The next tank needs to be anti air

i was agreeing with you…

Oh, damn well ain’t the first time I looked stupid. Sorry about that.

Extend the range of hogs hook!!!


Yeah, his Vortex should be reworked to be one of those Anti-Drone nets.

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What if I want to play a totally ineffectual flyswatter Doomfist?!? I won’t do much thats useful, but I’ll have a good time doing it :rofl:

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I play a ton of Pharah and Mercy (1,897 hrs combined… wow I just checked lol). Trust me… there’s plenty of anti-air action going on, and half the tanks have no problem reaching aerial targets.

The problem with flying heroes is their success depends heavily on game sense. It’s both hilarious and enraging to watch how half of players absolutely refuse to look up into the air. This is for both enemies and teammates.

Pharah is stupidly OP if the enemy team doesn’t bother to look up to shoot her, or if her supports actually are looking up to heal her. I had a Zarya bubbling my Pharah.

Pharah is laughably bad if the enemy team is looking up to shoot her, or if her supports are too lazy to heal her. I’ve died numerous times literally in LoS of supports who are dpsing someone on the floor right under the ledge I am standing on. I’ve been destroyed by great Junkrats who know how to use high ground on certain maps like Dorado or King’s Row.

No, we won’t need more anti-air. Blizz needs to encourage players to use game sense.


Keep in mind i didnt say we need a tank that can genuinely delete people “at range”.

I said we need a tank that is anti-air.

Theres a lot of ways we could make an anti-air tank that isnt “i kill things from way over there”

Imagine a tank with more zones similar to what rammatra does

Imagine a tank with a CC tool that tethers like mercys staff to enemies, that has a slow “pushing” effect on it- largely limiting people from moving towards the direction the beam is going- And then aiming the beam up so it was pushing a flyer down.

Imagine a tank whose CC tool was a means to pop people up, and then had a follow up ability that predominantly did damage to targets above the tank. While these 2 abilities would generally work together, it would also help it be “anti air”.

Or if a tank had a means to apply a hinder like cass, to drop them out of the sky.

Or screw all these ideas- Ill be the first to admit im not creative for this kind of stuff. But give tanks abilities that interact with and can respond to targets in the air. Tanks have very few options for flyers short of praying their team mates do it for them- and with more and more flyers coming into the game- They need more options themselves.


Buffing how high Rams vortex goes would make sense, but creating a new anti air tank hero would not. Tanks general weakness is range, mauga is the longest range tank in the game right now, pushing things even further than him would be really bad. There’s plenty of tanks that can block echo and pharas damage but imagine having a tank that you can’t peek at long range or else you’ll die? That’s kinda what you’re asking for

Again- No. Im not asking for ranged damage. Abilities that interact with targets in the air. Not “Pew pew die die from afar”.

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I’m good with role separation… DPS and supports have the tools to deal damage at all ranges, tanks should be close range threats reliant on their team to handle distant threats.

Air-burst explosives would be a great weapon that fits a a tank and would be effective against flyers.

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Kinda hard to be a close range threat when 4 of the 5 enemies are literally flying above your head, no?

Came here to say this lol

Thats all you need to win a team fight. You dont have to kill the pharah just win the fight.

Thats not to say you cant kill her though. If she doesnt boost to cover shes dead even with a pocket. Now if she does go into cover then your team should be cleaning up everyone else.

The problem is true though you dont have many options to counter a pharah on tank other than mauga with the occasional winston/dva.

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YZNSA meta to the eternity. Sounds good.

Sounds like you can beeline to and easily contest the objective in that scenario. Pharah, Echo, Lucio, and Mercy. Not much healing there so they won’t be brawling you off point. Winston would be perfect, Rein could be good, Sigma, Dva all able to contest into that team.

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WE Need one solid sniper tank. Then I wouldn’t need the two stormtroopers on the team.

I remember Rammatra trailer when we all thought he would destroy Pharah-Mercy. Great times.

Surprised you didn’t bring out your old suggestion for D.Va: lock-on missiles.

As an addendum: Blizzard could always make them an “anti-air” only lock-on, like “aimed at a target that must be in the air for at least 1 second”, if locking on to otherwise normal jumping or falling turns out to be too abusable.

How about both and then pharah will be no more