The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

Do you have that Moira popcorn pic? It’s quite popular on Overwatch forums.


Finally!!! Thank you Widowmeiker! Thank you for the delicious buttered-up popcorn that makes me imagine watching my favorite movies!


Thanks, I had a very small one from discord not the big one hahaha.

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You gotta admit it looks very delicious! O_O

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No, I dont allege I know she is a stone cold killer. I have seen her do it.

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That doesn’t explain why you, having forcefully argued that she’s a psycho, nevertheless consider her your good friend and admit she goes with you everywhere.

It basically means you’re assisting a serial killer in murdering countless innocent people.

This, of course, goes off your own logic and I think Mei is a sweetie so this does not apply to me. :smiley:

(I am pretty sure the popcorn image is going to be plastered again in the near future.)

Charles Manson had good friends, why can’t Mei?

I wont say yes or no to that

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Because Charles Manson and all his good friends are serving life without parole in prison. According to your philosophy of Mei you should be incarcerated. :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew it, he admits it! :stuck_out_tongue:

They cant keep her for long. Didnt you watch the short?
She can get out of anything!

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She’s too sweet to be incarcerated. People like you make the authorities believe all sorts of nonsense about Mei and she gets in trouble thanks to your “friendship.” You got her locked up! It’s all your fault!


She gets in trouble thanks to her insatiable blood lust. Mei is a beast!

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i saw no cheese on alleged gccb


“Alleged” is the key word. Plausible deniability will get you far in life. And far from extinction, as Megadodo you should not follow in the footsteps of the regular old dodo.

Mei does not belong in prison. She belongs in an ice cream parlor.

a green chile cheese burger has to have cheese

its in the name :slight_smile:


What if it’s a propagandaburger and only CLAIMS to have the truth? O_O

Oh it had cheese, but as a simi regular I turn my burger upside down because I know now that the chilly/burger patty juice will run into the top bun

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You are conducting unethical experiments on your cheeseburger???


If you head in there and people who know about our burger you’ll see a few upside down burgers

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