The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

yeah, but I pretty much hate cc in the game


You should play more Mei.
Or zarya.
JK don’t go zarya


yeah Indiana winters always get cold. negatives are common by now. been warmer this year than normal thoguh.

im under 130.
i’ll go out in a pullover sweater as long as it isnt under 20 or raining.

i mean…not uncommon since you are a mercy main :o…

she isnt big!
its her outfit!

disgusting v_v


I agree


no, no, she’s towing some poundage around…

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not saying she doesnt have SOME meat on her, but she isnt as large as ppl claim.
you can tell from the cinematic short of hers.

her in game model just makes it look so due to having to look decent (andn to have huge gaps in model)

btw make sure to like akaras post so he doesnt feel bad.

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I mean, we’re not talking roadhog-esque here, nothing like that


It feels weird disagreeing with dodo.
I think mei looks completely average when it comes to her weight. Not overweight at all, but not as stick figure like as a bunch of the other female heroes in the game.

(look at her face, and not her outfit)


If it helps: I officially give you permission to agree or disagree with me on any topic at any time, in perpetuity


We agree on the M word, private profiles, and role queue tho.


I was thinking Mei has an average body too. But I know by Chinese standards, she would be considered overweight or on the chubby side. Either way, Mei is still bae. :sunglasses:


just look ta her pajamei skin <_<

shes perfectly normal

only reason she looks “large” is most of her skins have bulky padded clothing.
and that skin is about as “thin” as they can make her model due to not givng her hitbox issues. (

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Seren is around I talked to them not to long ago try the Snow Angel thread Seren recently made you might find them there :yum:

Or you might run into them on other threads but trust me they aren’t gone permanently :smile:

You could even try the Mercy thread :angel:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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That’s how the Mei thread works or at least how it’s worked since I got here I say THREADS NEVER DIE a lot but for this thread it’s true! :yum:


Widowmeiker And Hotaru

Even Seren keep this thread alive so I have reason to believe it’ll never die :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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You’re so mean to Mei.
You used alot of words just to call her fat…

Zarya is my best off tank though!

When I was huge I was almost always in shorts. Today I think past me was insane.

How dare you!
I am no such thing!
I am a mystery heroes main!

For shame!


Stupid auto correct also I missed it sry Akaras :sweat_smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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A penance must be issued!
I say…
7 hours on Genji!


so you use her best counter ;)?


i mean… even widowmei is with me on this :o…

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He thinks Junkrat is garbage teir so he don’t know Overwatch too good.

Mystery Heroes is what I main and I only don’t like two out of them all Reinhardt and Pharah.


mei can counter bast :smiley:
wall can block his sight long enough for a rein to charge him safely.
or lift him from behind a barrier.
or hide by corner and freeze him due to how beams work.

P.S. Facebook has yet another data leak affecting 267M users!

I laugh at people who actually still use it.