The Mercy Nerf is an Indirect Nerf to Every Hero 💔

I am aware, lol… that is not where my concern as I am fine with these changes. I can just see it now that solo healing will be more difficult, and keeping a hero alive understand fire will be more so difficult as well.

I know… I think I made a comment saying that these are both indirect buffs and indirect nerf to everyone as well.

Lol what?

Holding m1 and out healing dps damage was part of the issue. the other part is rez and her unlimited mobility.

Everyone knows that majority of the damage dealers can easily out damage an enemy who is being healed by Mercy with 60HPS.

Again her healing was never the issue, her issue lies with resurrection being on a 30 second cool-down rather than being earned.

Her unlimited mobility was never the issue.
Her healing was never the issue…

the true issue was and still is the ability to resurrect without it being earned.

delusional mercy one trick

She wasn’t the most powerful healer, that is why she was buffed…

Lol I am not even a one-trick though… but okay. :wink:

But I am not going entertain individuals such as yourself… Especially since the person who tried to down-grade me have his or her profile on private. :blush: but have a great day sir.

I can apply your logic to every nerf ,for example : ‘‘The mccree FtH nerf is an indirect nerf to everyone ,the enemy team now doesn’t die as fast anymore’’

Any logical person would reply to that with ‘‘But that’s stupid ,now your team also doesn’t die as fast’’ which they’re correct on ,and can be applied here.

This isn’t an ‘‘indirect nerf’’ to everyone ,yes your team is getting healed less ,but so is the enemy team.

Just like the Mccree FtH nerfs, the enemy team is taking less damage but so is yours.

Are you calling one of the most prominent Sombra players on the forums a Mercy one-trick?

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Trust me, I understand what you are saying lol… I am just saying that these changes will affect the survivability of certain heroes and class more so than other, but it is still affecting everyone’s survivability.

I am aware that the other team have that same disadvantage, however, I just feel as though these changes are not going change a thing as her healing per second was never her issue.

Healing is different because it is something that augments players capabilities rather than something that is independently useful to the hero doing it.

This lowers the TTK, which actually further increases the value of rez. If supports cannot generally prevent deaths from occuring, even to the worst weapons, then the next best thing is reviving them or killing their threat yourself.

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I wouldn’t entertain him if I was you… He is probably looking at my competitive stats, but what he don’t know is that I run in a six-stack… where I play supports because I am one effective and aggressive Mercy Players… but as you can see I played other heroes and still won. Yes, as I stated you will see 2 hours on Mercy, but that is because I am the support player in our six stacks.

but I am a one-trick Mercy Main.

Its just annoying because as damage heroes have gotten mostly better at securing kills, there is less and less room for healers that can’t rez (or kill) and non-burst dps.

This change doesn’t do a ton to change that because it is coming to the only healer that has rez readily available.

So it is mostly just going to make her feel worse to play and play with, without changing the actual issue of what makes her unfun to play against.

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Exactly… Like I said I don’t mind the changes as I am not complaining, but just know that I will still wreck with Mercy and I will still dominate as these changes still do not fix her true issue, which is resurrection is still not earnable.

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A troll is a troll, better not respond to it.

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Well that’s fine then. If every hero got nerfed, there’s no real difference.

I think it will be good, though. As the devs said, Mercy heals significantly more than any other healer. Even with these changes, she will still be the most consistent support.

The goal isn’t to make Mercy easier to “counter” but rather to just allow other healers who can’t heal as much to stand a chance for a slot on the team.

It’s also a nerf to PharMercy, which is especially good for console (even though I don’t play on console).

She wasn’t the most powerful healer. Maybe right at launch, but once Zen got his buffs and Ana was added Mercy was not the best pick. Until the rework Ana was always a better choice.

I am not responding to it lol :sweat_smile: