Yo, can you play just 1 game on Tracer in OW1 and give replay code here? Try to effortlessly 1clip as much as possible please
Yeah im really interested now please do that
Echo doesnt fly permenantely so I can play Hanzo into that Pharah I play cassidy but regardless flyers should have never been a thing in this game.
Pharah and Echo can’t fly for NEARLY as long as this Mercy can.
Mercy has the capability to constantly touch the skybox. Pharah could only do that on maps with very low skyboxes like Busan or Anubis. Echo can’t fly for more than 4-5 seconds.
Pharah is the closest one to doing this, and even still, it takes a SIGNIFICANT amount of fuel management. Mercy just spams a 1.5s CD.
HUGE difference.
Ah I see, so you don’t like any flying heroes since it makes you have to aim. Gotcha lol.
I can kill them but if I wanted to play hitscan everyday I would play the better hitscan game valorant.
I dont want to play boring hitscan characters.
Soldier is one of the easiest character to aim with in the game probably tracer is one of the hardest character to aim along with widowmaker so idk what ur on about.
If you think tracer and hanzo is so easy send me a replay of you dominating on them.
This is a perfect explanation.
We can play hitscan if needed, but why should a hero get buffed so its needed practically on sight?
I play Genji, Hanzo, Soldier, Cass, Reaper and Doom, I can very clearly play hitscan, but I’d much rather be allowed to play the others unless a circumstance absolutely calls for it.
Um, tracer has a max range, which is what you were originally complaining about. Widow is hard to aim? Wtf are you talking about lol. She’s like the top 50% of easiest to aim.
Say your bronze and a console player without saying it.
Send us a replay of you on widow right now.
If you cant consistently hit heads on widow you get almost 0 value on soldier and cas you can spam body shots she is one of the hardest hitscans in the game for the flicking aimstyle and tracer is the hardest for the tracking aimstyle.
Of course she is lol. Point and click. Not that hard.
I barely play dps, and even I hit headshots over half the time lol.
Point and click while you’re constantly getting dove.
Dude, I hate fighting good Widows, but at least I admit they take skill. I dread Widowmakers, but I respect the skill they take.
His just delusional clearly in bronze never played the game a day in his life I would love to see a replay of him on widow or tracer.
So whos the hardest hitscan in the game? Soldier 76?
Who do you think is the hardest character in general just curious
There are no hard hitscans in the game. The only dps that takes some skill is projectile since it requires some forethought. I’m more impressed seeing a junkrat taking down a flying target than seeing a widow hit a shot.
Didnt you say this
I thought you said characters other than hitscans dont have to aim?
Buddy there is no overexaggeration here: The VIDEO PROOF is the actual exaggeration
Stop acting like a regular mercy using GA and gliding out of sight into cover is ultra hyper mega super easy to hit and she NEEDED this change.
She didnt. Period.
Mercy ruined the meta YEARS ago, got justifiably nerfed, and people act like she can’t get any decent buffs ever again. Absolutely incredible.
She can have buffs, but buffs that raise the skill floor.
This buff is literally free, easy, and spammable, and gains WAY more height than even 2016 Ledge Dash ever could.
Reward good Mercy players for playing well, don’t reward all Mercy players for free.
Send us replays then come on dude all bark no bite.
Show me your widow and tracer
I mean I don’t have full replays lol. Who saves entire games unless they put up videos?? I just have 30 second clips on gyazo.