The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

I’ve been posting around since you have been kinda inactive.

He vanished. I don’t think he has posted in the forums lately.

30ish replys on my valentines day post is a big deal?
If I put “GOAT” “LGBT” “Nerf Mercy” “oVeRWatCH iS diEInG” “I’m A GiRl” “Apex” or something negative about “OWL” I could easily get over 100 replys.

Alot of work I imagine.

I retired from my arting days after my GF left me…I honestly believe she has my best piece of work I have ever done… As far as drawing goes.
I have a really nice 2B keychain I made here next to me. I like it alot, shame I made it as a gift for a friend… I’ll get it to her one day

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What is up seren? I have been a bit busy lately. I’ll try to visit more often.

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Yay he’s back. I’ve been drowning myself in Skyrim, and I stupidly called an ex after two years and that didn’t go well. Though in a way it did go well because what I heard on the other end was so messed up that I now have 0 respect for her and her family, and once the few days pass I’ll have no real reason to ever regret not being iwth her. If you realize you have no respect for somebody and if there’s solid reasons for that, it’s probably a good idea it ended, however it might have ended.

Apologies for that, but as you probably know, once you enter Skyrim, you don’t come out for a few days. I blame Lydia and her beautiful green eyes.

My theory on “posting around” on Overwatch forums is unless you stick to talking to friends, you will eventually be banned. If you keep talking except to friends, you’ll eventually be permanently banned.

Which makes it my fault for causing the fanthreads to be slow.

My most epic non-fanthread thread was the “Mercy in a bikini” thread, which exploded and some dude coined “Heroes never drown,” but then idiots came and started agitating about how women putting on swimsuits is a male-orchestrated conspiracy in which men forced women to put on swimsuits and this is sexism.

I should have learned my lesson after that thread got locked. Most Overwatch forum threads are “women putting on swimsuits is a male-orchestrated conspiracy in which men forced women to put on swimsuits and this is sexism.” This is kinda what I was talking about.


Please come around more often because Mei-sama misses you.

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Better than skyy vodka. I’m not a prohibitionist and I definitely enjoy a drink after work, but I would be 100% ok if vodka was illegal. (It’s sooo gross)

I’m not a fan of becoming “friends” with an ex. I feel like things always happen for a reason. If you were meant to be with her, it would have never ended in the first place.

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No, I mean, if you care for a girl and she drops you without any explanation and in the most callous, emotionless way possible, you kinda blame yourself because you don’t know what is happening and then you call her and find out she views boyfriends as a “business arrangement” (I blank you not) and then you find out her mom (I respected her mom a lot) is responsible for her believing that, you suddenly are cured of any regrets of no longer being with her. She used email and business language in dropping me back then, now I understand why. I mean, I wish her family luck in finding her a “good business arrangement.” I guess I thought well of them, and I guess I was mistaken. Things happen.

Prohibition was a terrible idea and just increased crime and decreased alcoholism safety. The Women’s Christian Temperance Union was responsible, and their then-headquarters is about 30 minutes away from where my parents live. Let’s just say the town tries to keep quiet about parts of its history.

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Agreed, but where do you draw the line? Alcohol should be legal in my opinion (as well as a few other illegal drugs). But, I think most of the hard drugs should remain illegal.
Side note: You have always struck me (and don’t take offense by this as none is meant) as a libertarian. Am I accurate?

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The problem with Prohibition is a small minority brute-forced its views on the whole population, and the population was not interested in dealing with it. Alcohol is actually good for you if you enjoy it responsibly, and abuse of alcohol is present in nearly every place outside the religious Middle East. People will drink. It should not be up for legislative control.

I would rather not get involved in political discussion because you get banned for that here. All I will say is, I am a political refugee from the USSR whose family was heavily persecuted for three generations by a ultra-far-left totalitarian state. People like me have seen what Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow dreamy dreamers will really do if they get their way, and people like me vote accordingly. Let’s just leave it at that.

In some way, I am maybe too tolerant on people, though. I want to see the best in people and I want to believe people are telling the truth. That’s what lands me in big trouble a lot of the times, that’s how I ended up with that girl I just talked about and a lot of other bad girlfriends. Most people don’t trust enough to give somebody like that a chance, they listen to other people and don’t get involved. I don’t get involved like I used to, because I’ve been bludgeoned a lot, but I still remain optimistic about people.

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Joins an no kill lobby in custom games. The old Petalburg theme starts playing on my playlist. Reminds me of the good ole days of Pokémon Ruby.

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I want trading cards of Overwatch stuff, collect all the golden guns and give Tracer teh extra mobility she so desperately needs!

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Argumentative people get banned. I usally pop in give my opinion pop out and mostly never go back. If someone tries to combat my point I like their post and move on, life is too short for arguing about nonsensical things.

I have only the one play through. I have thought about going back but I have been too busy for my RPGs.


Hey, my Mei fan skin is now in the voting page. Vote now:

Not sure what there is to do in OW forums other than argue. Every second thread is “You are bigots because you don’t want 3 more LGBT heroes” or “It’s oppression that there’s no Arabic language Overwatch.” OR!!! we can stay in here and talk about fun stuff and nobody is peeved in the slightest. Except that Hotaru won’t post a pic of her belly button.

“The harshness of Skyrim has a way of carving one down to his true self.” – General Tullius. You need more Skyrim harshness!!!

Hey everyone, I have another redraw challenge for u. This time, based on my Mei fan skin!

In the Netherlands, all drugs are legal so people can be out in the open about it and get treatment without problems. Streets are littered with syringes and stuff. It’s kinda scary to imagine people being legal to try hard drugs… one dose can do so much harm. I remember there was a fellow who started his career in the NBA, he was enormously talented and people were sure he’d be the next Michael Jordan. He took some (drug name can’t be put here) to celebrate teh end of his first season, and it literally punched a hole through his heart and he died. This dude was a young, ultra-athletic star in the NBA… and just that one first dose boomed him.

In the Netherlands the girls ask the guys out, as I recall. I don’t think that part is too bad lol.

Been alive for 22 years and never had one girl friend at all. Not lying either.

Just talk, like if everyone was friends.

I sent a message to Hotaru251on PSN lets see the user of that account sends one back. The MHW event last day was today, after today I give up on Hotaru.

My PS3 has ALOT of hours on it so I am a bit reluctant to go hard on Skyrim again.

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Is it snowing a bunch in Deming?

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How about we make her abilities not affected by latency, no one likes getting shot through there ice wall

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It rained, and the snow just lasted about five minutes before it rained again.

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Hey guys, come and take a look at the contributions of the #MeiCNY redraw challenge:

And also, there is a new redraw in your own art style challenge if you have missed out: