The new short story was nice

Lifeweaver/Symmetra short story

potential spoilers be warned

This was such a cute and warm story touching on the reunion of seeing each other for the first time in 11 years. The bond the two have made me feel so glad that Sym could have someone like LW to be there for her and support her and let her be her natural self without having to worry about conforming to the rules and restrictions of others. It’s nice that the two have a trust and comfort between one another to where Sym can gain this form of confidence to be herself and let go and laugh and enjoy herself for the first time in 11 years.

My favorite thing by far was after everything was settling down LW says:

Sym: “You saw me as I got off the helijet?”
LW: “Yes.”
Sym: “With my hair in that state?”
LW: “I’ve never seen a more charming bird’s nest, Satya,” he assured her.
Sym: “Lovely,” she said.

I cracked up hahahah


Thanks for posting! I’ll have to check it out when I have a bit more time to read it :>


WAIT WHAT THEY PUT IT ONLINE :pleading_face: It was exclusive to a physical book before hhhhh this is amazing

I’m reading that as SOON as I’m done playing asdfghjkl; yesyesyesyes :pray: :sparkling_heart:


I’d rather have a comic than a text based story.

I would too, but it was still a nice story either way

My point still stands why not ingame? I dont go out of my way and search for it even though i like the storys.

Having me to leave the game read up on lore dosent feel great. A game should put out its lore ingame.


Overwatch lore lmao.

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My goodness that was adorable :sob: :sparkling_heart: I was so VERY much not disappointed

Like their dynamic is so WHOLESOME and Weaver is officially the sweetest hero in the game and asdfghjkl; my heart

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Shame he has only two lines with three heroes in game and he has the inflection of a wood board.

Why is it that when I ran the URL in malware checker I’m getting “Malicious website”?

Open through Game Info > Media at the top of this forum page. On the Comics & Short Stories there’s the new “Rebuilding Ruins” shorts.

I’m not dumb enough to click that link period.

Then open the story through what i mentioned instead if you don’t want to open the link. Simple as that.

I love Lifeweaver. He’s pretty little troublemaker up to some mischief. Like Kiriko! But less annoying.

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I’ll just pass.I actually don’t care about OW story. I don’t even know anything about it. I was just curious and scanned the link. It’s malicious that much is certain.


I opened the link without hesitation.

It was the link to the official OW media page, not malicious whatsoever (or maybe you got fake antivirus lmao).


So poor they can’t even afford to make pictures anymore.

Love a bit of misplaced confidence.


He’s cringe and tries too hard to be charming

I was genuinely so happy this dropped, I couldn’t get the book and so when I found they posted the whole thing online I was so hyped.

This story was incredible I loved every bit of it. Symmetra has been my favourite hero ever since she was shown off in OW1s beta and Lifeweaver very quickly became one of my favs when he dropped. I also love this story stuck to Symm’s personality of not being a fighter and choosing to protect others and get people to safety over just mindlessly blasting the enemy with lazers. Its funny, yet another symm story painting her in the light of a support.

It gives me hope she might actually come back to the role one day. A LW Symm support comp would be so much fun.

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