The New Sombra changes force more downtime

tbh im not even a sombra main and i dont have problems with that on plat elo.
it just gets destroyed when i throw it very obvious infront of several enemies.

also i think its nice that sombra is forced to stay longer in teamfights… how many times i healed the sombra player and he teleported away… when he could have easily stayed with the rest of the team.

You know why you don’t have problems? Because the people you play against are letting you get away with it.

Destroying a Translocator is hilariously easy, and it makes Sombra easily counterable with next to 0 effort.

yes… but iam not the only person playing on plat.

majority of the sombra mains act like they are all GM or OWL players.
complaining about stuff that is not even relevant to them … just turn on your daily fitzy stream and get mad about stuff that doesnt even happen on your elo.

I play in GM consistently. My Main is 4.3k (peak 4.4k) and this account generally stays from 3.9k to 4.2k.

What I describe is exactly what I do if someone else picks Sombra. It’s dumb and it shouldn’t be in the game.

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Of course it matters because nobody in plat wants to stay in plat.

if you cant climb in plat with the sombra… then you need to work on other things instead of spending your time on the forums.

You’re literally plat.

You didnt get the point. If you use strats which only work in plat, you stay in plat. In order to climb you need to play someone who belongs in a higher rank. So things which impact high level play has impact on everyone who tries to climb.

Waiting can be worth it. Hack Reinhardt now when Zarya is at 90% ult charge, or Hack him five seconds later when she has Gravitron? These judgments are part of playing Sombra well. Adapt.

Already addressed this stuff, but I’ll try again.

Sombra is negligibly slower in the first 6 seconds of stealth, and far faster afterward. Sombra speed comparison.

You do not have to be more conservative with your Translocator at all, for a bunch of reasons I described. You can replace it every 2s, or at worst every 4s, and the odds if an enemy destroying it when you actually need to teleport out is extremely low - if you’re actually placing it will, which is something any Sombra player should already know how to do, and which you clearly need to learn.

Ridiculous. These are problems with how you’re using the new Sombra, not problems with her kit. Adapt.

Yeah, and there are people who play her who support the changes (along with the developers who, you know, designed this game). More convenient to forget about them in every thread though, right?

Any thoughts on this idea?

Youre talking to a gm Sombra and tell him he doesnt play her right. Whats your SR?

Free hack on Reinhardt everytime. You need to rethink this.

I accualy forced 2 Zens to ragequit in my only 2 comp Games (since the changes) because I spawntrapped them so often

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But what if blocking the hack with a shield put it on cooldown?

Still a free hack. You are able to go invis forever now, there is no reason for you not being in an easy hack position, unless the Rein has god-like reflexes.

I mean, all he would need to do is spin 360 whenever he hears a hack.

If he has nothing to shield from the front maybe. But usually you go for the hack when your team can follow up on it, which means the Rein cant afford to turn around and spin like crazy.

Use her on defense and constantly setup in the enemy backline. That way u are in the fight at all times, but have a safe way out.

Well, isn’t that kind of tactic that Sombra should be good at?

Well, yeah. But your suggestion makes it borderline uncounterable.