The New Sombra changes force more downtime

Before, it was a skill as a Sombra player to minimize the time you were out of a fight (being invisible, Translocating away) because during that time your team was fighting 5v6. The less often you had to be out of a fight, the more EMPs, kills and Hacks you would get.

Compare that to now. The destructible Translocator means it needs to be placed in safer locations where it (hopefully) won’t be destroyed. That increases downtime.

There is a similar effect with infinite Invisibility. Due to the lower speed, your downtime is increased. Plus, if you try to use the new changes (use invis for more than 6s) you will be increasing your downtime.

All these changes do is keep Sombra from actually contributing in the fight. The “value” that you can get out of a “perfectly timed” Hack is not worth sitting in invis for an entire fight. Hack is not exactly known for being consistent in the first place, and if your “perfect opportunity” comes after one of your teammates dies, congratulations, you’ve lost the fight anyway.

I don’t know why they thought nerfing one of the worst heroes in the current meta was a good idea. I don’t really think that timer Sombra was that bad, but this one certainly is.


Do like me, i’m playing sombra now in the most tilting way possible

Spawncamping , hope i ruin someone experience so they come to the forums to demand a revert to infinite stealth


fitzyhere is enjoying the spawncamping. And also, is very fun getting closer to enemies, and spam voicelines, and see how they become paranoid.


The only viable playstile now which is awful for sombra and the enemy team .
Not to mention sombra is still weak as before and is hard to 1v1 every single hero

Losing by doing this is not fun

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it is diffiuclt to 1v1 many heroes, true. But also I have experienced that sombra can give good value to the team. she nullifies doomfist, hammond, and lucio very well. She can go to kill widowmaker and anas and zens very well.

Yes, I am only silvergold. but in my experience, playing her now is better.

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I think she needs more to set up. Also having an infinite ability on a 6 second cd that only starts once you break it seems clunky to me


Well thats what most of the ''lower ranks ‘’ are saying since they couldnt get much value before due to time constraints,
But you will realize in time this sombra is the same if not weaker overall, that is a fact.
Or who knows, maybe the tables turn and sombra is viable on lower ranks and unviable in higher ones ( i doubt it)

Spawncamping is about the laziest and worst possible design for a hero.



I actually feel forced to fight closer to the point, because if I’m too far in the backline I get distracted by what the opponents are doing and lose track of what’s happening with my team.

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Every Sombra should be doing this, so that way they’ll complain to Blizzard to get her changed. Use the community against itself.

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Consider me shocked. Who would have thought?

I think it’s Fitzy? A topped ranked Sombra player who has literally just been doing this half his games. More for maps where spawn rooms are close to the objective but yeah…….

I didn’t consider if enough Sombras adopt this play style…….genius

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I can’t believe these arguments still get upvotes. Sombra’s downtime was massively decreased by the rework.

No, you can place Translocator wherever you want as a safety net because it’s effectively on a 2s cooldown, and then replace it as needed - closer and closer to where you ultimately want to be. It’s easy to hide near other objects, like always, and even if gets camped or destroyed, you’re probably invisible somewhere and can just place a new one. Plus with infinite stealth, you tend to know where enemies are and where they’re going so you can place Translocator safely.

If old Sombra’s Translocator was discovered, she got camped and then killed when she used it, or had to wait 20s for the cooldown. New Sombra can get it back whenever she wants and place it in increasingly close/safe locations.

The reduced speed makes barely any difference for most travel distances, except now, you can travel whenever you want instead of in 6-second bursts. Old Sombra had 50% downtime between cooldowns, but live Sombra has none unless she voluntarily ends stealth.

Sombra speed comparison

Also, you have the option to use stealth longer, which is often helpful, but nobody’s forcing you. Is it worth waiting for this opportunity? For how long? That’s a matter of skill. Adapt.

People use the same melodramatic examples in the same silly arguments over and over. Nobody is saying you should watch a fight happen while you wait for the perfect Hack. That’s crazy. Maybe a second or two, but what are you waiting for? Is it worth it? Again, a matter of skill. Adapt.

Live Sombra simply has more and better options than old Sombra. Proper use of these options means spending more time in good positions when opportunities arise, and retreating less distance when things go wrong, which combine for far less downtime. Sombra is contributing more often and more consistently than ever.


Why would they revert that ? Tracers and Genjis are spawncamping all day.
You don’t need to be invisible when you can just pop in the face of your enemy and 1clip or combo him to death.

She puts the watch into Overwatch.


Lets call it the Doomfist effect (due to the recent uproar about him)

If a hero gets kills using a unique ability (punches/combos/invis)) people will claim it is OP, unfair, broken and clamor for nerfs.

Regardless of how less powerful it actually is to the two mentioned flankers

No, it isn’t. That is the whole point. All the “buff” does is increase Sombra’s downtime by slowing down her move speed (you don’t need more than 6s of invis to get back to the fight) and forcing her to be more conservative with your Translocator because while you can destroy your Translocator, you cannot undestroy it. If an enemy destroys it, you’re screwed.

It doesn’t take a lot to have your team call the Sombra’s decloak. And unlike before, you wouldn’t have to wait 20s to maybe have Sombra Translocate. You just click it once and Sombra is screwed.

Yeah, we’ve been saying this since the changes went on to PTR.

Its almost like people who play her have some forsight to such stuff.
But what do we know? Geoff has it all figured out. Its not like he ever made a mistake in regards to balancing her.