The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

It sounds like we have ourselves a rumble fumble.

Who will win?! Akaras or Widowmeiker? Which quarterback is BEST?!??!!??!?!?!?!

Colin Kaepernick or Joe Theisman

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I think it would be an easy match to call, cause one is a heavyweight and one is a welterweight.

It is so unfair to judge a 6 time Superbowl champ (that’s a record amongst all quarterbacks including Eli and Aaron Rodgers), on two single games.
If we are going to be judging players like that, I choose the two games Aaron Rodgers broke his glass like collarbone to represent him.
Ohh and Aaron Rodgers wishes he could get to 2 Superbowls btw.

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Tyson vs Ali than.

It’s not like they were pre season games they were the only game that matters to ya. Eil 2-0 vs Tom the “GoAT”

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Tyson would try to bite off Ali’s nipple. Tyson’s real last name is “Teethson.”

You guys should be cheering on the Buffalo Bills and the Cleveland Browns.

Every chance I get I cheer for the browns, they are a great underdog team!

You don’t know that, he could go for the nose

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I haven’t followed Ali’s career enough to answer that question. Tyson was a bad man though.

Serious question, since we are on the boxing discussion. If I said Mike Tyson is disqualified from the GOAT discussion because he was beaten by Buster Douglas, would you agree with that?
Also do you consider Buster Douglas a better boxer than Mike Tyson cause he was undefeated against Tyson? (Cause that’s how silly you saying Eli Manning is better than Tom Brady sounds to me)

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If he did it twice for the championship yeah I would say he was better. Eli showed up prepared for the championship game Tom let the “we’re undefeated, we won’t lose” talk get in his head.
Now if you were saying Bill Belichick was a contender for the GoAT I could not argue that. Bill is a boss coach. Tom is just a over rated player who when he was suspened the Pats were still winning.

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So it has to be twice? Once isn’t enough, or are you just making up conditions for the sake of being consistent? Lol you are funny.

So Belichek gets all the credit when they win and Brady gets all the fault when they lose?
I can’t tell if you are trolling me or not.
Did Brady steal an ex gf of yours at some point in your life?

They aren’t the only games that matter to me. Tom Brady has a better career record than Aaron Rodgers by the way (I could link it if you don’t believe me). But if you ask any qb in the nfl (any player really) what is most important to them they will tell you winning a ring.

Without mentioning Tom Brady or Eli Manning, tell me why you think Aaron Rodgers is the greatest qb of all time?
He’s great don’t get me wrong. He’s extremely efficient, but I prefer someone that has proven time and again that he can win championships.


Aaron Rodgers, when he was asked about the patriots 28-3 come from behind win against the falcons:

The guy you consider the goat considers someone else (Tom Brady) to be the goat :rofl:

I dont think he is the greatest of all time but I do believe he is better than Tom.
Why do I think he is better?
Rodgers has had to work with a bad coach and a not so great team and he still does a good job. Now imagine if the Packers were in the same division as the Bills, Jets, and the Dolphins how many division titles would Green Bay have?

Are you going to tell me he is not a great coach?
Belichek is a ledgend if he wins or loses he takes the hit in front of his team all while Tom is out making movies

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Also akaras:

This sounds like the guys on the forums that say: I’m stuck in bronze/silver/gold, because my teammates are so bad. Maybe the problem isn’t necessarily your team, maybe you aren’t quite good enough to rank higher (or in Rodger’s case), win multiple superbowls.

I’m starting to realize how you see things. Football is a team sport, but the coach gets all the credit when they win, and the qb (not rodgers though, cause it’s all his teams fault :roll_eyes:) gets all the blame when they lose.

Also, eli manning is better than tom brady cause he is undefeated against him in championship situations, but buster douglas isn’t better than Mike tyson even though he is also undefeated against tyson in championship situations (cause it has to be a minimum of two times, we’ll call it the akaras rule).

Belecheck is a great coach, but let’s be honest, it helps when you have a hall of fame (and often regarded as the goat by many people) qb.
I don’t believe belecheck could get the Browns to a supebowl.

Listen bro, I’ve had a rough day. It kind of feels like you are trolling me, by being so inconsistent in your criticisms of brady. Can we drop this? If you want to keep arguing, that’s fine and all, but I will mute this thread, and probably wont be back for about a week.

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That’s all you had to say.

How is 2-2-2 treating ya?

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I mean I did tell you yesterday that we had had this same argument before and asked if you wanted to have it again.
You wanted to have it again.

I haven’t tried it yet.
I’ve been playing classic qp and 8 player ffa

And you?


Hey, I’ll be happy if I ever MEI-KE it to gold!

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I didnt know I liked Zarya this much.
And the DPS queue times suck.
And being a flanker when your team needs flanker and tank buster is lame…
Healer is my favorite role so I have no problems there.
I like no more five insta lock DPS

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You like Zarya and Zarya likes steroids.

You can’t possibly be serious! O_O

Dude rank is just a number.

In my opinion id rather be a bronze player who is having fun and enjoying the game, than a top 500 player who gets mad at the game all the time.

I got some hate mail a few days ago along the lines of “lol youre bad at this game”.
I responded with “I bet your rank at a video game looks super good on a resume and gets you all the ladies”.
He didn’t respond back.

At the end of the day, video games are meant to bring you enjoyment. Don’t let a number affect that.


In my case I was solo queuing with Mercy which is a no-no. She can’t carry a team.

My SR was at 600 at some point; right now I am approaching Silver. O_O

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When the energy caps and you start blasting EVERYTHING in your way and the enemy team can’t fight back because you have a team of healers at your back it is a lovely feeling!

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