The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

If you look at her lower half with the honey dew mei skin, she looks like she weighs about 250 pounds. They made her legs/waist bizarrely big in that skin

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I don’t like junkrat as a hero.
But what does that have to do with you being a mercy main?


I never really use Mei mainly because when I do I always end up trolling


With voicelines or with wall?
I kind of troll with voicelines if the other team has a Mei.
“I got you something”
"Ouch are you ok?’
“Sorry sorry I’m sorry sorry”
“Hang in there”
Is my favorite combo.
You’ll know you did it right if the enemy team starts sending hate mail.


Throwing fire into this room


Woof 7 hours can it be on MCcree? :sweat_smile:

I have his Scrooge outfit :yum:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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We were talking about Zarya vs Bastion.

Hotaru says you know what you’re talking about. I use the Junkrat as a example of you not knowing.

Wouldn’t be a punishment if it was.



Always remember positivity is :key:?


??? I know you have more time on mercy than Mei.
I guess it’s 2019 so you can identify as whatever you would like.

I pose a question to you.
If junkrat is such a good pick then why is his pick rate so low at the higher ranks?
And how does it have anything to do with you being a mercy main?
(He’s the 22nd most picked hero in gm)


You think Pharah is better?

You could be reading it wrong, it’s been established you don’t know Overwatch.


My best friend has a… poster… of Mei in his room that would get me banned to describe here, but let’s just say there are plenty of guys who like a girl that’s got real curves.

I live in a different state than Hotaru and I am pretty sure her SR with Mercy is like 3x mine.

Mercy and Mei statues are 175 dollars apiece. I do not envy D.Va fans, for her it’s 450.

Mercy watches over my room. I get rezzed every 30 seconds. Saves almost as much on coffee as switching to Geico does on insurance costs.

Well, it’s generally the only thread where we do not want nerfs or buffs or accuse staff of horrific things, etc.

To be fair, I think the Bastion megathread has more traffic. It’s the Legos.

My right leg is so cold right now, I am worried because I can’t fully feel it. I upped the heat and it’s slowly beginning to thaw.

A-mei-zing, me and Hotaru agreed on something.

Put on the Pajamei skin where she isn’t wearing layers, she’s as pretty as any girl, just not 40 pounds underweight.


becasue they had to.
her Original model is “large” due to her outfit. therefore they have to make all of her skins similar so the hitbox doesnt change. and if they kept her body thin you’d have gaps in her model to clothing.

hes in denial :frowning: just like how he thinks mei is evil.

projectile size is crap and there are better dps (like hanzo)

hes using anything and everything to try and deny the claim.

not true ;p
I have never once Comp with Mercy.
I only did comp 1 season (10 games to get ranked specifically) to see my skill (and i used mei only).


Are you gonna just keep spouting out random things that have absolutely nothing to do with you being a mercy main?

I don’t think I am.

Seren is back. What’s up man?
Where have you been?


my mercy hours have been rising again :smiley:

still not at my mei, but getting close!

Akaras should be a proud Mercy main!
Best hero.


He should, there is no shame in it.
But apparently he’s a mei main, cause I know nothing about overwatch, or dislike junkrat? He has me legit confused.

My gym plays a song by tom petty called “Mary Janes Last Dance”
Whenever I hear it it makes me think of you, as I don’t know anyone else from your state.

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do u actually dislike junkrat or just the meihem shipping?

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I dislike junkrat.
His character model, his voicelines, the fact that he’s a pain in the butt to deal with as mei.
I never said he was a trash tier character tho, for the record.
Even though there are better dps characters to choose from.

Who is your least favorite hero?
I’m going to guess moira.

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My favorite Mei voiceline:

Elk again?!!? Let’s go!


so smart

ana is up there too
and brig
…bap zen and lucio too.

but moira is #1 msot dislike

Mei is PRETTIER than other girls :rage:. Mei is bae

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