Lots of threads on here saying she is dead or broken which is not true.
My personal fear is that they continue to chip away at her until she’s garbage but I don’t believe that will happen due to the fan base around her. She will always be viable, like Mercy.
well you’re wrong my dude.
her pick rate is boosted due to the fact that Dive is still going on.
getting her nerfed and then removing dive will sweep the rug from out beneath her. how can she initiate if the tanks cant even jump in successfully?
for dive to be dead, tanks like dva and winston cannot jump in, get a pick, and have their dps clean up the back line anymore.
That would mean that tanks will not be able to do any of that anymore. That would mean dva will not be able to initiate anymore.
meaning dva is just back to where she was before the DM nerf, back to 1v1ing people, outside of comp.
getting rid of dive will make her nonviable due to the fact that she will not be able to get a pick when necessary.
Her dm is now mainly specific to ultimate denying, and even then she can be outplayed sheerly due to the limited simply due to the short timer on dm.
She cant dive into groups anymore cus taht’ll be smacked off due to the fact dive is dead.
Fusion cannons are trash
Only thing holding her kit together was the combination of her rockets and dps.
thats nerfed.
No reason to pick her except DM again and her ult in higher tier comp.
And even then, brigitte can outright stop ults mid way and then the ult completely resets.
In lower ranks Tracer and Winston, too important roles in dive, have low pickrate. And dive is rarely played in those low ranks. So why did Dva have the same pickrate in all ranks?
Thanks…I thought my stance was clear that I obviously would like her to be super strong (look at my playtime) but that’s not fun for the poor soul playing Zen.