The New Moira is

Would rather them have it function like the old Orb reduce the CD and allow her to explode it by Pressing “E” again to apply the effect, Give it a higher DOT and reduce the effect to 40% reduction… that way it does not completely gut her fluid playstyle but gives her that ‘Utility’ they where after.

DOT and Effect numbers can always be adjusted but first step should be making her feel right to play again.


That is the best idea I heard of yet

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New moira is not fun


simple fix for her was to allow you to send both orbs at once, if too powerful, you reduce it slightly. otherwise just leave her alone

They probably should’ve just allowed her to individually shot both orbs healing/damage(adjust the damage output). This new orb is somewhat annoying, useless, and useful at the same time. Moira does feel boring with this change.

Should have never changed her. Most of the support changes feel awful unless you are Bap. Won’t be playing ow 2 regardless if its free or not with the current state of things. Need to roll back the moira changes. Don’t screw with the supports when theres only 7 of them. Its hard enough playing support aka constant verbal abuse, etc, as a main role in overwatch without blizz messing with it on top of it.


200 hours isn’t a long time, some OTPs have thousands of hours on the same character, that’s long time.

It sounds to me that you didn’t adjust to her new orb and simply came here to complain instead of trying. Skill issue some would say.

“What even is a bad game design choice, it must be a ‘git gud’ problem”

Ah yes, the FromSoft fanboy school of reasoning.

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Not really, “You played a character for most likely a handful of hours at best and you didn’t adjust to her new playstyle yet” school of reasoning, not the same as being good or bad.

You can be more aggressive against the target/s you affect with your new ability

I know it’s on a long CD but that’s to account for the 75% damage mitigation.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they tune back the damage reduction to along the lines of 35-55% but also reduce the CD to maybe 11/12

This rework is total garbage. I’m (was) a Moira main… close to a Moira-only… but this patch literally made me quit Overwatch. I can’t believe I waited and hoped with excitement for over 3 years for Overwatch 2, and right before its release they completely gut my character. They majorly nerf heal orb, nerf fade, nerf self-heal, and totally eliminate damage orb… and the reason for all these crippling nerfs is… a 4-second stupid ability I don’t even want on a 16 second cooldown. Moira isn’t Moira any more. I can’t imagine anyone at Blizzard actually plays Moira for these changes to go through.

Anyway, I’m out. Let me know if they revert this crap. I’m off to find another game.


Okay, so let me spell out like piss on snow why the current state of Moira is lousy, and correlate this to ‘why I did not adjust to Moira’s new playstyle, yet’. I’ll keep it simple and just touch on the necrotic orb aspect of the kit, so we don’t cover too many variables and make things too confusing for you.

Part of Moira’s playstyle, from the outset, right? Is moment-to-moment resource-management and deciding between a balance of healing or hurting to gap close, zone/make space, and recharge resources. A projectile move to heal, a projectile move to hurt, split on the same cooldown, so you must choose–a sustained, channeled move to heal that depletes resources, a sustained, channeled move to hurt that restores resources, so you must choose how you spend the projectile cooldown time. In principle and in practice, Moira is perpetually either healing multiple targets or doing persistent damage to be able to heal multiple targets, and continuously flipping between these two binary decisions.

In adding Necrotic orb on a split cooldown, and removing the damage orb? Which previously, was a tool for dealing with flankers, scouting around corners for enemies, confirming kills through barriers, and building ult pre-engagement?

An aspect of ‘heal or hurt’ decision-making was removed from Moira play, oversimplifying how she played. This decision-making aspect was not re-introduced with a 16 second cooldown necrotic orb, or the ensuing nerfs to Moira’s ability to… do… “things”… effectively.

So, how does this relate to your… prevaricating sentiment, that’s the equivalent of a wild draw 4 card? Right. This will just be my opinion, since we’re coronating you royal usurper of fundamental reality, and I’m just like, the opinion guy with the eloquent ‘wrong’ opinion–

Let me put it this way. If, after playing the design equivalent of “Activision-Blizzard’s Cinematic TF2 Universe” for four years, I have to suddenly pay $39.99 and choose between ‘adjusting’ to the playstyle of Titus’s Superman 64, and throwing it in a bin for angry reviewers on the internet to make a living off of, it’s going to be going in the bin. I can get a better-designed competitive shooter, with a clean conscience, thanks.

Because it’s not like, y’know, I’m beholden to keep advertising for a product I don’t think is up to par, whose devs don’t seem to know what they’re doing anymore, who seem to be cannibalizing their own developer-base over politics and who’ve now experienced a company buyout. I’ll take accusations of ‘didn’t play in crap long enough to get good at playing in crap’, and walk, thanks.

Taking my ball and going home now. I hope your job wasn’t to gaslight people into thinking this crap was good for the state of the game, or that people ought to go along with it, or something like that? It’s not. Fundamentally dumbing down the degree of decision-making in a game about making plays, is not good design choice. The playerbase on the whole ‘recognizes’ that it’s not, because they are not the stupid obedient cattle verbally abusive prats like yourself would like to portray us as.

And I’m over it. Have fun with Overwatch 2.

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Didn’t read because you’re being obnoxious in the first paragraph and also don’t care.

I wasn’t even talking to you in the first place, idk why you’re so hell bent on defending OP.

Maybe it has something to do with the Moira avatar and the fact that I play Moira a lot? Even you can develop powers of inference–I believe in you. Herpderp.

Why reply 3 days later? Rent free.