The official Mei fanclub (v. 2.0) (Part 1)

This is going to be a very long post.

The Imperials are not “invaders” but the rightful government. Ulfric postures as the champion of Talos, but Talos as a mortal is the one who founded the very Empire Ulfric seeks to destroy! Keep that in mind as you go through what I wrote about the pro-Empire Nords’ attitude to Talos.

By the point of TES V: Skyrim, the Skyrim province has been a willing part of the Empire for centuries, and though the Empire is weakened, the treaty Ulfric rails about was the only way to keep the Aldmeri Dominion from destroying all of the Empire, Skyrim included. So, the screaming by Ulfric that the Empire “dishonored” everybody is BS because if the Empire hadn’t signed the treaty and banned Talos worship, everybody would have been destroyed. This is a very very thinly veiled comparison to the Treaty of Versailles, by which the liberal but weak Weimar Germany government ended World War I. The Versailles treaty “dishonored” Germany, and that was what Blankler screamed about the Treaty of Versailles all day long, and that was his pretext for power just as the ban of Talos worship was Ulfric’s pretext for power, but Germany had no choice but to accept it just as the Empire had no choice but to accept it.

What do I mean by “the same as Skyrim’s Empire” is, if you look at the Empire’s side of things, every Nord on the side of the Empire is against the ban of Talos worship and secretly worships Talos. Jarl Elisif, whose husband Torygg Ulfric murdered and whom the Empire supports in opposition to Ulfric quietly asks you to place Torygg’s family war horn at a shrine of Talos because she herself could not publicly do it. Legate Rikke, the Nord Legate leading the charge against Ulfric is likewise a Talos worshipper: she sometimes says “Talos be with you” to you, and when you kill Ulfric, she says “Talos guide you” to the corpse, which General Tullius wtf’s about. If you side with the Empire in the very start and go with Hadvar and meet Alvor in Riverwood, both of them admit that Talos worship is very important. Put plainly, Ulfric screaming about the ban of Talos worship = Blankler screaming about the Treaty of Versailles. Nobody in Germany was for the Treaty of Versailles, they had to bear it because there was no other choice.

So, again, Blankler screamed about outsider forces using the Treaty of Versailles to blank up Germany just as Ulfric screamed about non-Nords using the ban on Talos worship to blank up Skyrim. So, the ban on Talos worship being a pretext for power is about Ulfric wanting to be High King. Just as the Versailles treaty was a pretext for power for Blankler to take control of Germany. “Outsiders have dishonored and blanked us” was the marshalling call with both men.

Both Ulfric and Blankler are far-right racist extremists. Ulfric hates all non-Nords, wants them thrown out of the province, and treats them like garbage; in Windhelm, the Dark Elves and Argonians are second class citizens, and although Ulfric will fight for the Nords of his hold, when non-Nords are attacked he doesn’t care at all and lets literally anything happen to them. Talk to Brunwolf Free-Winter and he explains this. Of course, Blankler treated all non-Germans and “undesirable” Germans like inferior beings, not just Jews but gypsies, liberals, etc. This horrible, murderous treatment is what made it a World War and made Germany dishonored for real when it ended.

Blankler’s ideology was “might makes right” and “the strong deserve to get everything, no apologies.” Ulfric’s rallying cry is that the Empire has made Nords weak and by “drinking the Empire’s milk” the master race has turned to rubbish. Both Ulfric and Blankler believe that “true” Nords/Germans must be strong. There is also the extremely easy connection of Elder Scrolls Nords being Northern hardy Aryans: valuing strength and loving battle, and Nords are invariably powerful physically and are often blonde haired and blue eyed.

Both Blankler and Ulfric agitated for many years without getting much support. Both had a personal army of thugs as backing. Then, the Versailles Treaty/ban on Talos worship finally gave Blankler/Ulfric the visibility and rise to power they wanted.

Both Blankler and Ulfric use war as impetus for their personal ambition. The Europeans wanted peace and tried to appease Blankler, but he wanted war. Likewise, Ulfric wasn’t removed right away despite his views. It was when he murdered Torygg that the Empire could no longer ignore what he was doing and went to war with him, which is exactly what he wanted. Same as the invasion of Poland by Blankler being the final straw that Britain and France could not ignore.

Blankler’s speaking style was extremely charismatic but his views were animalistic and simplistic and focused on strength as justification for its methods. Ulfric is pretty much the same. The honorable but cranky Jarl Balgruuf the Greater describes Ulfric as a “bloodthirsty and dangerous man,” and this before Ulfric attacks his hold.

The Empire in Skyrim is cosmopolitan and liberal, but a bit decadent and weak. The Weimar government that preceded Blankler’s Third Reich was literally identical. So, in both cases, you’ve got an inclusive, liberal but decadent and weak government standing against a hard-right, racist, might-makes-right strongman.

I might have repeated some things, but I think you get the idea. I just hope I don’t get banned for the comparison like last time.

I noticed you didnt even mention Luico. They are indeed the perfect ship.

I never got the other side of the story. During my second play through I got a PS4 and was trying to justify my purchase by playing PS4 titles which all sucked at launch. I only went back to my PS3 every now and then to play Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon

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I don’t really like Lucio, to be honest. I certainly don’t think he has much in common with Mercy. He’s an entertainer going all over the world, she’s a scientist and doctor seeking to save lives in one place (a hospital) unless she’s out on rescue missions.

