The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

my pouch at start of a hunt:
potions, mega potions, ancient potion (incase of death to max out hp/stam), flash, 2 traps, and some tranq bombs.

depending on hunts difficulty demon/armor pots and maybe some remedies.

still tons of room for mats.

gs does it better. +crit & +crit dmg + partbreaker.

its not usually good for 1st augment for most weapons except GS. others do little dmg so heal isnt as good. GS = big dmg = big heal.

think most prefer the dmg and the affinity.

middle of attack animation, distracted by another monster, etc.

it doesnt effect nova afaik.
what it does is de-activates their fire aura after a while of hitting em.

tbh if he does this he dies to anyone <_<…

blk. blos doesnt care about air dodge when the hit box is massive!

think in mercy thread stated hes on his last punishment(?) so maybe it was done? (hope not the case)

I feel like he would have hut me up in bnet chat.

Don’t make mistakes.

All the more reason to pay attention and not make mistakes.

I have to look into this next time I’m on sounds fun.

How does GS do at mounting? Or attacking from range? Or adding debuffs through attacks? Or stunning monsters through multiple blows to the head?
IG isn’t great at all of those but all the weapons have their speciality. GS is a giant sword and does what you expect from a giant sword.

Always felt like a waste to me because you get 3 EZ rations in the beginning of every mission and it takes two to max stamina or you can carry well done steaks which aren’t consumed as quickly as the EZ ration but one well done steak will max stamina and you can carry ten at all times.

You don’t carry the charms or Talons?

Definitely need that depending on your monster.

You said gs was great sword, now I know you and hotaru are messing with me.

We have been from the very beginning. You finally figured it out, I’m proud of you.

Mo de, I kn th ho wo tr th, bu I di ex th fr yo ak.

Translated: Most definitely, I know that hotaru would try that, but I didn’t expect that from you akaras.

find ledge and jump attack?

slinger stuff?

GS doesnt do ailments. Sure, there are weapons with them, but GS is a slow weapon so they suck for using them.
With GS you always want as much dmg as you can and maybe an element (optional and only helps if ur prey is weak to it).

GS are decently long weapons so we can hit head, but are 99% slicing dmg. So typically focus on severing tails while others deal with head. (no weapon beats GS when it comes to slicing tails off)

at times. if its a hard monster yeah, but usually not required. its a small bit of xtra dmg.

fun thign is if its like rathian/los with healing augment i dont need it ;p

can out heal the dmg the poison does ez :D!

it is Great sword, but its also giant (90% of them are actually larger than the person using em and 1 of animations actually uses the weapons momentum to basically drag the body with it)

akaras is a liar.
not ncie to trick the ppl who dont know >:(

It’s not nice to call Akaras a liar! There are other Akaras what if they are not?

DB and S&B the rest are huge and IRL unwieldy.

Or just chop of the tail.

I just figured you would carry them at all times. I don’t know why.

Ha! No stuns so H > GS

IG is a small quick weapon so it sucks for breaking parts which is why blast powder from kinsect helps.

Ha! You know that stuff does no damage.

We know there isn’t a ledge every where, elder recess lava section comes to mind.

Of course you did! I’m the guy who says he mains Mei but has more play time on Mercy and on Mystery Heroes more play time on Sombra.

Your right I did expect it from you. Is your region of nm getting any snow?

Hey you said it right this time.

someone made a busterblade (ff7) out of steel in a real scale nd its like 150-200 lbs iirc.

even 1 of the world strongest man ppl cant swing it and can barely pick it up.
sword was around 6ft 8in i think.

fun fact!
claws carry poison too :smiley:

with my build the dmg from em is like maybe 30 or so i think.

prolly help fast weapons, but not much overall of my build with like 1400~ atk.

dont need stuns when you stagger it every TCS o3o!

wrong. it does.
especially cluster and dragon.
(also pierce does strong dmg vs long monsters from tail to head. mroe than anything else)

GS users can lift others up into air anywhere. (with the backswing)

Nope, I don’t even see clouds. Two days ago we were overcast all day and a little windy but that was it.

Im glad I didn’t let you down.

Of course they can’t! People are insane.
The should have gave Sephiroth 7f long masamune a go if they wanted something they couldn’t possibly wield.

Rarly have I been poisoned after I have chopped off a tail. I know Odogaron needs to have his claws trimmed but that’s a bleed.

You could have 1430 atk! I know the buff from them are small but I always take the defense ones and credit them when I surive with like 1% hp.

If you land it, and the stuns can set you up for the TCS.

Mei-be you should kill a monster using nothing but the slinger under 10min to prove me wrong.

Not themselves.

It’s like Mercy guardian angel lets her fly!
As long as someone is in a higher elevation…

actually a bit more. (i use set that gives me more atk at full hp)

L2Block and you rarely ever get to 1%hp.

rocksteady mantle = no knockback and can get them in 100%

would actually work if there was that much ammo around :frowning:

nah. unlike GA flight it doesnt let you get sniped. (as the ally you knock up is immune to dmg so you can save em from atks)

An hour and 40 minutes to have the tires on my car changed out. This is going to be boring, what are you guys up to?

I see nothing has changed on the forums for an week. :joy: Haven’t been on the forums in a week lol. At least this thread still the GOAT.


Sounds fun!
I was cleaning my cooler in anticipation of the warmer days that are coming.

I wouldn’t know about this since I typically solo.

My point exactly, you can’t be a ranged GS user

I don’t think I have that one. I have a bunch of mantels but I’m not sure about rock steady.

Dodge does the same!

Okay, you can have 30 more atk damage on top of you current damage with the talons or charms.

I still remember when I was called “goat” the first time.


I think toridadog is the ‘goat’.
You the real MVP.
I’m proud of you for having the most posts in this thread.

I’m out of likes, does it really take 5 minutes to get a single like back?

Ha! Out of likes! It takes 24 hours to get one like back, you can think of it as a ability that has a 24 hour cool down. In five min you will have the like you did 24 hours ago then you have to wait how ever long it was before you gave that next like.

The first time I was called goat was after a game on Overwatch I had a x4 mass rez with Mercy right as I got back to the point after the enemy took me out. They sent it to me over PSN in a DM I was confused and ended up looking up the meaning.

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pssh driving.

why i have friends with vehicles and enjoy a good run/bike ride.

why would you want to be?

how long do you think even your IG owuld take to kill with JUST the bug?

youre never at range for long anyways (even the los and legi who favor flight chareg you all time)

you dont have a lot of content it seems v_v

stated it earlier…dodge isnt 100% reliable v_v
especially whe nyou fight 2 or 3 monsters at same time. (especially if its multiple blos)

was it when you ate from a trashcan out of starvation during your mountain trip with widowmei?

you have been corrupted :frowning:
you fell for their lies~

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That’s a long wait for some likes.

You mean I fell for their likes.
I don’t want you to run out of likes like I did.
Seren and akaras tried to warn me, but I didn’t believe them, and now I’m like-less.

Who am I kidding, you don’t give enough likes for it to affect you.

Edit: It just let me like hotaru’s post.
Akaras why did you lie to me bro? I forgot the golden rule: when hotaru and akaras say opposing things hotaru is always right.

im not a loose person is why v_v

i dont spread my likes aroudn liek some cheap person :O!

i told you you are infected by them D:!

you would of stayed fine if you stuck by me but now its too late. you are forever tainted. [insert a sad mei here]

Forgive me senpai. I know akaras managed to trick me, but there must be something I can do to un-taint myself. Im open to believing that Mei is as pure as snow.