The Next Witch Hunt: hitscan

How can supports be witch hunted when it’s the supports that do the witch hunts?
Like seriusly atleast 50% of all posts here are supports!



Didn’t happen last time. Won’t happen next time.

Yeah I can’t wait for the Torb witch hunt.

Okay. You can’t target hitscan dps. That would include sombra and soldier. Please can we not make this mistake again folks.

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I think people run Mccree because hes the ONLY dps with an instant/reliable stun (sombra hack, junk trap and mei freeze don’t really count). With heroes like hammond, tracer, genji, etc running everywhere, the stun is VERY useful.

Plus his highnoon can break shields and so can his alt fire. He’s just a good pick that has lots of play making potential across all metas without being too strong (as seen by his winrate). And hes simple/fun like you say lol

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Just wait and you will see. Cuz as you can tell there is not a single DPS nerf on the experimental yet there are support nerfs.

When Brig finally dies they will just fo to the next support. No suppirt except for Ana is allowed to be meta. And if she is meta she always has to have Lucio as her companion, that’s why you will seebuffs to him and nerfs to everyone else.

DPS are always being witch hunted. That’s all this community does, which leads to unnecessary nerfs or buffs that only make the game worse, which in term leads to more witch hunts.

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I’m a DPS main. I’m a Doomfist main. I know what being witch hunted is like. But an entire subclass of DPS is the best option during a meta that doesn’t favor them. We can at least discuss it. And for what its worth, my opinion is that Widowmaker should be the best DPS hitscan at high end play, which she just isn’t anymore. But that’s just my opinion.

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I disagree and here is why;

Burst hitscan generally equals a dead squishy, tanks will make it through any single hitscans burst with time to heal the damage. So double barrier doesn’t really help the squishy heroes survive when the team-fight starts and if they get nailed before the team-fight, there is nothing left to heal.

We have double barrier because we have two shield tank heroes that can absolutely PUKE damage downrange while shielding… Sigma and Orisa.

Trying to push through to those two vomiting damage at a choke/area/your team is absurd because the nature of their kits and double shield allows the rest of their team to ALSO puke damage out.

When you have Rein/Zarya, you have healers that must focus on the tanks and tanks that can’t just send endless waves of damage downstream. So your biggest amount of trash/spam damage is mostly limited to your two DPS.

With Sig/Orisa, the ENTIRE team can concentrate on saturating a choke, area, or the enemy team with firepower due to the immense amount of damage absorption involved.

Rein/Zarya is Rein Barrier + Rein health/armor + Zarya Bubble x2 + Zarya health.

1600 Barrier + 500 Health + 200 Armor + 200 Shields + 400 Bubbles = 2,900 effective HP total. Limited to Rein’s and Zarya’s immediate area.

Sigma/Orisa is Orisa Barrier + Sigma Barrier + Orisa re-Barrier (Orisa will be off cool down), Orisa Fortify + Orisa Health/Armor + Sigma Kinetic Grasp + Sigma Personal Shields + Sigma Health.

2100 Barrier + 500 Health + 250 Armor + 500 Shields + Fortify Damage reduction = 3,500+ effective HP total. Both are castable and not limited to their immediate area. Cool-downs can be cycled endlessly.

Sigma/Orisa is an absurd damage sponge combo far in excess of any other tank combo.

You get pecked to death constantly because double barrier allows the enemy team to just be 6 different flavors of DPS spam.

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Literally exactly what I’ve been saying in all regards, right down to the hanzo comparison lol

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It’s not a witch hunt if the heroes are actually problematic

You’d be surprised at how many people don’t think that hitscan heroes are too good.

Dude, you just say something is wrong without explanation for why it isn’t right, what is right and what results it. i’m sorry but I can’t take you seriously if you’re just gonna put opinions without backing them up.

I can tell you it’s true because projectiles have bigger size and are overall slower meaning a target that will run into them has a higher chances of hitting them since they both have bigger size and the speed makes it so they stay in similar spot for longer time comparing to hit scan that is instant hit and usually have very small size.

  • Genji- projectile hero, was meta in the dive meta.
  • Torbjorn and Mei both are projectiles heroes, been meta immidiatly after goats in the “clockwork vendetta comp”
  • Junkrat, has been used a lot near the end of the dive era as a counter.
  • Zenyatta, once again a projectile user that was used in both dive and double shields before the big baptiste nerf.
  • Lucio, overall a very popular choice over the years, was especially good during both goats and dive.
    I’m not gonna talk about tanks there’s not really any hit scan tank to compare for and to be honest the supports can be taken out of the list due to their main purpose being healing and utility.

I suggest we just burn everything.

why is a doomfist main complaining of hitscan and projectile when doomfist is easy E + Shift with barely any aiming required.

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My predictions for the next witch hunt: Bap, and Rein.

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Honestly they almost never touch DPS… and they wonder why queue times are so awful

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I don’t think this is a problem with hitscans being too strong (with the exception of Ashe), but Projectile DPS being 1 too weak 2 too nieche and 3 more team dependent in general. An Ashe can still do incredibly well without a Mercy, a Pharah not so much.

There’s no witch hunt with Hitscan.

They’re fundamentally better “shooty” heroes than their projectile counterparts due to 2 reasons working in parallel:

  1. Lack of projectile travel speed/instant “bullet” travel

  2. Nearly unlimited range.

Put the two together, and despite overly generous damage falloff, the ability to hit a target at nearly any distance (half the length of Ilios Lighthouse at the shortest, full length+ at longest) instantaneously offers far more utility than even the fastest projectile available.

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Meanwhile Rockets, Nades, Ice Shards etc have no fall off, and are laughably easy to land hits with compared to Arena Shooters or Team Fortress 2 because they have much faster projectile speeds.