Then you should trust me on the matter, since the comparisons I made for you are way too extensive to be some sort of accident and coincidence. That, and Elder Scrolls as a series uses religion and politics very heavily to make lore for the series.

They say opposites attract.

I just enjoy the game as it is presented, I wasn’t looking for a dragon metaphors while playing. When Ulfric told me the imperials were bad guys, the imperials were bad guys. When I was doing my imperial character the Stormcloaks were the bad guys because my superiors told me they were.

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All of Skyrim players I’ve met chose between the Empire and the Stormcloaks based on their irl political beliefs. To be honest, you’re the first one I’ve talked to who didn’t care either way.

I just don’t like him. I don’t see what is so heroic about running some concert and getting tons of $$$, as opposed to, say, D.Va, who is also famous but dropped professional gaming to pilot a mech to defend her country.

Believe when I say I put lots of hours on both characters. More on the nord because I completed it 100% on him. I think with my elf I got about 60ish% complete, I do remember she was stronger then my nord was at certain points.

Mei-be he does alot of charity work and helps pay for Mercys patients crazy expensive medical bills.
Miracles aren’t cheap.

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The most powerful for the reason of min-maxing is Breton. This is because of the 25% general magic resistance and the Dragonskin daily power. Stack that with the 30% in the Alteration tree, and the 22% x 2 from the Ring and Amulet you can craft with Enchanter’s Elixirs and you’re 99% base magic resistant, without potions coming into play. You can armor up against physical attacks pretty well, but without magic resistance at later levels, you’ll take tons of damage against end-game wizard enemies and end-game dragon breath. This is ironic because as a player character, it’s almost universally believed that magician is the weakest of the three (warrior/stealth/magic.)

I usually keep several rings and ammys for the right situation: one of each with 45% to my damage skill and 22% magic resistance, one of each for 45% to my damage skill and Carry Weight, an ammy 45% to my damage skill and Barter buff, and 45% to my damage skill and Restoration.

Nord’s 50% frost resistance is harder to stack to 100% resist all when you’re creating end-game gear through smithing and enchanting. I personally stay away from the tri-crafting endless loop so there’s some challenge left in the game.

That said, considering what Skyrim is, the choice of Nord as player character makes by far the most sense. It doesn’t make sense for an Argonian or a Dark Elf to be able to Shout, because it’s a Nord tradition. That said, because I tend to play Breton, I am not really one to talk. xD

He reminds me of these dissipated Hollywood celebs and phony musicians (yes, including Taylor Swift. xD ) They lead tabloid-level lives and live in giant mansions and then preach down to us peons what “social justice” is. If you’re a gazillionaire that makes tons of money through entertainment and lives in a mansion, that’s not a social worker who passed up a lucrative career and chose a socially-conscious job that pays nothing to actually HELP the little people instead of “raising social awareness” through Twitter after eating grass-fed steak in a 500 dollar 5 star restaurant. The entertainment industry needs to stick to making songs and movies and stop preaching morality, because considering what most of them do in their personal lives, it’s just nauseating to listen to them.

My first guy was nord. I picked elf next because most imperials were elf.

With polio and Mercy needs to stay with him to keep him healthy. Or Mei can freeze him until they find a cure.

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Imperials are actually anything – Redguards, Argonians, dark elves, Nords, Imperials, etc. The Thalmor are all elves, but the Imperials don’t like or trust them either, and if you win the war, General Tullius confides in you that he’s “not so sure about this peace we’ve made with the Thalmor, but let’s keep that to ourselves.” The Thalmor are pond scum.

Mercy needs a manly man who’s in desperate need of medical attention. That would be McCree. His lungs probably look like D.Va mech-exploded them.

Mei-be he has future nice lungs.

Is this why you dont want to ship Merc-o?

I thought the Thalmor were the dominant race in the imperials. If I remember correctly they had a passive for imperial trading???

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27 replies on my new topic! I set a new Akaras record!

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htt ps://

Curse you Seren! Use the “`” marks next time!

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Sorry guys
Deleting ny reply

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Hello Mei lovers I did a doodle of Mei today so I thought I would drop it in here for you all!


Thank you for the pic! It looks like you put in quite a bit of work on it! :smiley:

None of us can draw, sadly.

Wait, what? I don’t have Trust lvl 3 yet.

Akaras is always setting records. It’s all part of being Akaras.

Thalmor are very racist and they defeated the Empire and forced them into a treaty that was very bad for the Empire; that treaty is what Ulfric used to agitate against the Empire, and it was also his pretext for murdering High King Torygg.

Lucio sucks. It is a 2-word fact, an immutable universal truth.

Oh, heh, actually I kinda just doodled it at work put of boredom because my job is very slow, but I’m happy you like it!


It is better than what I can draw.

Always gotta set them little goals.

I’ve been posting for a long time and I don’t think I have ever had it…

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Yeah, visual art is an awesome skill. You’ve got to be pretty diligent at it to make a living using it, though. The art that tends to get plastered in the Mei and Mercy fanclubs is usually by top-of-the-heap artists; I can only imagine how much work they put in to be able to draw like that.

What is a big goal to society is a little goal to Akaras.

Where did Widowmeiker go?

Probably because you and I post just in the fanthreads. It requires posting in other threads, which I’d recommend not doing becuase of how nice forums are.

Art is art! Something to be proud of!!! :smiley: