The new short story was nice

All this does is remind me that Symmetra should be a force to be reckoned with… And reality is so very disappointing.

Why we can’t use lore as a metric for character balance:

“Burning a clean whole through its torso.”

《In Game》
Enemy takes orb, stares at Symmetra for a bit and slaps her off the building.

“Satya tossed a few sentry turrets onto the ceiling which instantly damaged a unit approaching Bua from behind.”

《In game》
Enemy farts and wipes away all sentries, then proceeds to maim Bua as Symmetra watches.

"As Satya switched to her Photon Projector and took aim at the mechanical skull. "

《In game》
Enemy kicks away Symmetra like a dog kicks away a smaller dog that’s annoying it because beam and orbs do no headshot bonus damage

“Creating a simple Teleporter, sending her instantly across a massive space.”

《In game》
After stepping through, she waits 8 seconds. Omnics are being infected and humans being killed. 8 seconds elapse and she moves a floor downward. Repeat everytime until she reaches the Omnic quarters. Enemy completed their objective by the time Symmetra gets there.

“Every now and then, a few of the units renewed their assault on Satya’s shield, eager to reach the Omnics beyond.”

《In game》
Omnics just walk through the Barrier, plant the implants on the civilian Omnics and move on to the next group.


yeeah they got lazy wit it. not surprising for blizz

I don’t even read those anymore.
Not only are those some of the most generic stuff possible but now are also completely pointless with story pve being canceled.

I just went to the comics link, but yeah that was a really good read.
I also think it’s a much better representation of LW than in-game: more charming and fewer honry or invasive interactions.

More like they went cheap.

Yeah, but at least he knows it.

Something I would like to note: from what I understand, people tend to be less emotional when using a second language. Consider that English might not be his VA’s first language (and I’d say it’s safe to assume that it isn’t the character’s first language, either)

That being said, I’m not sure why so many people claim that he doesn’t sound expressive. To me, he sounds INCREDIBLY lively and expressive, often with huge amounts of enthusiasm coming through in his voice. Quite a few lines even carry a hint of laughter behind them

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I love them both. Very enjoyable read. :+1: