The Mercy Raid?

This is true, but then the answer that was given would be questioned.
This is not the case, they keep seeing they are ignored which is just false.


That doesnt change her gameplay loop from what it currently is though…along with giving you an ult with a cast time which would (imo) feel much more clunky.

As a single target ult with a longer charge time then her current ability, we should be able to remove the cast time.

If multi Rez was roughly balanced as an ult, then single target Rez as an ult should be pretty safe to not overpower the game.

But how does that fix her core gameplay loop? You’re just swapping her keys around essentially and mass rez wasnt balanced at all.

Mega is mocking xavvy(revertmercy)

Not to mention, months ago people started trolling the Mercy main subreddit to the point they had to temporarily lock it. One of their mods even got doxxed.


Uh, what?..

You used factually a lot. Sorry if I misunderstood that whole stuff. Sorry

They have addressed it. They said they think she is in a fine spot. Thats literally how they addressed it. I dont say you dont have to agree or disagree but saying they havent addressed her situation is not correct. Its not technically, thats literally the answer. Like it or not.

That was literally their response to EVERYTHING regards to Mercy hence its addressed. Just because they dont bend over to what others say does not = they dont address her situation. If everyone got their will on the forum the game is a total disaster.

So regards to what they think as of now, its the end of it. If they change it we take it there and then. But for now thats how it is. I dont say dont give feedback either, but saying that they dont listen and just ignore is wrong. If every reinhart player says: We want perma shield which can never be broken and they say we like where he is now he has been addressed, if they dont say anything about it then they have indeed ignored it, which they have NOT.

They said “She’s fine because her pickrates and numbers look good”. That’s not an answer to someone who’s concerned with how she feels to play.

Numbers can’t capture that… unless they do a massive survey (which they haven’t).

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So the other mercy main players who are playing high level is just wrong? I have seen many Mercy mains that prefer and like how she is now. So are they not having any validity? I know how the playstyle can feel bad, thats how I feel with dva now after 2s cd. I dont agree with it nor like it. But thats how it is for now. I gave my feedback, then they can do whatever with it.

But I know there are higher level players out there who play Mercy and dva, if they can do it well and play well though it dont feel good, as said leave feedback by all means. But there are plenty of posts who just want mercy to be stronger and dont complaint about her playstyle. They just want her hps back thats it. And if you dont enjoy hero at least in my case, I play something else. I am not a high level player, I play for fun. I am sure many is in my boat. So sometimes its better to just play something else you enjoy if you actually enjoy the game.

And blizzard have data on every game and what who play performance etc. And I have said many times in other posts after the changes happened to her hps etc. Gathering proper and valid data takes time, hence why they said "We dont feel like Mercy needs changes RIGHT NOW. It does not mean she will be stuck how she is for forever. So when they feel they have enough data etc, they likely will do something. And I think that this might be the case for the tank nerfs which I disagreed with. But if not I just have to adapt or play something else. Its not that hard.

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Not necessarily.

I personally don’t see how someone could be OK with her current state, but that doesn’t mean they are wrong. They probably just value different things in her kit than I do.

That doesn’t give Blizzard the right to turn someone’s favorite hero into something they absolutely despise.

I generally do pick literally anyone else. That doesn’t really help me when my teammates decide to lock in 5 DPS with only a single self heal between them. If I’m filling for that team (like I usually do) guess who I have to pick because literally no one else works? Yeah, Mercy.

Beyond that… I used to really like Mercy. I want to like playing her again. Is that so wrong?

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np dude, no apologies necessary

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So this is basically a problem blizzard have had since and probably before 2008. You mercy main vs someone, idk if you are high level or not because you are literally the same and perfect example. High level mercys say she is fine, but then we have the ones who are maybe not as good but still good or just not good at all. I dont say all high level mercy says this but I have seen video of I think at least master MAYBE grandmaster say they aint behind this mercy movement and like how she is now, also ofc posters. Anyway, back to the point. The high level know how the game works better and their hero, so naturally its better to listen to them unless they lie, the ones lower think its hard, dont find her viable and crap because they cant play the same or have their own playstyle. What does blizzard do here? Buff her so she is even stronger for high level and low level which will just end with other picks never happen, find a middle ground? Or do they listen to the high players and the low players just have to play the game and get better or as much as they can? This problem is in all competitive games or all blizzard games. Its hard to cater to both, they cant make her too strong, ofc not too weak, but they cant buff her so it feels better for the low players because it will cause other issues.

And I know that dps tend to lock, and I never play healer with 5 dps because I know it likely ends they get stomped or one shot. I never said its wrong, but I aint sure many understands how these processes work or how long this have been going on, its been over a decade. This aint the devs fault what you just explained now about ppl 5 lock dps. THATS THE PLAYERS FAULT. Devs can NOT decide or control their picks. This is the same issue in WoW. People dont want to tank or heal because dps you feel you have less responsibility, but they are wrong. They actually have more. Its easier to see mistakes from tanks and healers though.

