 (other being kansas/texas/carolina)

you need to apologize to the culinary world D:!

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They don’t know what real chile is, and I feel that is much worse.

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Because my state borders Texas and that is all I have ever known. Couldn’t you have guessed this on your own?

If you haven’t tried hatch green the culinary world has failed you.

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Akaras you deserve to drop a mic for this.
Goodnight guys.

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they do.

akaras is one spelling it chilly (as in temperature) <_<

as a food lover you must educate yourself about more than just what is aroudn you :O!

i dont like spicy stuff v-v
the most heat i can handle is the homemade salsa this mexican restaurant makes. (has red and green chilies in it among other stuff)

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Most texans, carolinians, and kansasites(?), don’t know what green or red chile is was the point I was trying to make

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It is my Mei club preference because Mei is cold themed.

I have tried BBQ I like BBQ Im not looking to try more of the same stuff. Vanilla ice cream is still vanilla ice cream in Virginia, Maryland, or Washington.

Most of the time that is usally jalapenos made up to look like the good stuff.
With green chilly you could opt to get a low spice, around here people would poke fun but it is a option and wouldn’t be if no one got it.
When my ma has to do a big cook out she usally gets mild so most people can enjoy it.

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idk if NM ppl do either as akaras confuses food with temperature ^_~

but most regions favor their style of BBQ over others (where as i love all bbq both wet and dry)

even mei would enjoy a bit of heat.

oh ye of little culinary exploration…the 4 taste entirely different from one another :open_mouth:
they are all made differently and applied differently.

also vanilla has multiple flavors of vanilla (if you bake often you know the difference in taste when using real vanilla or imitation)

prolly. as said i dont like spice much. prolly a mild heat is my limit. I dont liek the burning of hotter stuff.

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I have had some crazy hot jalapeno so the only pepper that is safe to me is bell pepper.

But it is still BBQ no different(except mei-be in flavo) from any other BBQ.

Only two things I have turned down in the last fourteen years and that was after the first bite. If you put food in front of me I will eat it(that’s how I got so huge 250 pounds now I am around 170 and still declining) sutffed eggplant surprised me and deviled eggs, which I had for the first time about twelve years ago, I enjoyed.

You can’t speak for her! You’re a confessed Mercy main!

Not confused, I deliberately say chilly instead of chilly because this is the Mei club if this was anywhere else I’d spell it correctly. It’s like when I say mei instead of mei like I mei do it later or Mei instead of Mei like next month is Mei

oh ye of little knowledge…

some can be tomato based while other vinegar based.

some are wet.
some are dry.

plz never say they are the same to someone eating it irl…i dont want you being skinned alive :expressionless:

i can!
its in her culture!

and ofc im a confessed mercy main. I will always be a mercy main.

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I’m sure it was just a typo, but I got you.

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no typo so your fix was a mistake.

akaras knows the truth.

also went to check profiel and it says this:
profiles Under Maintenance

We're performing some maintenance on Profiles and Player Search. Please check back later.
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Hours of a Mei main.
Hangs out in Mei fan club more than the mercy fan club.
Enjoys Mei puns like a Mei main.
Sadistic like a Mei main.
Must be a mercy main. :thinking:?

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I say that stuff all the time. BBQ is BBQ I like it all! If I said I don’t like BBQ I run the risk of getting skinned.

My culture is one of green and red chilly does that mean Im hot?


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not by choice (i even rarely use mei anymore and default to sombra (who is now like my 4rth or 5th most played) and i use mercy when i am able~

the ppl.

i enjoy puns overall?

not even. imma pacifist v_v I dont like ppl being harmed.

shes bestest!

liking bbq isnt bad.
its saying that all bbq tastes same :expressionless:

ur a US citizen. your culture is social media, corrupt gov, and taxes.

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I didn’t mean that you are a sadist in the literal sense, but you do cause people some pain mentally/emotionally. I see the way you bully akaras and seren.
I’m convinced that you scared seren away when you gave him flack for giving you so many likes (which you have also done to me).

corrupt gov. :rofl: that’s great

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no i dont D:!

well when my entire notification is likes and cant even see the other type of msgs w/o viewing the large version <_<.

you can add him on bnet app if u wanan know for real~

tis true sadly.

illegal spying, illegally spending tax money on stuff, bribes, etc etc.

gov is too large and not regulated so they can do w/e they want msot of time…nobody gonna stop em.