The next dev update is make or break for them

Why anyone should care about people who don’t provide any feedback.

Stop being dramatic and factually wrong.
The game has grown steadily with about 5 million players per quarter since release. Straight through the Fortnite and Pubg “craze”.

For everyone here complaining about something there is literarely 4,999999 million players coming to the game.

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Yeah, just replace “complain” with “provide feedback” in my post and you’ll see what I at least meant, heh.

If they are content with the state of the game, then they won’t have any feedback to give other than the game is good.

Comments like “the game is good” however, aren’t necessary as it is already implied by their lack of providing feedback. Can you imagine if the potential however-so-many millions of people had to literally make posts on the forums just to tell Blizzard “You’re doing fine! Keep up the good work!”?

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Where there’s a will there is a way. You can address the majority of it AT LEAST.

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Which they do.

Seriously, complainers always thinks they are the majority, for some reason.

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Or they can address stuff they’ve been working on that they felt needed addressing and may not have anything to do with popular opinions

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I’m very, very curious as to where you’re getting this from.


Because they are? They’re just a part of the community that plays the game. If there are a lot of complainers - it’s reasonable to think that there are even more complainers in the game but that don’t want to write on forums.

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Similarly, it’s reasonable to think that there are more people that aren’t complaining in the game that don’t want to write on the forums because they have nothing to complain about on said forums.

We’re not even sponsored my dude. Most community tournaments Ive participated in don’t even get near half of the prize limit anyway.

The guidelines for an official tournament are pretty standard fare to be honest with you.

Make or break is probably pushing it.

A decent portion of the player base is relatively happy with the way things are and as such probably aren’t going to care that much barring something truly unexpected.

Another portion of the player base is relatively displeased with the way things are going to put it mildly and as such probably aren’t going to be very happy with the developer update barring something truly unexpected.

I wish the devs actually cared about this game, but it’s just a cash grab for them at this point. Their crap league will die out within a year, and they’ll just continue to put minimum effort into their content until everyone is done dealing with them. I seriously don’t get how they’ve become so lazy


The majority of issues. Stop with your stupid majority-minority bs.

Leave OWL out of it and we’ll be ok.

This isn’t only their game anymore. The moment they pushed it out there for everyone to enjoy it got a “little” bit more complicated than that I would say.

What’s said or not said in the developer update will likely determine whether I spend any money on loot boxes in the future at the moment. I’ve not spent anything on Summer Games as I feel that was fairly lazy event this year, a fair amount of the duration of the event was also a main menu background advertising two OWL cosmetics.


I don’t get why some people have such hate for OWL and the pro scene in general. The pro scene is what is going to keep this game relevant for years to come.


They felt needed addressing…which is based on several things one of which is community feedback…

But just because a lot of people on forums think something doesn’t mean it needs addressing…or mandatory in this particular update

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This is just blatantly false.

Overwatch eSports came unnaturally. It was forced on us and they tried to make it a thing only a year after Overwatch’s existence. They didn’t even wait a few years to get this game prepared for the eSports scene. The balance is terrible and wait times in between balance patches are excruciatingly long.

You can enjoy OWL, that’s on you, but don’t push the narrative of “why do people hate the OWL? it’s a good thing for the game” onto the majority of us who quite frankly don’t give a damn about eSports. It’s not good for the game, it takes away resources and time put into base game content, and it’s a slap in the face for the people who have no interest being involved in eSports and just want the base game to be expanded upon.

Look at the Summer Games event that just happened. That was borderline embarrassing. I don’t doubt for a second that a lot of their time was occupied by the OWL which resulted in that event being such a flop.


So they open megathreads for feedback just for the fun and games then? C’mon. What’s there to defend, bud?