The New Mercy Super Jump Needs to Be Removed IMMEDIATELY!

What the heck is this?! She goes higher than current Valkyrie with absolutely NO effort. Not only did they dumb the technique down significantly, but now it’s just straight up broken. She can dodge a ton of ults for free that she originally had to counter ult. Cassidy is pretty much mandatory to get her out of the sky. This is ridiculous.


this is most likely a bug thats going to get patched eventually so you can relax. and even if it doesnt (which i’m 99.9% sure it will), how is it game breaking? she can’t damage boost or heal any ally from that high, she can’t contribute to the fight at all from that height. the only thing i see it being useful for is Mercy’s survivability and thats it lol (which in general, survivability is a struggle in OW2 anyways with how fast paced / high damage this game has become).


Finally someone who gets you can permenantely stay at the 20m mark and heal while in the sky out of flankers range cant wait to see her played with Brig what an unkillable duo.

But wait untill you see this

Mandatory hitscan, healer 3 characters that force you onto hitscan now cant wait to play OW2 with the new baptise that does 150 AOE healing 100 of which is burst his got better repair pack and if you combine that with his right click you can instantly add almost 220 health to your entire team good job blizz.

Then again theyve never been good at balancing supports have they?

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Why are you acting like Echo isn’t a thing? she’s also a flanker you know and she’s not hitscan either…

anyway, yeah she can dodge quite a few ults but she’s also very much so in the open, so anything that can target her in the air is deadly, the only dps who lose impact against mercy are Reaper, Tracer and Genji but it’s not like they can’t just target someone else, Mercy’s healing is only 55 hps so she won’t be keeping no one alive for too long either way

So if a Mercy is somehow winning a game, switch heroes… that’s why the mechanic is there, it’s like complaining that pharah is untouchable by junkrat, yeah, so?


55hps against Tracer is very impactful with the damage nerfs even pro players struggled to get kills through 55hps with the damage decrease its almost impossible.

If she just stays hovering at 20m healing whoever is getting attacked by Tracer, tracers value and impact is almost 0.

Echo can kill mercy true and so can the hitscans but when you consider all the other characters in the game its ridiculous a healer is alianating more than 70% of the roster.

Pharah required 2 picks to make her effective this character can be played on her own and get the impact.

If your playing dive forget it if they have mercy play mercy brig or mercy lucio and your untouchable against dive what are they going to do dive Brigitte and then you just heal her and she heals herself while bashing you away and proccing inspire.

This patch is one of the dumbest patches ive seen in the history of OW.


I’ve yet to see someone actually do this ingame, and even if they did… if they’re up that high they are contributing nothing so they might as well be dead. Doing something in the training range is all fine and good, but if its not useful ingame, who cares?


Did you not watch the video he sent you can stay at 15m easily you jump up to 25m fall back down to 15 jump back up to 25 fall back down you are contributing to the team you can heal and damage boost while doing it what do you mean?

It essentially forces flankers to swap to atleast 1 hitscan cant wait to see dive go against brigitte mercy its like the ultimate anti dive comp probably.


So? Mercy flying is the easiest thing in the game to hit if she’s just bobbing up and down. Dps always say they have 100% accurate aim. Hit a headshot.


Yes because we needed more characters that forced hitscan its not like weve been playing hitscan watch for 6 years.


It’s not like supports are forced to switch due to flankers in the first place lol. How DARE dps have to maybe switch from their 1 trick.


Supports dont have to switch last time I checked Zen the most diveable support was commonly ran with and against dive with brigitte.

Supports and tanks have always dictated the meta DPS not so much.

A target hopping up and down rapidly and instantly high up in the air is extremely hard to hit, Mercy alone using GA up to Pharah constantly? Not that bad.

Superjump spamming mercy? Yeah no chief.

How about Mercy players get a buff that isn’t just free easy value instead? You guys want a buff sure, but raise the skill floor.

You people saying “just hit her 4head” are like those people during season 10 telling literally the ENTIRE playerbase other than brig players to “just stay out of her range 4head”


I mean I’ve always said mercy is boring af and they need to change her.

Not a 1trick

Genji, Hanzo, Tracer
Cassidy too but his my worst I could get by pretty much fine with just those 3.

You say 1 trick but theres only like 4 hitscans out of 17 dps characters what if I play all the others but not the 4 hitscans?
What about the tanks what do they do against mercy?

All I see is someone complaining that they can’t just 1 clip someone with 0% effort anymore, I don’t see the issue. People on the forums always exaggerate so much it’s funny af. Mercy isn’t exactly the most valuable support in the first place. Mediocre healing, dmg boost is okish. Res gets cancelled 50% of the time. Who cares.


Another problem too that people don’t realize. It’s not merely “oh just switch” and that’s done.

It needs to be considered “what is the threshold for how good this player needs to play on Hero X to get player 2 to swap to Hero Y?”

If it’s just merely existing or spamming an easy mechanic, that’s bad. [No, we’re not talking stuff like Oh soldier sprint ran around! or stuff like that, we’re talking actual stuff like literally not being able to die or being able to constantly be near the skybox]

If they have to perform complicated techs and really think in order to pressure someone to switch, that’s healthy.

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Mercy was already one of the most slippery supports in the game prior to this buff, to say killing her before this took 0 effort is disingenuous.


Tracers never been a 0% effort character pro players dont even get 1clips 100% off all the time but I guess pro players are bad then.


You think its reasonable that as Tracer I need to reload 4 times and use all my bullets because mercy is 25 meters in the sky shows the average persons take on balance.

People actually defending this is the best example of how people on this forum only care about their heroes and not game balance


Do you play tracer vs pharah and echo too? Maybe they should take flight away from them lmao.