You’re totally right predat0r.
It also doesn’t help how Blizzard came up with so many speciality heroes that people play lowering your chance of winning a game.
You’re totally right predat0r.
It also doesn’t help how Blizzard came up with so many speciality heroes that people play lowering your chance of winning a game.
I have different experience. I won majority of my recent games from LFG. In that mode you will most likely dont meet retarded individuals who will make you lose in solo q.
Devs are trolls with this game, they say everyone is free to play what they like and 1 tricking is fine, but then they put in hard counters and op ults and abilities which creates strong metas that dominate the game and make off meta hero’s throw picks
I find LFG to be just as random as solo quo. You spend 15 to 30 mins finding and setting up a team to just get rolled first comp because half of them dont really know what there doing. “Oh you have 50 hours on Rein”…charges off into the sunset.
If you go on a win streak in LFG the games seem to become very hard.
Devs need to spend more time developing heroes with higher ranked players I think. That would give you the best outcome.
I think less importance should be placed on surprise factor and more on making sure that a hero has a viable spot in the game.
I would definitely not recommend introducing any more ‘speciality’ heroes to the game.
nope. there is no penalty for grouping, except occasionally facing other stacks that are also grouping. The reason for lower SR gains is because the lowest rank players get a lot of SR for beating teams higher than their current SR, while the top rank player gains little to nothing.
because of this the top players on a team rarely want to play with a group on their main because their risk of losing points is very high.
However, that’s the only fair way to do it. a 2600 shouldn’t be farming 2300s to get their rank up. Otherwise the ranking system becomes inaccurate.
Everyone who has grouped with me in the last year has gained massive points. The problem is I gain nothing and have to win 66% or more just to stay even because my friends are mostly 300-800 points lower than me.
Also groups pre-diamond tend to flex and throw games because they aren’t good at flexing. They have no choice to flex though because the group makes up 4+ slots of the team.
I forgot that there is one thing to mention. grouping in GM+ breaks the system or even masters if you group up in off times.
Normally the matchmaker would try to find excellent players to balance out everyone in your group. So if you queued up solo you would get worse masters/diamond players on your team more.
But if you create a group on off hours and go queue, the matchmaker won’t be able to find people to counterbalance you.
This is most abused by the top players in the game. if they just queue up by themselves they will have to work really hard to maintain their rank. But if they just group with some of the other best players in the game and play on offhours, the matchmaker will never succeed in balancing them out.
So you say I’m incorrect, then give at least two different examples where I’m correct.
golf clap
if you play with one player 500 points below you and maintain good stats in your games, you will notice you get reduced losses. however, most people don’t notice it because they can’t maintain 70% win rate because their friends are too dang heavy.
but there is no reason a 2700 shouldn’t be able to win 70% of their games against 2300-2400s regardless of the existence of one useless 2100 level friend in their game. Moreover, the matchmaking system gives you enough other players in your game to work off of that as long as you aren’t overly trying to get value out of your useless friend it is very easy to win.
I have gained 100 points off of winning in groups and my friends have gained almost 700-800…if there is a large gap in the MMRs of the players, then the top player in the group cannot gain MMR/SR easily.
However, the lower rank players will climb massively even at 50-60% win rate. However, typically at 50% win rate you aren’t climbing as a group. What actually happens is you transfer points from the top player to the bottom player. but the higher ranked player should be able to win more than 50%. the reason people fail at this is because they overfocus on their useless duo queue instead of focusing on figuring out who else on their team is higher MMR and can be used to get more value for the team.
anyway you’re the one who thinks matchmaking is rigged against groups. I don’t buy it. I’ve played in 4-6 stacks in korea for over 200 hours and a lot over here in the US too. just because the matchmaker doesn’t allow a GM genji on a silver account to boost subpar gold players into platinum doesn’t mean the matchmaker is rigged against groups. It’s rigged against boosting. The GM could easiliy queue with one player within 500 points and boost them quite quickly if they were performing well. But players that perform poorly don’t get jack even if they get carried to a win in a group.
You have way too much time on your hands. LOL
So players are babies because they don’t like playing against someone cheating nearly every single match? Having to play against higher skilled players is no different than having to play against an aimbot, wall hacks, bug exploiting, or any other form of cheating. Anything that removes fair play from the game is cheating. This whole concept of “I am not cheating because my (Insert Hero Here) skill is only (Insert Rank Here)” is nothing more than a grasp for straws, trying to find any excuse to cheat.
At best, you don’t swap heroes, and your team likely suffers because of this. Worst case, you see you are losing and you swap to your “main” hero and actually start trying to win the game, and the game is no long competitive. It’s 1-2 players boosting the stats of the other team. Either way, many games are being ruined by this type of cheating, and devs can’t see past dollar signs to realize that they are destroying their product in the long term, for a few more copies being sold now.
Ops username is me after reading his post
I personally only play when I’m drinking… sober i quit after one game as i find the mechanics so bland and boring… if I’m sober i tend to stick with single player narrative games where i don’t have to put up with screaming angry babies… drunk i just laugh at them and keep playing
Maybe FPS isn’t for you?
Tried fighting games? I cut my teeth on Street Fighter, which you needed crazy reaction times and split second timing to make a name for your self, but there are many others out there worth a peek.
Have been playing fps since late 80s haha… it is specific to overwatch… same maps 6 games strait often or if i play 15 games i will get a pool of 3 - 4 maps… the bickering and arguing is part of what annoys me sober as i just want to play so usually end up getting off voice…
I love playing with and against higher skill players! Been bronze to gold.
I dunno, Overwatch is a pretty hard game to play… I’ve played a lot easier games for sure!
Doesn’t work for me and anyone else above diamond because no one uses it.wecant make the fanbase use it.
You sound like a expert head clicker. Maybe you should play Counterstrike instead.
I would heavily simplify the match making system. I wouldn’t force a 50/50 win rate. I would make it so you had a game with even SSR, and if you were a good player that decayed you would do well and climb quickly to your actual skill level. No more sneaky and untransparent separate SR/MMR system that has been discussed in great detail on this forum.