The Mercy Nerf will do Absolutely Nothing

I’ll say this, despite everything that’s happened since the Mercy rework, one thing I will never forgive Blizzard for is that they didn’t even attempt to nerf Mass Rez with reduced ranged, LoS checks , etc. Instead they just completely reworked it to get Mass Rez out of the game in time for the OWL…

And… Neither do you? I’m glad we both settled that conundrum. Thanks for giving your opinion though.

Spoiler alert btw: You can put down the tin-foil hat, “revert mercy cults” don’t exist. Just people who aren’t afraid to see everything as “fine and dandy” with a rework that has failed more than 10 times. I prefer to be a realist, and when something has proven multiple times that it won’t work, I am inclined to not trust it anymore and go back to the basics.

Also you assumed that almost 500 of those likes are all from smurfs and alt accounts. Do you have any proof of this? Otherwise I am going to write you off as once again, projecting your bias. No… That’s unhealthy… I prefer to be better than be part of the “Mercy hatred cult.” It seems just as bad as your non-existent “revert mercy cult” you seem to constantly refer to. :smirk:

I think they have a plan laid of for Mercy we just don’t know it yet. I know they gave a reason for the healing nerf but it just seemed to come at a random time. (all the support changes really lol). Hopefully they find a way to balance rez or just remove it cause its been almost a year of this nonsense and everyone is tired.

Well that’s just your opinion man. See I can do it too :rofl:

And in the unlikely event that it doesn’t?

That’s almost impossible unless she falls to barely being used at all.

Are you comparing Rez on E to Valkyrie or Mass res to Valkyrie? On both fronts you’d be incorrect. I’m pretty confident that Valkyrie has had more nerfs than Mass res and Rez on E combined. So… Not sure what you’re trying to prove there bud. If it’s telling me anything, it’s that the rework has been a failure, and a revert is the best option. Not sure what you want me to say lol.

Also it looks like you’re going into the typical anti-mercy hate remarks that so often creep up when logic is applied as to why Mercy was better back in 1.0… *yawn. I’ve addressed 99% of the rest of your post in the past, so instead of repeating myself. I’ll just reference my hard to swallow pills.

You are incorrect. Completely real… sigh here we go.

So you admit that Valkyrie made Mercy more than a must-pick than Mass res then? If not, then you will need to admit that Mercy was a troll pick when she had mass res BEFORE her invincibility buff. You can’t try to prove a point in Valk as being broken and then deny that Mercy was a troll pick before given her mass res invincibility buff. That’s just being in denial at that point :wink:

Mercy didn’t break the game.

The SR exploit was a bug entirely separate from Mercy, and was patched before she was given a rework. So that’s irrelevant. Mercy didn’t break the SR system, the SR system broke Mercy.


  1. No counter play
  2. Was looked at as a troll-pick hero

Pick one.

Also, mass res had no counterplay? Oh… I guess these plays never existed.

Let’s not lie to ourselves. If you didn’t blow all your ults at once, Mercy’s mass res was easily countered.

I want a revert, not a rework. What are you referring to?

Okay… Then you agree with me, because I also think that Valk is a failure of a rework. What are you trying to prove to me there? I’ve been telling you this entire time that Valk is a failure, and that they need to revert. You seem to be confused with the point of this thread. I’m not asking to revert her to Valk 1.0. I’m asking to revert her to MERCY 1.0. When she was a troll pick with mass res on Q. I’m asking for them to tweak her from there, where she wasn’t a must pick for 5 months straight. If you dislike Valk as well, you should be agreeing with me.

Another hard pill to swallow however. They’re not removing res. Sorry. It isn’t happening… The devs know that people love Mercy because of res, and they know how iconic it is. They’ve said multiple times in the past that res is not being removed, so the only other alternative would be a revert.

As a heavy Mercy player since beta with lots of time in high masters and GM, I believe this to be the heaviest nerf she’s received. It is extremely difficult to keep people alive through even one source of damage right now. A huge percentage of deaths on my team this week have happened while my beam was on them and it doesn’t feel great. I also have to spend a lot more time healing and topping people off in general, which limits the time I have to move around or damage boost or do whatever else I might’ve done otherwise.

I don’t wan’t a mass rez revert by any means. Mercy 2.0 was a huge improvement over 1.0, but I don’t believe she needed a healing nerf. Making her worse doesn’t make the other supports better.

14 nerfs to one hero is unfair and pathetic, I’d be embarrassed as a game dev. The rework failed, time to try something else.


“911, I’d like to report a murder…”

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Not a mercy main, but I miss mercy v1.0 regardless.

Give her back her dignity, would you?

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Actually, Jeff Kaplan stated in many different interviews before the developer update that they wanted to rework Mercy because she wasnt getting picked much. Lucio and Ana were the meta. Mercy’s ultimate was garbade before invulnerability because you would either die trying to use it or right after. Look at its patch history. Mass Rez had to be buffed so many times in order to be effective. Jeff said in a kotaku interview that Mercy’s ultimate had the greatest potential but at the moment it was the weakest of all support ults in what it did. Mass rez was a garbage ultimate because bringing back all 5 people where they died and then having the main healer die again is just feeding ult charge.

In Diamond+ Mercy was a troll pick with Mei having a higher pickrate. She was used in elos lower than that because of her simplicity. The devs were upset and as Jeff said “Mercy was designed to be the dedicated healer”, as on release you had the choice between Zen, Lucio and Mercy. But because of Mercy’s ult being so bad in spite of its potential (like Deadeye), she was overlooked in favor of running two off healers and then when the hero limit ws implemented Mercy because you didnt have much of a choice.

What this rework shows, is that a tempo rez is far superior to a mass rez. Mass rez just sets you up for failure.

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Thank you. Someone with good sense.
At this point, it MIGHT kill her. But she still has the freaking regular cooldown Res. So she’ll probably come back.
I’m sick of this moth problem.

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