Necrotic Claw? (Necrotic Orb Rework)

Continuing the discussion from The New Moira is:

So like, here’s my idea for Necrotic.

Make it a 90% attack power nerfing, bleed-inflicting, 16-second cooldown, delivered… via quick melee, with the cooldown beginning as soon as the quick melee animation ends, whenever quick melee inflicts damage while the ability is off cooldown. (In effect, you can ‘sweep’ the melee across multiple targets in melee range, and get the debuff on each of them, and then the cooldown begins at the end of the successful quick melee, no matter how many targets were hit, as long as 1+ targets got hit)

I like the concept of the debuff itself, as it currently exists. Neutralizing a threat, gives Moira an aspect of singularly-targeted utility, unreplicated by other supports.

The problem is the current delivery method of the debuff. Not only does it deprive you of thinking about angles you would want to ping a damage orb, to zone away a flanker, (it’s an AoE contact-explosive projectile that ignores barriers, for freak’s sake) it deprives you of the choice between gap-closing with damage, versus the more consistent but less risk-taking option of pinging 300 healing. It essentially destroys the decision-making of using the existing biotic orb.

That moment to moment ‘decision making’ process with resource use is core and critical to Moira’s playstyle. Sure, a 150 damage orb ain’t doing jack just spammed out into mid like a junkrat grenade–but it might make the difference between an enemy retreating to heals, and dying outright, and it might stop a flanker like a hanzo or widow from sticking around to make a pick. Having that decision–between the safe heals, and the risky damage, is playmaking gold.

So take it further. By giving Moira this attack nerf, that has to be applied via melee, every 16 seconds, you are encouraging Moira, on top of looking for already necessary opportunities to recharge her heal resource, to look for a window of high risk high reward play, where she singles out a target, takes away their ability to be a threat, but also has to think about how to approach to deliver the poisonous debuff in melee, and how to escape afterwards. And by making the debuff also do some stackable bleed DoT to go with grasp and damage orb, you give her a little extra ability to make a pick on a target, through enemy heals–making the risk of delivering the debuff actually compensatory, rather than suicidal feeding. This change also aligns with Moira’s existing role, of punishing separated members of the enemy team–no lone flanker like a Genji, Junkrat, or Reaper is going to haphazardly try to jump in to make a pick on you if they think you have your poisoned atk debuff claw ready for self-defense, and they’re going to have to worry about you pouncing on them and nerfing their ability to fight back.

The other thing I would change would be to visibly telegraph when the debuff is off cooldown–have Moira’s claw glove get glowy nails or something–so people can tell she’s got the debuff to deliver. Since it’s such an impactful debuff.

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