The next dev update is make or break for them

I disagree that they are fair but that is my personal opinion.

For comparison people can google
“Valve Game Tournaments”

Valve seems a lot less restrictive

Ok then…go ahead list off the things they HAVE to cover then since you clearly dictate what needs to be on there…tell us what the majority of players want since you speak for them

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So your problem is that people who complain get their issues addressed, while people who don’t complain (and therefore don’t have an issue) don’t?

Like I said, you’re not making much sense.

Erm no? How do pro players keep this game relevant when its playerbase has left because they don’t like the direction the game went? It makes no sense, whatsoever.


sym 2.0
lucio 2.0
dva rework
roadhogs hook 2.0


mercy 2.0
bastion 2.0

i agree all reworks have failed.

please dont mention sym 3.0, for heaven sake it is neither a success or a failure/ all she needs are tweaks.

We’re currently on Sym 3.0 and people aren’t yet sure if it’s better or worse than 2.0
Personally, I think it’s an improvement over 2.0, but, hey, that’s just me.

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see i knew i should have added that!!

all symmetra needs are tweaks in department of better CD and better ramp up speed and she is more than viable.

however i agree sym 3.0 is better and more fun.

As a Mercy player who currently finds her very much not fun to play, I want to hear something about her state/the mega tread/something. Honestly that is kinda make or break for me. Mercy is the reason I’ve played OW for this long, and while I play other heroes when needed nothing else compares, so if this is the Mercy we are stuck with then I don’t think I will be able to continue playing the game.


Valve and Blizzard are also two very different companies with two very different ideologies and produce similar yet very different games based on those ideologies.

While I think they should be viewed and judged separately and contrasted comparatively, both can learn a thing or two from the other. That being said, it’s apples and oranges man, they are two very different beasts and I don’t think one can be regarded over the other based on community development.

Where did I even say that I am talking “for the majority of players”? I am simply someone who actually reads the forums and knows what’s up in the community. Since it seems you don’t believe me, let me list some things here for you from the top of my head (in no particular order):

  • Mercy, feedback thread, nerf, rework, community suggestions etc.

  • the state of Brigitte

  • the state of Symmetra (because I know that there are Sym mains out there who aren’t satisfied with the way she works now)

  • the state of Bastion (there is a feedback thread that needs addressing)

  • the state of Torbjörn

  • the state of Reinhard (the recent fixes did something to how fast he can raise or lower his shield + I’ve read something about his hammer attack range that seems to be lower now, I certainly also have that feeling sometimes)

That’s it for now. Again: This isn’t a majority-minority thing. This is about reading your own godd*** forums and collecting feedback. There are tons of other development studios out there that would kill for this kinda feedback Blizzard are receiving. It’s insane how some people still feel the need to defend Blizzard and their lack of community interaction and especially their lack of courage to face criticism head on.

Nothing more to say, really.


I’m guessing of all of those they only touch torb…which we already knew they were doing…so I guess game is no longer playable then if that’s all they mention (in accordance with OP)

And the devs are clearly oblivious that those other issues exist because they didn’t specifically mention them :roll_eyes:


Some things for over a year (Mercy, Bastion for example). Roll your eyes as much as you want - not all people are willing to forget.

Sombra nerfs (partily)
Roadhog damage nerfs
Mercy Rework
Lucio Rework Rework
Doomfist first nerf
Bastion Rework

Prepare to be disappointed.

At this point, I’ve lowered my expectations to a mediocrely low standard and I’m still disappointed with most updates they push every one or two months.


The forums are a way smaller minority then OWL.


Don’t expect much guys.

It’s probably going to cover the torb rework, Pharah, Hog, and those social changes they mentioned once.

It would be nice for them to acknowledge that most fans are upset with certain aspects of the game and that they are listening and hoping to make it more enjoyable again.


Almost more important than the content is that it come today. Didn’t they say on Sunday or early Monday that it was coming in the next couple days?

werent they suppose to fix rein and roadhog. rein is still busted and road hook still breaks from movement

“Majority” means “most”. Since about 40 million players are NOT complaining right now…

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so does blizzard being they are making almost 500 million.