The Mercy situation in a nutshell

Play “Married Life” by Micheal Giacchino to get a better experience when reading.

”Hey Blizzard, can you give Mercy a new E ability”.
Blizzard: You want her reworked? Ofc”.

”Resurrect on E is too powerful”.
Blizzard: ”You want her heals nerfed? Gotcha”.

”Some of us want a revert”.
Blizzard: ”Finnne”.

Proceeds to revert her heals from 60 to 50

”Valkyrie is kinda boring”.

Nerfs her healing

Blizzard: ”Now her ultimate is boring and underpowered.”

Just in case certain people get a cissyfit over what I’ve said, this is just my opinion and point of view on the Mercy situation.


Honestly with everything they did, even with me maining her from the beginning, I just think shes extremely boring now


Certain People: ”AtlEasT shE’S bAlanCEd NoW”


PSA to those people.

You’re entitled to your WORNG opinion :slight_smile:


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Honestly. They even said they would revert her if people hated it to much. But of course they listened to people who didnt really play her and liked playing mainly pistol only battle mercy.


I’m shocked she has an ult anymore


Well darn. Got a whole list.


Wonder how long they will keep this Its a succsess up. I just want her to be fun and balanced, but Blizzard doesnt understand what fun is, or balance.

Next nerf is damage boost or guardian angle. Give it 5 months


They’ll nerf her blaster next. Quote me.


Source? I don’t recall them saying that. The most I remember is Kaplan saying that they will keep a close eye on her since the team loves Mercy, or something like that. And that was when the rework was first announced.

I’m not being sarcastic or anything, I genuinely would like to know.

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Watch next they’re gonna say,
“Hey let’s just remove her staff from the game and make her a rezzing dps”


You forgot - “We wanna be “E” tier, not OP”.

Her developer update.

“If you guys don’t like her, we’ll bring her back”


Ah, okay then. I have a foggy memory of all that seeing as that was a year ago and they still haven’t gotten it right.

Wow your even calling people out by name.

Also Mercy was not reworked because people wanted an E ability, she was reworked because so many people disliked rez.

”Hey Blizzard, can you give Mercy a new E ability”.
Blizzard: Why would we just buff already strong and viable character? If you want her to be more engaging and active in a fight, we can do that.

The reason why was because of them not having game awareness and using all six ults and she rezzes

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In the developer video, they said “some people asked for a e ability for Mercy and we are excited to tell you that Resurrect will be her e ability”, there’s my proof. I’ll wait for yours.

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Damn calling people out by name? Savage asfff
Probably gonna get reported though
Still made me laugh

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