The Mercy situation in a nutshell

ooooof. There it goes. It was nice talking to you all. keep it real.

Isn’t this just because there are way more Mercy players in the game in comparison to the heroes you’ve listed? Not because Mercy players are more vocal :confused:

Mercy isn’t posting all these threads on the forums, the people who main her do.

Have you seen the forums? Blizzard had to give mercy mains their own thread because of how vocal they are.

That’s just because there’s more Mercy mains than other mains?? Also, what attention? Have you counted the replies we got for the feedback given in the mega thread?

Oh you noticed. Hi I’m Ward. I enjoyed playing Mercy at one point. Nice to meet you.

Because there are lots of Mercy mains :confused: Also, what kind of attention is replying less than 5 times to 100,000 player’s feedback? Also, you say that Mercy mains get a lot of attention in game and on the forums when most of it is negative…

I told you the cursed videos were posted! It’s doomed
Also i meannnn I wouldn’t necessarily be shocked if the mods considered the OP post inappropriate. Just my thoughts there.

Harsh, and likely not a majority opinion, but other players aren’t something I’d consider authoritarian. Were they oppressed, I’d say the devs would have to intentionally keep her unplayably bad. Like. Objectively underpowered. Because that would be oppression/suppression. Power is being exerted to intentionally keep a group of people from enjoying the game at the same amount as everyone else

D.Va mains get just as much flak by other players here despite not nearly having the same volume of threads… We aren’t oppressed tho. Except in lore rest in peace

this and its uncensored version are literally the worst ones :weary::weary::weary::weary:

Same with D.Va my guy. Most reworks aren’t decided by the hero’s mains; likely because they’re biased.

I’m sorry, but I’m really sick of people using this poor guy as a scapegoat.

A LOT of them said it would ruin her balance-wise. Even for the latest one.

And yeah, same. I find her more fun

Rez isn’t the only problem. The average number of rezzes per entire game hovers around 6-7, even in OWL. and many of these aren’t going to be essential, game-winning picks either. A lot of rezzes are done in downtime. The problem is how bloated her kit is.

Possibly (I think it’s inherently harmful on a mobile character), but it isn’t coming back in any iteration. It’d be more controversial than Teldrassil burning.

I understand they’re frustrated. I get frustrated with’s bugs and skins and lore all the time. But there are better ways to express it.

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Sorry, but if I posted the other it would be taken down immediately

The rework was controversial. Don’t think they need to worry about controversy no matter how big it will be…


Just because these groups don’t have as huge a fanbase as Mercy (though considering I also listed Genji in there I don’t know how) doesn’t mean that they don’t handle it better.

That’s the point I’m making.

These groups have not resorted to some of the things that the more vocal Mercy-Mains do when by all means, they have all the more reason to feel that way.

These personal attacks and insults towards someone’s character…that’s the issue that needs to be discussed.

Or they just don’t care unlike the Mercy mains who are more passionate about their hero? Either way I get the point you’re trying to make.

Yes, you said they arnt vocal and than I said that they are and then you agreed with me.

And those replys are more than other heros who ACTUALY need answers from the devs about.

You know that oh honey you’ve got a big storm comin video?
I’d post that if I wasn’t too lazy.

It’d be massive. Because not only would it bring conflict between people who wanted it and people who loathe it, it would also bring in people who wouldn’t care but why does mercy get mass rez back but my main doesn’t get (x) back? I want 400 Armor/100 health D.Va back sometimes

In the video I actually did mention Bastion mains and I believe Sombra mains. Never did I say it was a Mercy only thing, I’ve criticised that a lot too. This is not a Mercy vs other heroes thing, this is an issue of the devs not listening to ANY of the mains and just pretending like everything’s okay. Why else would they have responded so quickly to my more aggressive video but not the many, many other ones where I’m much quieter and more constructive.

You cannot say with a straight face that ANY of these heroes’ playerbases are hated as much as Mercy players are. Told to kill ourselves for being boosted consistently, told we’re no skill, and if you’re a female who enjoys Mercy, get ready for a whole world of he**.

Not only that, when we try to speak out about these problems or get upset, we’re silenced or belitted. Again, after everything I’ve been through and seeing not a single ounce of care from the team, I no longer wish to sugar coat my words. We never asked for this rework, and when we ask for another that isn’t this toxic, we get ignored. The toxicity that has been enabled by the dev team is why many Mercy players are like this now.

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That was intended to be satirical. Didn’t expect people to take it seriously.

I don’t see that many people complaining about the Mei revert…

I know; I mean that I’d use it myself as a meme reaction :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re not justified in becoming toxic because devs “enabled” it towards you. Bottom line cut and dry.

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Okay I am gonna preface this by saying I have been a Hanzo main since day 1, and there was a time where Mercy was my second main, and there is a difference between the hate Mercy gets and the “hate” Hanzo/Genji mains get. Honestly though, it’s mostly Hanzo. Genji mains only get hate from the supports because they are yelling for heals from the enemy team’s back line.

First off, we know the second we hit “select” no matter what we do is wrong. We do a good play, wrong. We shut down an ult. Wrong/luck. We are firing in places we know someone is/will be wrong. We play good, but still get yelled at because “hanzo is trash” while if we’re missing a few shots we’re suddenly throwing.

Mercy on the other hand, get hate on because of how “easy” she is and then people turn around and beg for her to be on their team, and then also when they don’t get rez they get all hurt and toxic.

People backseat Mercy all the time but never step up to the plate, but no one tries to backseat Hanzo, they just want him gone. You can’t critisize a hero to the point of treating the person like trash and still expect them to pick that hero.

Hanzo mains know what they’re getting into, and if they aren’t doing their best there are what 17 other heroes to pick from? Right now, Mercy is the only viable main healer and will stay that way until rez is earnable again.


Mei was never the most overpowered, meta defining hero in the game’s history. And we’ll see how that plays out (I hate Mei and don’t want her meta just because I loathe her but she was underpowered and buffs were justified; I won’t fight that)

LMAO, one (think it’s one. not sure. maybe two) response to the megathread. Mercy is on the same boat as the other garbage heroes who are getting ignored.

Dva was overpowered with her 400 armour? DID not know that…