The mercy spam won't stop

I don’t condone spam of any kind but i see why its happening. After a forced rework that received constant negative feeback from pros and mercy mains, constant nerfs making a hero more sluggish and frustrating while not affecting pickrates, blizzard outright ignoring feedback from mercy players and shoving it into a megathread they most likely didnt read and outright lying to players by saying they were going to make iterations on said ptr changes and saying they had no future plans for mercy.

Along with a slew of toxicity against them the spamming is an act of mercy players saying, enough is enough and attempting to force blizzard to respond.


Blizzard still wont listen. Something big had to happen to Overwatch to make them care.

Also inb4 people complaining about this being another Mercy thread. You could just ignore it you know?


It’s just gonna keep getting worse and worse until they have to respond.


Rework was a success though. No more hide and seek.


Or outright shut us down on forums to keep the peace :peace_symbol:.

Those damn Mercy mains trying to get easy GM again :tired_face:


You never answered my question. If you are gonna follow me then at least answer what I asked you. :wink:


Eh nevermind you were a boring troll.


People on the forums just really like complaining abt mercy mains and see them as unskillful, boosted trash players that only know how to play one character lol just ignore them they want the attention :two_hearts:

Im frustrated abt the silence regarding Mercy’s current state in the game. A couple of months ago they stated they were happy with her current state in the game and not long after that, they nerf her. She was ok, but blizzard obviously noticed that neckbeard game dudes don’t like seeing such an „unskillful character“ in pro play, so they’re trying everything they can to make her worse than the other healers

Im disappointed :c

I mean you’re heart is in the right place but that’s only a small reason for the state of mercy.


success ? … after 13 nerf wtf
and every hero should hide before pressing Q
not only mercy have u seen the hanzo potgs in these days … srry Q of the game ulting from backline bhind a wall in too a gravition surge
stop compllaining


Q into grav has counters. Mercy in an irrelevant room waiting for ress ecourages bad game strategies such as hide and seek which is toxic.

Also hanzo can ult from anywhere to grav doesn’t need to hide to get value.

Its a troll. And not a very good one.


u could of countred mercy ult if u was smart and killed her first or kepping at least one ult to counter her after rez
at the end this game is made for dpses who cant do their job to kill the supports first so have a good day

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ty for that bro :slight_smile:

Thank you :+1: hopefully they stop.

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Hide and seek is no longer mandatory so rework was a success.

Have a good day (not).

mad guys allways finish this
wow (troll)

The best disclaimer EUNE :ok_hand:.
The sad part is that disclaimers are actually needed :[

That is toxic calling someone troll because he has different opinion.


dont u know that u r baited bc u started complaining about ur toxicity

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