The New Moira is


As a long time Moira player with 200+ hours, I just hate all of this. I was right to be weary about this change cause it’s exactly what I thought. AWFUL. I like the idea of the new utility, but I’d rather not have it if it means this. Moira is a very aggressive hero by design, as her resources are recharged primarily by… dealing damage. When your escape ability is on a longer CD AND your self healing is worse, how are you supposed to be consistently aggressive to recharge said resources? I’ve only had a few games and I feel like I’m having to play incredibly passive. Additionally, my damage is god awful. Only having my measly 50 DPS suck beam makes me feel like I do nothing in a team fight damage wise. Without damage orb, your overall damage output is just worse by a very noticeable degree. Being able to hit 10k semi-consistently felt AMAZING before, now I can barely hit 5,000. AND as a slap to the face, my healing is worse since Healing Orb was nerfed. :)))))))))))))

So far, I feel like all my Self-Agency was ripped from me and now Moira doesn’t even feel like Moira. Well, I guess I got to enjoy 2 weeks of her actually being a decent hero for the first time in like a year. Time to be a trash Healbot/Weaken bot. :slight_smile:


While Jury is still out, perhaps getting use to it will change things… So far it feels they took the only Support that felt balanced and Trashed her, The old Damage orb allowed you to control space by poking Snipers and other long range out of there fortifications, and gave you some burst potential against flankers to peel for your team.

This new orb, while it can still be tossed to protect when being dived, it does nothing for space control and even when protecting it it relies on the rest of your team finish off the target because her tickle beam is way to weak on its own to ward of a flanker before they can escape and come back within 4secs when your defenseless.

So for now they seemed to have broke yet another support by reducing personal agency to effect games.


I haven’t played it but no damage orb sounds terrible.


You deal so little damage, it’s pathetic :sparkles:
And by extension, Coal takes even longer to charge. You LOVE YOU SEE IT!


Her damage feels awful, the cooldown is way too long. The -75% damage reduction will have the forums perma crying for nerfs despite it being a skill shot they begged moira to have.

Moira has felt great all beta. She needed NO changes, besides perhaps a minor nerf to the hps she gets from her damage beam. Her survivabilty was greatly improved this beta, now she just feels awful to play.


Lol no. Has splash damage, can hit multiple targets, is a large projectile with a large hitbox.
Traveling in a straight line and not bouncing does not make it a skill shot.


Oh wow I didnt know every hero in this game is actually a training bot who stands still. Interesting.


By your loose standards, every hero in the game has a skill shot of some kind.

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No, I just think youre too uptight.


I think it’s a very good start. I like the ability, the plays to make are fun.
The damage is now pitiful though. I’d like beam to be harder to aim in exchange for more damage.

Because when you factor in both orbs, Moira now has more tools to consistently be aggressive, she can self heal with orb, supp passive, secondary fire, lower damage by 75% and have a great escape mobility.
And most of these do not sacrifice other tools now that orbs have separate cooldowns.

And the new orb is VERY powerful.

The changes make sense and the nerfs are justified. But imo the damage she deals feels a bit crap and I miss dueling.

I’d take a self heal penalty on healing orb if it meant more damage as well. I recognise that she cannot be hyper-survivable and kill things as well as other supports who aren’t as good at living.

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These changes are absolutely terrible.

Why is Blizzard obsessed with fixing things that aren’t broken?

They should be embarrassed by putting out this patch.


No, she has less tools to be consistently aggressive thanks to the CD nerf and the fact that the weaken isn’t an aggressive debuff. She is now forced to play passive. Biotic orb was never to be used within her aggression unless she’d been allowed to stay in the enemy backline for more than 10 seconds already.

Agreed, she doesn’t have the damage to duel. If that were changed, and the CD of this could definitely lose 3 seconds at least, imo. Then it’s viable.

As it stands, though, weaken should be on an entirely new hero, and not slapped onto a fluid kit in order to completely butcher its flow.


Tbf, her survivability in this beta (before today) was definitely diminished, and noticeably so this beta, given the passive nerf and the rampant anti-nades, as well as Sojourn/Widow/Soldier, but now it’s even worse.

I honestly havent noticed. My survivability on her previously was very high this beta. 2-4 deaths total a game. Low cooldown fade, the support heal passive on top of heal orb and lifesteal was very power. So powerful, and I play Moira a ton so no bias, that I even thought maybe lifesteal could be tweaked with minor hps nerfs.

Cancelled by fade

Who is quite simply overpowered and shouldnt factor into her balance. Sojourn should see nerfs.

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In the context of her survivability this beta it is relevant, and unless the devs actually state they’re nerfing Sojourn no matter how busted she is, it is a relevant point to be had (and she’s not the only DPS that Moira gets deleted by with ease)

Loses ability to be aggressive if she’s forced to use it, and becomes a sitting duck for 7 seconds - a lot of time in a game like OW.

I agree, before it was definitely too much; the passive change was fair, but it was very noticeable even so.

If you are playing alone perhaps. In a team game fading the nade is very strong. Your team still peels and you can be healed. Not to mention if it will leave you vulnerable you should be using your fade to put distance between you and the enemy.

Using the same logic, is Ana not a sitting duck? Moira still has an orb to heal herself, lifesteal, and an advantage over the Ana who blew her nade.

Ana has range, 2 CD’s that can be used either aggressively or defensively, (meaning using one is far from making her a sitting duck) and actually deals damage, so this is a moot comparison.


Moira’s range is no joke either though. Moira has an easier time hitting her shots.

Im sorry but if Ana has no nade as a Moira you SHOULD be winning.

Moira has her orbs that can be used defensively or aggressively. Damage orb will quickly delete Ana, heal orbs with outheal with lifesteal unless ana has perfect hip aim

First of all i think having played a hero for 200 hrs and then playing the new version for 2 to conclude she is awful because she feels different is brash.
Second i do agree she feel kinda clunky with a long cooldown on the same button as a shorter one.

Also the “Skill shot” also feels halfway impossible to hit on long range dps and like you can shut down a tank every time just by hitting the floor next to them.

But most of all, moira has been a character debated since she came out with her lock on primary and throw and forget orbs that just kills a guy randomly across the battlefield, and as “fine” or even “good” as you think she is changing a hero to make her fun to play and to play against isn’t a new thing. This is just the beta, they are trying stuff out

Good Moira play is about knowing exactly when to go offensive or defensive - this takes away that decision making process integral to her gameplay style. Now you just stand around waiting for CDs. Feels like a**.

Thumbs way down. I’m cool with separate CDs for the orbs if it’s done right, however.