The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I bought mei’s luna skin instead of chang’e even though I liked chang’e more than luna. In retrospect, I don’t know why I bought the one I like less. But then Jiangshi and pajamei came out which are better than both of her year of the rooster skins in my opinion.

Silly pun: [You shouldn’t chang’e mei’s chang’e skin]


This one is too seasonal for it to be my perma skin.

When it came out everyone was useing it.

Right now I rarely see anyone useing classic Mei skin so it is the one I will use.

Pun appreciated!


Pajamei is bae.

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I used it the first few weeks it was out, it didn’t seem as cool when I noticed everyone using it.
Don’t you think it’s sad Mei has some lame skins

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I like most of her skins, although I’m not a fan of her Christmas skin.


What annoys me about the Christmas skin was the Mei fans were really disappointed with it and all we got was a message from Jeff saying “We missed the mark on the skin”.
Meanwhile when the Hanzo crowd was screaming about Casual Hanzo they changed the skin to what we have now.

The Overwatch team might hate Mei more than Wrecking Ball mains.
I suppose it could be worse… Mei could be Winston, he has the worst skins second to Zarya.
What do you think?

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ah yes…Mei, hold left to kill

To be fair, I don’t think the devs hate Mei, I’m pretty sure she has the second most amount of skins after tracer (and tracer is basically the poster-girl of the game.)
I feel like a few heroes are really hard to balance cause they go from slightly underpowered to op kind of quickly. I’m talking about heroes like: Mei, sym, torb, bastion, reaper, roadhog, and sombra.

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Mei-be they just don’t like Mei.

Mei defiantly falls into this category. I’m not saying they hate her because of balance issues I don’t agree with, I say they hate her because Mei unlike Tracer is perfect. Tracer has no hard counters and is unfun to play against, Tracer has alot of counters but if you make a mistake, like if you miss the flash bang with McCree, Tracer will most likely take you out.

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Just stopped by to drop off some love for Widowmeiker


Can you prove that you stopped by to show some love for widowmeiker?
Are you going to keep repeating yourself like a broken record?

Just kidding… What’s up friend? Keep standing up to those bullies!!

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sadly, I have no proof of my love, but I am willing to repeat that statement when I deem fit :slight_smile:

you can choose to believe it or not :slight_smile:

I am thinking about doing a survey of how loved you are in the forums, but to ensure data validity, I will only invite folks who have complimented you in this specific thread…as Brigitte says, I love Team Mei!


Can I respond to that survey? Make sure you cook the survey a bit. Like let people respond to it as many times as they want.

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Q1: On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being a “I feel more love for Widowmeiker than any other forum member” and 10 being “I feel more love for Widowmeiker than I do for pizza”, how much do you love Widowmeiker?


Mei-be a five. It is only a five because he still thinks Mei puns are bad.


Bad puns are bad. But I’ll take a 5. That means I’m half as good as pizza. That’s a compliment in my book.


By default you lose three points for not knowing FFVII so you could be a seven if you just liked Mei pins

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FFVll is final fantasy seven. So, does that mean I get an 8 instead of 5?

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Thank you to all the Mei mains out there; you are by far my favourite person to pocket. You always get my damage boost priority as you chase down even the most titanic of enemies with your offers of free popsicles. Moreover, your creative and sadistic use of walls provides some of my favourite cover for Res.

But! I do have a question for you: do you prefer the ult charge you gain from your ice block, or additional healing so as to get back into the fight as quickly as possible?


It depends on how close to ult I am. If you need the ult charge, then by all means take it.
I’ll never complain about being pocketed by mercy. Mercy mains rock.