I never said its wrong to pick Mercy, but I think its important to see the whole picture. If others can lets say climb and play well with reinhart then so can I if I get that good. If its a hero that dont feel good I play something else. I dont play moira or mercy because I dislike their playstyle and I prefer Ana. Offheals I play Lucio mostly and sometimes zen. But if I have to play a main healer I play Ana, thats it. If she gets nerfed but I still like her playstyle I will still play her. If someone shout at you for playing mercy they are a part of the problem imo. But you are not forced to play mercy if you dislike it. Thats a perfect opportunity to try other heroes.

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From what I’ve seen, Mercy players all up and down the ranks hold different opinions on Mercy. Some think she’s fine, some think she needs some changes. I don’t think this is a high rank vs low rank thing.

I do realize that it’s my teammates fault for putting me in that situation. I don’t blame Blizzard for that situation existing. It is however Blizzard’s fault for not giving me more than one option that has a chance of working in that situation and turning that option from something I like to something I dislike.

I agree with all of this. The problem I have had through this whole Mercy thing is… I used to enjoy her. I no longer do.

Like… I don’t enjoy Roadhog. Never have, probably never will. Should anybody listen to me when I say he should be changed because I don’t enjoy him? No. No they shouldn’t. Why? I’m not currently invested in him and changing him to be better for me would likely make him worse for people who are invested in him. It wouldn’t be fair.

Mercy and some of her player base… is currently in the position that Roadhog and part of his playerbase would be if Blizzard changed him to suit me. They’ve had something they enjoy unfairly ripped away from them. That doesn’t sit well with me… and based off of how this topic has literally lasted 1.5 years, it doesn’t sit right with a bunch of other people too.

What Blizzard has done through the Mercy rework (and others) is neither fair nor good for certain parts of the player base. That’s not OK. I have no intention of letting anyone ever think that it is.

Of course… Blizzard now has two sets of people who want very different things out of the same character. No matter what they do it is going to bite them in the butt.

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They’re not being ignored Blizzard has acknowledged them and they’ve already said they don’t want to buff her. As Jeff says she’s in a fine state.

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Don’t collectivise me, buddeh.
We’re here. We’re talking about it, and Mercy has been nerfed into the ground, can’t do her job, and objectively is the support with the least presence in the game right now, across all spectrums, in all ways.
Her winrate is worse than the healer that SNIPES to heal.

Theres something wrong, and you want to pretend my issues don’t exist, or don’t represent the ‘gestalt’.

So, what are they to do here? This is the problem with catering to everyone, not everyone will be happy. And thats how blizzard feels about wow as well unfortunately.

Well, the only solution is to try other heroes and improve with that. I enjoy Orisa a lot more after the changes, but I love reinhart because he is more me, but after the nerf he just melts if I try to do something other than shield and firestrike. Not fun at all.

As for the rest I have been there and know the feeling. But the best solution for me was feedback and or reroll or suck it up unfortunately. Roadhog is an good example, I didnt like him before because of how he easily one shot as tank, that didnt feel tanky to me, but then some changes happened and I liked him more and he felt better, and that made me enjoy the whole tank roster finally.

But here you also said it, investment. And looking at how many invested in mercy and how many different things people say you will never please anyone ever. And correct, so its not much blizzard can do, and we must just accept the answer then that this is how it will be for now. And I have been looking at this mercy stuff carefully, its too many different people so they actually cant do much if anything. If they do something it might as well be to do something just to do it. Right now we have these groups: Who just want hps increase back, rework, mass ress back, change E, change valk. Then you have the sub parts in all of this. Blizzard has lost no matter what they do and so does the mercy players. Then they just have to stick with what they have done now til they get better data or see that ok now the game has changed so much that mercy needs help or be changed as well to fit in the game. So I dont know what more to say, its not really much more to discuss, but it does seem you have the same picture as I do now or at least some degree. Idk if you had before but the last part makes it sound so at least.

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I mean I don’t even play Mercy and I want her reverted/reworked :man_shrugging:

It literally wasn’t. The only time a developer responded in the thread was the old forums when Jeff himself said “Thanks for the feedback we are reading it daily” and that’s the last we saw of him in the thread. There is 0 engagement with the Mercy community. No explanation as to why the ideas being given to them are bad? Why they refuse to change Mercy in a more engaging way. There has been complete silence for over a year and a half. These threads started when Mercy first got reworked WARNING them that the iteration of Mercy they had on the PTR would be broken af and that it was a bad idea. Then they received ideas on how to change Mercy’s old ultimate to make it more engaging and counterable with E abilities that would function like normal E abilities (not an ultimate on E). But the responses we’ve got since day 1 and the only responses we get currently are. AlL yOu WaNt Is MaSs ReZ. Nobody took the time to tackle the problems with old Resurrect or we would’ve had a balanced and engaging version of Mercy by now and there would’ve been a lot less spam on the forums in regards to her.