The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

She’s the tank I’m playing most currently. I have more hours on dva, but dva is in a bad spot at the moment.


Hi Aaron!

Don’t let crazy Russians get in the way of your recreational time with Mei.

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Good luck with the queue times on DPS your better off learning a new role. I told you all I am fixing to become a support main. Mei will be a shadow of my former self, back in the day I would use Mei as off tank but those days are gone.

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could have sworn this was a Mei thread :slight_smile:


If all we did was talk about Mei, this thread would have been dead about 5000 posts ago.
Anyway, what are you up to?

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the usual

Mercy talk seems to have died down atm (fingers crossed) so its false reporting and Forced Queue on the menu today, it seems

I had a hard enough time accepting you as a forum buddy since you are a Mei :-), so pleeeeeease dont tell me you are a Belicheat supporter too? (the hate of the Cowboys is a plus, tho)

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I don’t like the Patriots, I just think it’s silly to say that Aaron Rodgers is the greatest qb of all time. The guy has one Superbowl, and seems to break his collarbone every other year.
I hate the cowboys, I’m a viking fan.


oh thank the lord…

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Love them or hate them everyone is always talking about them, Americas team! Dallas Cowboys!

It starts tomorrow afternoon y’all!

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They should lasso that Super Bowl like at the rodeo. After running through the Pats like cows. :smiley:

Moo moo, Brady. Moo eff Moo.

given the WRs that Mr Bundchen now has to throw to, I doubt anyone will challenge the Belicheats all year long, including in the Superbowl

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Superbowls are meant to be filled with the finest of fruits and confections, to the point where even the Pats couldn’t eat them all, because they’d get diabetes. O_O

I wish another team would rise to the challenge, as I really hate the Belicheats

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Who’s your team?


I want the Bears to win. Because they’re BEARS. Who can not love bears?

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Vikings, lions, and packers fans don’t like the bears. Granted I’d root for the lions or bears over the packers any day.

What are you up to seren?


Hey Aaron! I am just “chillin” in Comp with my bud Kaz. I might make Silver this season! :smiley:

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Nice, are you liking the competitive and quckplay changes.
I personally haven’t tried the new competitive or quickplay yet.


This thread needs to burn.

I don’t always like Comp, but there’s definitely a thrill to it.

QP is what I do with no party around. Mercy with no party shouldn’t do Comp.

On another note, I’ve noticed that for Mercy, Sigma’s ult is the perfect time for a rez that would otherwise be suicidal.

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