The Mercy Nerf will do Absolutely Nothing

This has happened… 10 times before.

Mercy gets a nerf. The forums get filled with “Thank god! Mercy is dead!”, “She got nerfed, all is well again!”, “She needs this!” threads. The Mercy haters rejoice, they Mercy mains get pissed off.

Then, we wait a few weeks, and then we’re back at square one. She climbs back to the top spot, and the vicious cycle begins all over again.

I hope you guys realize that as long as they ignore the actual problem with Mercy, which is putting her ultimate back on Q instead of a fixed 30 second cool-down, that this vicious cycle will never end.

When are we actually going to fix Mercy? When are we getting a revert? This re-run of the “Nerf Mercy” sitcom is getting stale, and after 11 seasons, is going no where. It’s getting more and more bland, and it’s time to change the channel.



Actually I think this nerf (and subsequent buffs to other healers) did it.

Color me suprised


Which was said in just about all 10 of the other previous nerfs.

I apologize for no longer being “surprised” after the 7th or 8th time. It’s getting old.


Its fine lol i may be completely wrong in the upcoming weeks

This nerf is working more than the others have. Her win rates are below 50% and Ana and Moira are showing up a ton more. Albeit it’s only been a few days but I think this nerf was the one to finally break the camels back

No matter how many times you nerf Rez, it won’t make Ana/Moira have a better Rez than Mercy.

But if you nerf Healing, then Ana/Moira can have an advantage Mercy doesn’t have.

Giving resurrect on Q again is an horrible idea and I hope devs never listen to this stupid suggestion over and over.


to OP:

I dont have stats, but in the few games I play, I am seeing her picked less

so thats not nothing

No manner how many times you nerf her healing, as long as she has rez on cooldown, she will outperform the other supports. The problem is her rez, not her healing.

A Thread with almost 500 likes proves you to be completely incorrect.

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Implying 500 likes >the whole player base including non-Mercy players.


Mercy rez will always make her viable. Looking forward to this endless cycle lol.

Did you guys see aria rose made another video?

Don’t care if people don’t like her videos, I find her very amusing ^.^


ehheheheh, i guess. time is the ultimate truth teller. :smiley:

That statement didn’t make much sense in context of this discussion. The fact remains, there is documented proof that Rez on Q works, and saying “that idea is stupid” is your own subjective opinion. Almost 500 likes? Sounds like a smart idea to me. :smirk:

I dont get it how does 1 megathread with a tiny fraction of the entire community prove his opinion is wrong? Lol

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If they can make it so that Ana/Moira healing would keep a hero alive about 6 times per game, where Mercy would not, then Rez is mostly cancelled out.

And also for every person who says “Rez is the problem” very few of them really want a weaker Rez.

Another Revert Mercy cultist/alt account with a level 8 smurf. Mass Rez was unhealthy for the game.

She was nerfed and the other supports have been buffed. If it doesn’t work, they will take more measures. In the mean time, stop spamming the forums with 123812039819023 “Mercy is dead” threads. She has been the most picked support for now 11 seasons.

Also I love it how there’s apparently some popular Mercy main called Aria Rose or some stuff preaching the Mercy gospel and we are bombarded with her videos. Fun is subjective, fun is not measurable and not relevant when talking about balance.

The fact remains that Resurrect is broken/OP and doesn’t belong in Overwatch it cannot be balanced without making the rest of the support cast a throw pick.

The main reason why Mercy got reworked is because Mass resurrect, then Blizzard made the stupid mistake of placing it as a normal skill believing “Well 1 resurrect is less OP than pulling 2-3 or even 5 at the same time”

From point A we moved to Point B.A and now you want to revert back to point A removing Valkyrie, not even your own devoted one trick player base makes sense.

When mass resurrect was a thing, your people complained about ;

Mercy is helpless
Mercy is a rez bot
Mercy cannot do anything by herself and gets focused all the game
My teammates are stupid, everyone is stupid they never protect us

Then Blizzard gave you Valk to kinda solve all those problems and gave you fully independence with your new ult and also still having resurrect tied to 30 seconds no matter what but now ;

Mercy is unfun
I don’t feel powerful
Bring back mass ress

Opinions aren’t wrong until people assume them as fact. If an opinion is given without data or proof, they shouldn’t be surprised when someone asks for the facts. The whole “This is my opinion, therefore I’m right.” Mentality often crumbles pretty quickly when you start asking them “how did you come to that conclusion, got any proof?”

Here’s an additional fact. We’ll be right back at square one with Mercy being a must pick, despite her 10 point decrease in her healing. A lot of people don’t pick Mercy primarily for “her healing”. But I suppose we’ll have to see in a few weeks how her ratings end up. I’m betting in the “Nothing changed” camp this time.

10 nerfs with no real results kind of makes for a good basis to go by.

If Mercy some how magically went down to 45 HPS she would be dumpster tier even with Res on CD.

Everyone would pick Ana, Moira even Lucio since they would heal a lot more during team fights.

She might still see play in lower ranks where mechanical skill is low but in higher ranks her pickrate would drop instantly.

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