The new Doomfist buff is a joke. The real Doomfist problems

If no ana / zen then use it as an escape. Jump in the fight kill 2 squishys then ulti out.

It’s not MEANT to be an escape tool. None of the Damage Heroes have an Ult that is meant to be an escape tool. If you consider it a movement ability alone, then you’re part of the problem with certain characters not getting any fixes. Just because a small percentage of people use it in a way DOESN’T mean that it’s MEANT to be used that way. It is meant to damage enemies or lead to at least SOME enemies dying. Do you use Hanzo’s Ult for a single kill or as a barrier instead of killing enemies? No, you don’t. You try to get as many kills with it as possible.

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Mcrees ulti is a zoneing tool same with divas idk your point. Rines shatter is good to use against 1 or 2 big targets. if you can solo shatter a mercy at the start of a team fight its basicly a win. This game is not about how many kills its about who you kill. All of dooms kit is deadly you can use his ulti as an escape tool or his right click or left or e its up to you but you have to do what you have to do to get the most use.

Ana and zen can juke it out easily. The center damage radius is tiny and will only connect if they give you a obvious lead in a consistent direction. It’s needs a radius increase more than anything. Let’s also not forget almost all the roster can tank it, use a evasive or movement speed increase to completely dodge the center or radius completely. It’s a bad ult. So bad it’s used as an evasive. Something many characters have as an ability

A bad doomfist misses his ult, should be punishable. Instant mobility and drop is insane.

His ult can’t do damage thru shields.

Missing the ult itself isn’t a problem. But just because you land it doesn’t meaning it’s going to kill anyone, the lethal range is tiny and most heroes can either just use a movement ability or just walk out of the lethal range before Doomfist drops.

And if there’s barriers and bubbles on the other team, like there is in nearly every game nowadays? It’s not going to do jack. You can get a 6 man grav on the other team but if there’s any barrier heroes or a Zarya it’s not going to kill anything.

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These buffs are more than he ever needed. It legitimately surprised me to see them in the patch notes.

Also, to the people commenting on how doom mains seems to do nothing but complain about his ult being the worst dps ultimate, there’s truthfully nothing wrong with his ult.

Its purpose is to deal massive burst damage in an area while supplying doom with shields per target hit and simultaneously allow him time to get his abilities back and further what he is doing in a fight.
It does that just fine, and I honestly can’t understand why people believe it’s bad.
I can only assume they are misplacing his ultimate and as a result the person they were targeting will just barely survive because of it. The best thing to do is to use the ult on someone who is missing some health, so that the effective lethal range is extended outwards.

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He’s a cc God. INFURIATING to play against as it is.


I mean I just played like 4 games in QP with doom so I could kinda know what i was talking about on this and I was able to do work as him so IDK what you mean. I was able to get even a mercy who was flying to someone and if I can do that with like 6 hours on him i think someone who sinks time in him to get good can do alot better.

Mercy is easy if she just uses guardian angel because you know exactly where she’s leading to and stuck for a second. I have a good bit of time on doomfist. Mercy is the easiest to hit

fairly unavoidable

yeah, for probably like three heroes.

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:dagger: :hot_pepper:

spicy edge

I know that, the problem was that she wasn’t pointing the shield upwards or there were any shields around her.

But when I do the same as Brig, I ended up counting numbers at spawn.

Probably it was lag or something.

My hype has just died… I’m glad armor is here but like seriously…

I get super suspicious every time I see a “Doomfist Buffed” thread or note in the patch notes because it’s always something that is either miniscule or doesn’t really affect him to make him actually better. The shields is good, but it would be better if it either stayed permanently, acted as armor and not shields, or decayed at a slower rate. Any one of those would make it an actual buff.

But I completely understand when you say your hype died. Mine did too the second I saw what they “buffed”.

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I mean the armor is something and I can work with it
Just like
I really hoped cratered was actually possible now and when people say “save your ult for the push”, mine would actually do something other than do 100 damage to a McCree

Unfortunately not :frowning:

the extra 5 shields per hit from enemies effected by his abilities is a big buff. that’s a lot more shields in a group fight. And the extra speed kind of addresses your issue with his ult being stuck in place after activating for a sec. Not to mention it lets him use it from farther away giving less time for people to react to it’s location. It might also open up spawn stagger potential.


EVERYONE IN THE GAME can avoid it, bar Bastion (who can get up and walk around, or just heal through it because he’s being pocketed), Zenyatta (who might ult, but I won’t count that), Torbjorn, Symmetra or Ana. Every single hero can juke it or avoid it bar those five.

Doomfist is:

Too easy to hit (he is 6’7, Zarya is 6’5 for reference)
Too difficult to aim with in terms of his M1 (his shotgun is highly inconsistent because it’s not hitscan, and it being a shotgun makes it one of the worst weapons in the game)
Too clunky to use in general (his movement requires exploiting game bugs and the environment)