The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I can’t fly to New Mexico for a cheeseburger, bro. I need to send spies to take discreet and illicit photographs of it.

It was a fake green chile cheeseburger. Five guys>sparkys.
Sparkys also rhymes with: without cheese, fleas, and grease (I’m going to sparkys to get a burger without cheese, but with extra fleas and grease). I’m still working on the mix tape.

Definitely agree.


Damn it, I just exercised hardcore and you guys are talking about delicious food.



I’ve been jogging lately. I hadn’t been doing cardio for close to a year (and gained a bit more weight than I wanted to). The first 3 or 4 jogs, I legit felt like I was going to have a heart attack afterwards.

Great job tho, keep it up. And remember if it was easy, everyone would do it.


Keep it up!

My old man and one of the “step sisters” dont like it, you could also hire widow he is one of the burger blasphemers.
Im telling ya my burger is lit.

I stand by this burger as the best in New Mexico.
Five guys rhymes with lies lies which is it what you will be saying after being told Five guys is better than Sparkys.

She belongs on a frozen throne!

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I took a second look at the pic and you can kinda see some cheese sticking out on the bottom right of the burger(when I flipped the burger some of the cheese fell out with some chilly). You can also see where some of the juices had already started soaking into the bun(upper right) because I forgot to flip it when I was chowing down on the wedges, the pic looks like there are only five wedges because there are only five. I ate alot of the wedges before I flipped it, and later, took the pic.

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every day: 100 Push-Ups. 100 Sit-Ups. 100 Squats. 10KM Running. no air conditioning. possible side effect: baldness


And a possible attraction to a red cape

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I see no evidence of alleged cheese.

You are now indicted for impersonating the consumption of a gccb, minimum sentence banishment from Hatch during chile harvest season for all of eternity


who would want to be a Caped Baldy?


Not me with my glorious head of hair!

Fine! Next time I go I will get the cheese in the pic!

Grow alot freeze alot we have some all year!
My next trip up to ABQ(pending plans dont change) will be in May

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Frozen <<<<<<<< Fresh Roasted

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Of course but I dont know if you heard but I was just banished.

My cousin is looking into getting me a assistant coaching job so I might end up getting Sparkys alot more than I have

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try this, Akaras

a legendary spot to be reopened tomorrow in Sante Fe, and already open in ABQ if thats closer

when/if I make it to NM, I will have a gccb and it will be here


Thanks, Aaron.

I’ve been diagnosed with diabetes and have been feeling weird in a bad way for a while. In a way, the diabetes diagnosis was a good thing because eating sugar makes me literally sick, and my mom, who’s a doctor with 40 years experience, told me that getting in good shape will bring it under control without pills and constant needles.

I think the key is eating right, though. You guys are talking about delicious burgers, and heck I love those, but at my age, at my weight, I’d rather be alive and well than morbidly obese and only alive because half the prescription drugs in existence are floating through my system.

Thanks! I will! The burger discussions aren’t helping though. Not that I am the thought police and you can’t talk about burgers, I am just saying it makes me want one and I really cant’ have one now.

If I am craving a special meal, I go to the local sushi joint. The waitress really rubs me the wrong way, but that’s some darn good spicy tuna.

You know, you guys argue about these burger joints in exactly the same way you argue about football teams. Just sayin. xD

Isn’t that a WoW expansion?

I am just happy I ate my boring reasonable meal a little while ago. That sounds mouth-watering.

You sound like Soldier76 lol. He’s got sprinting as an ability, emote for pushups, etc.

What about attraction to red tape? Don’t you have any pity for the mass bureaucracy?

Do you need a security clearance to investigate cheeseburgers? O_O

All you need is a flamethrower and some napalm, and you’ll go from well-done to extra-crispy.


the character in question is not 76, and not from the Overwatch Universe :slight_smile:

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I am pretty sure a very high percentage of entertainment series have a hardcore soldier-type person, such as Guile in the Street Fighter series. Gamers luff it.

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I like red grapes.

I’m sorry to hear that. Listen to your mom and take care of yourself.


I was under the impression that Serenicus was a really, really old guy…

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Im the same with Mountin dew.

I like a seaweed salad now and then.

Yes, I am saying she is the Litch queen and she commands a army of the dead

Burgers are a once in a while treat for me.

Only for one man, the one who will save us with his limbo skills.

Seren doesnt watch anime… Neither does widow

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