The Next Witch Hunt: hitscan

It’s been 20 damage per shot for years now. Only recently was Helix Rocket’s cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.

I know it has been that way for a while now, but at some point it was 25 right?

He’s Haitian. Doesn’t seem like it matters much but Haiti and France have a very tumultuous relationship.


Ahhh ok thank you for the clarification!

My biggest frustration when I am playing into an Ashe is her coach gun. With widowmaker, theres a longer cooldown, there’s cast time, and it only moves her. Coach gun is instant, available more frequently, does damage and CCs you if you dive her as well as save her. I think clip size is a good place to start looking but I feel her coach gun is another place to look.


Her Coach Gun is fine, unless you’re right in her face the most she’ll go back is 9 meters. Most of the Dashes or abilities that provide a high burst of speed can close that gap EASILY. Genji and Tracer for example can just wait or bait the coach, then dash or blink to finish her off.

I think people just have not figured out how to fight her kit yet, playing her and learning the tricks really helps a lot.

Hitscan heroes have been dominant for years. Widow is just straight up insane in this game and McCree has always been really strong. Like, theres a reason they got banned every other week when Hero Bans was still here.


Tracer is one of the better Ashe counters for sure. Genji isn’t remarkable, neither is Winston. I feel like, just as with widow, her strongest counter is Hammond. I think on paper d.Va is too, but I dont play her and when I am playing Ashe I don’t encounter her enough to make an assessment.

Once her clip size and reload speed get reverted, her weaknessses will be much easier to exploit.

Her whole kit is balanced around the idea of ammo management, each shot you miss or waste hitting Dynamite or enemies plays back into the long reload of her Viper. When they buffed it they almost entirely ruined the balance of it.


It seems the developers love to do this. Buffing a hero and removing their weaknesses. This happened with Genji and his Deflect and Right click buffs. You can no longer punish a genji who just uses deflect randomly, and its not like he’ll die because he can cancel it and throw 168 dmg into your head because they buffed his spread so he can play further away now. This is also the case with Tracer when they buffed her falloff range.


Well to be fair Deflect was just badly designed from the start.

It lasts far too long for a DPS hero, and it should be more of a resource he has to use sparingly to get the most value out of. If it were more like Defense Matrix it’d be fine. You’d have more ways to bait it out and punish Genji for mistiming it.

True I guess, it’s just sooo forgiving now. You could deflect a flashbang and just cancel to kill a McCree because your spread allows that.

And there’s the blind defense.

Hitscan heroes are over tuned across the board. Have been for a very long time.

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Hit scans are better for long range, projectiles for close range.
when a dive meta will come projectiles will come to in lower ranks to counter it.

Right now there are 2 shields so both teams want to either pass the shield or get damaged done from range and considering the fact you have 2 shields too you want to stay inside the shield.

If you look at the 4 top picked dps you can find Ashe,Widowmaker,Mccree & Genji.
Ashe is there because she’s a better widow. maybe not having 1 shot dynamite has more impact not to mention dynamite+shot lets you get 1 shots, coach gun is better than hook and B.O.B is better than infrasight.
She just out performing Widowmaker so that’s why she’s there.

Widowmaker is there for the simple fact a kill is alot- if you manage to get a kill against enemies you’re already in an advantage of 6v5. you risk no life from shooting from range but you can get a very high value. Widowmaker can one shot ashe which lets her a high spot on the list as well, pretty ironic.

Mccree plays up close while using shields, so he’s an anti shields- shield user.
Genji is up next because he counters all of them when played well, especially with how strong nano-blade is.
It’s not that projectiles don’t work but if you play from range you’d like heroes that are better than range and so hit scans are more common and overall better than projectiles in the longer ranges.

Guess Sombra never got nerfed. Or Symmetra. Or Soldier. Or Widowmaker. Or Hanzo. Or Doomfist. Or Bastion. Or Genji. Or Junkrat. Or Echo. Or Tracer. Or Reaper. Or Pharah. Or Mei. Or Torbjorn.

NOPE, no one’s ever gotten nerfed ever. DPS are free from nerfs!

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His winrate is good, his firerate needs to be looked at, it’s currently a problem in this powercreep

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Please just let me do a diving roll when I jump…he does it one of his highlight intros.

I mean even in high elo games like Masters+ the best counter is running an Ashe or Widow of your own. If there was a better way of dealing with it, the people who play the game 12 hours a day would have found it by now.

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That would be neat. I wouldn’t mind that.


This is a good point. At the end of the day, there will always be a meta. Best DPS, tanks, Ana, what have you. We just cycle them, but because of so many DPS hitscan heroes being played this much we should consider if they’re busted. Ashe just has the best kit of all hitscan dps.