I think you are overestimating the impact of the nerfs to her in the same way that some people are underestimating the impact of the nerfs to her.
The nerfs will impact D.Va. But they won’t kill her. Dive only matters at high ranks even now. It’s only used in Masters or above. In lower elo, Dive isn’t the meta. D.Va works outside of dive too. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t be picked very much in lower tiers just like Winston.
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in lower ranks she has a 48% win rate.
she has a winrate under 50% only in bronze… and most heroes have under 50% winrate there
because thats when Dive starts, so her win rate is boosted because the team is more coordinated and follows up better.
It jumps up a whole 7 points from bronze to gm.
no, in silver, gold and plat almost no one is playing dive…
well you’re obviously wrong about plat.
Only in Bronze. Once you get to Silver her win rate is over 50%. When I said Lower Ranks I was including Gold where she has a 51.94% win rate.
If you kill dive winston will get the shaft more than anything. D.Va can fit with any comp, winston is a dive bot.
wow no, I am plat myself and I know very well what is played there… and dive is not one of the the popular once
but then there’s zenyatta with his whole 1% win rate higher than dva.
In Plat, Winston is picked (out of just tanks) a little over 14% of the time. His pick rate is directly tied to how often Dive is run. So, dive is used at most 14% of the time in plat.
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and that is enough to boost dva’s winrate atleast 2-3% higher.
but Dva has way higher pickrate than Winston in these ranks…
Im not arguing that she’s completely dependent on dive to survive, I’m saying these nerfs will make her crap once dive is done because she’s being nerfed based around dive.
which will make her worse overall, not just in dive.
And what im saying about dive is that, I personally believe due to the fact that her winrate is a reasonable 48% in bronze, I believe due to how badly these players are, that this means that dva was in a reasonable and healthy spot by herself WITHOUT dive influencing her winrate.
however going up in the rank the winrate goes up, and I believe this is due to the introduction of good players and dive itself.
Because once it starts hitting the rank of self conscious players, aka gold and plat, her winrate starts going up.
Even though winston’s pickrate is low I believe its still reasonable to assume that she was ran with dive regardless of the rank and have her winrate increase by 1% and 2% at those ranks.
She’s in every game in GM still, so I don’t see any problem with viability. If anything she’s right where she needs to be now.
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You know why your point is wrong? Because even with 48% winrate, that’s still the highest one after Zen, Sym and Torb. So it can be said that it’s the same as all other ranks since the higher the rank is, the higher ALL winrates are. So it’s pretty much not changing differently from other heroes.
Dva is a strong part of dive. But she is not dependant from it. Winston is. This is why he will die if dive is dead. Dva won’t die. She will just be used in tank comp or others, because she is not bad in any. Something like Zen, he is great in all comps.
To be perfectly honest, I think if you gave her the boop damage back then you could almost completely remove the missiles. If you did, she’d maybe need a little something to keep her in the fight longer cough armor cough.
But this damage nerf is not going to kill her. It is just going to bring her down a peg which is all that was needed. My chief concern at this point is that people will continue to call for her to be nerfed even before the effects of the current nerf are fully known which just takes time.
I think the nerfs are OK. You don’t. But why don’t we give it a few weeks and see how things actually work out instead of just our initial impressions?
i’ve been saying that to people who say “she’s fine”.
Im saying wait till brigitte gets on comp, and we’ll REALLY see the effects of this nerf.
so you’re agreeing that there is nothing to base a character off on if they’re OP or not due to the fact that winrates and pickrates are irrelevant as you just claimed.
also winston isnt dependent on dive tbh.
his weapon can attack through rein’s shield, that makes him pair-able with rein with his pushes because he can essentially pressure the enemy into moving/making mistakes.
he can even jump and help take care of small groups of people who trickle out, he can even, winston can even take care of snipers, even tho if they’re good they can headshot him during his jump and then headshot him during the bubble dance.
I think waiting on data is always good. I think even with Brigitte it’s hard to judge from Quickplay alone if she’ll be too strong or too weak. I know people have formed opinions on that, but I want to see data to see if my own feelings are in-line with what actually happens.
That said, I play other tanks too. And frankly, I’m more worried about how this patch is going to affect Reinhardt and Winston than D.Va even though D.Va got the nerf.
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